General Discussion

General DiscussionMy definition of ELO hell.

My definition of ELO hell. in General Discussion

    Its not bad players. Its bad players with bad attitude.

    I can handle that 10-2-9 Invoker telling me to stfu.

    I cannot handle that 0-4-2 carry vengeful spirit telling me I'm a bad support.


    kthxbai rant over I shall practise getting better to get out of this hell hole.

    Bone Chilling

      Mute's good for your health.

      bum farto

        There is nothing funnier than coaching 2K people and having someone on the enemy team shit talking like he is really good and claiming he would be 5K if not for all the bad players in his team.

        I think ELO-HELL is actually ELO-Purgatory where players are waiting for their next jump either up or down. In the 3K bracket or which ever bracket that is their world, and having never tasted better they assume that is their life and they just plateau there. This is again why all those "experiments" are dumb because they're already better players. They have already made it.

        Quoting the wise words of Bilbo

        “Go back?" he thought. "No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!" So up he got, and trotted along with his little sword held in front of him and one hand feeling the wall, and his heart all of a patter and a pitter.”

        If you aren't going forward you're going back or stagnating at best, always be moving up, always be improving, do whatever it takes to make sure you don't stand still for a moment.


          Ello hell doesn`t exist , it`s just excuse. Sometimes you drop even 200-300 mmr and cant do nothing about that but is same about everything in life you drop down and go up.. if you play every game very good and on better lvl than your actuall mmr you ll go up after some time for sure.


            i actually lost 16 games in a row

            95% of them contained 1-3 russians in those games my first game after 16 losses was without any russian in it

            i was 5.7k mmr when i started 40 hours ago im down to 5.3k atm :D

            Donald Duck

              Havoc coach me plx! :D


                i started at 2.3K (calibrated nearly5 months ago) then left it there. :D now im up to 2.5K. Atleast i know where i stand in the DoTA community, which is at the fucking bottom.

                bum farto

                  @Copy Sure I guess, just add me when you get the chance.

                  @Sir Rat-A-Lot

                  You would be surprised how players at the 2-3K brackets do the smallest things to fuck themselves up. Watching games almost every evening for players has taught me that a lot of people aren't bad players, they just make small mistakes........over and over and over, which over time will lose them the game and keep them losing or stagnating.

                  This is where I think the hell is, players are making mistakes that are fucking them over but they don't know their doing it so will forever be ruining themselves unless someone tells them. Most people will not take advice from people in their bracket, some will just not take it at all and a 5K telling a 3k player he is wrong and doing something bad will more than likely get you called a "fucking chink".

                  Source: Zenoth to Hael

                  Want higher MMR and better games, do two things...this won't win you all your games but will help you improve as a player and over time allow you to move up.

                  1. Decision making
                  2. Execution

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                    I thought I said I didn't mind bad players.

                    Its the attitude of some, primarily flamers and griefers. Did everyone misinterpret or what?

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                    bum farto

                      Newp got that, just felt somethings were worth a mention.


                        Bilbo's words are wise but god that was random as hell. Though slightly relevant.

                        I am actually doing that right now, I'm fedup of trying to convince people that I'm better than 3.9k because this fucking number is like a god damn stigmata. So, onward the MMR train the only way to go.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I have a friend I sometimes play with you is like 2500. I'm not very high either, mid 3ks but wow there's a huge difference between us. Well anyway he tried to rosh as ursa but didn't use smoke to go in, team saw and came and killed him. A game later ursa on enemy team tries to rosh, dosn't use smoke, we go an kill him. My friend writes in all chat, "No smoke? Lol noob, that's like first day knowledge son!" /facepalm He literally did the same exact thing 1 fing game before.

                          Personally I just ignore people's "advice." I've been playing a lot of wraith king last few games and get TONS of pings and wtf wk because I am farming or I don't stun people when I am low mana and saving it for a res. Omg sorry I didn't give you 2 seconds of extra life you poor support cus then we'd have both died when I am oom and can't res. Omg guys I'm so sorry I didn't tp mid when they weren't seriously pushing as I free farmed safe lane, my bad, I should definitely support you as you leave the tower to die and drop my farm from 500gpm to 350.

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                          King of Low Prio

                            The invoker with good stats does not have to deal with garbage support players in the early game as much as a safe lane carry. My farm can be cut in half by the support player destroying the creep equilibrium.


                              And how is that relevant to competence?

                              Say for example, due to fucked up teammates, the carry AM has to solo btm against a duolane. I'd understand if the AM couldn't farm but say the AM goes 0-6 and flames the hell out of everyone like he's a 6k pubber, thats what I hate.

                              You don't have to go retard because your support went retard.

                              King of Low Prio

                                you have to take alot more risks to grab farm when your supports dont help create space. Its like if your supports dont buy any wards you can either just sit at the tier 3 or take the risk and get SOME farm. No I am not talking about a solo lane because if I am solo I can do alot more for myself than with a bad support who pushes the lane / soaks exp.



                                  THE INVOKER/VS WAS JUST AN EXAMPLE.





                                      I'm just basically saying bad players with bad attitudes are the worst to put up with?

                                      I mean that polite Weaver feeding 3-9-4 but listens and apologises is a lot more tolerable than that fucking 9-9-1 Riki who thinks he's the boss.

                                      do u get wt i mean

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I was just responding to your example.......if you make a different one my opinion might change

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I dunno personally flaming does not effect me (maybe cuz I flame alot :P) so I would rather have the riki, but I get your point. Some people have harder skin than others.


                                            The jungle furion with a score of 6-1-3.

                                            His score is nice but in actual fact he's cost big teamfights by not being there, has a good score thanks to ksing with dagon + ult and generally achieved close to nothing with split pushing.

                                            "fucking noob supporks why didnt you juke 5 heroes and make rampage. noob"
                                            "fucking noob team don't create space how do i split"
                                            "Lol shit team telling me im bad LOLOLOL"



                                              Idk I guess its better to ignore such people.

                                              But god when they play horrid and whine in my face it gets me all pissed off how they are wasting my precious game time.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Wizard use the mute button, just mute this kind of kids and its fine ( or just flame then back in russian or spanish, its always nice to see how people get 10 times mad when they found that you are russian or peruvian )

                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I just hate when people bitch for what is clearly their mistake. Like they say why didn't you help me dive that guy? ... you shouldn't have been diving that guy in the first place. Or why didn't you back me up at this tower? Well we ping the map 5 times all you had to do was backup 10 feet behind the tower and you'd have been safe. Or we don't have enough wards stupid support, when we have wards up, just not where they died, but you can easily tell based on the missing lanes you shouldn't be that far top or whatever.


                                                    I understand what you mean, Mark.

                                                    I'm actually talking about exactly what you're saying. Anyway, I don't really point out mistakes because its already over. Unless to prevent said mistake in future situations. (because in the rare moments i bitch at someone, i'm 100% confident i'm in the right)

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      Sometimes people just have bad games. Your Rubick being 0-7-3 isn't necessarily because he's a bad player. Even pros make dumb mistakes. I've seen Arteezy straight up feed on his steam before.

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                                                      Kai no Kiseki

                                                        Didn't qojva go like 1-11 or something against EG. Qojva really bad guyz.


                                                          Both of you clearly didn't read.

                                                          That or lack comprehension skills.



                                                            Sometimes I get complete retards in SEA region matchmaking. Eg. there was this weaver that wanted to solo offlane, I went to ward jungle for him to block pull camp/see incoming ganks and I got told by him to go fuck myself for coming into his lane (which I told him I would leave after planting the wards). ?????????????

                                                            Seriously, sometimes it's not just bad manners. Some of these people are just fucking retarded.

                                                            And there's always going to be the idiot who complains about his teammates, calling them useless. Then do stupid things like getting caught out alone farming when we pinged that enemy heroes are all missing from the map.

                                                            Whether you're good enough to back up your trash talk or bad enough to go 0 12 1 and still trash talk, I think it gives you no reason to be rude to others just because they're not playing well and it's probably going to make things worse by doing that anyway.
                                                            Unfortunately you will meet such people every now and then ....

                                                            Kai no Kiseki

                                                              Like going 0-12 or something like that is really frustrating. Don't make it worse by flaming them lol


                                                                " In the 3K bracket or which ever bracket that is their world, and having never tasted better they assume that is their life and they just plateau there. This is again why all those "experiments" are dumb because they're already better players. They have already made it."

                                                                Well said, Badger.

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  Definition of elo hell: That centuar player that goes blademail no blink and uses ult to escape only. You know u in Elo hell when mirana uses ults like smoke or only uses ult to save himself after team dies. That place where CM doesn't buy farm and WD goes dagon level 5 before wards. Or dat CM jungle CM player with midas who ends up 0-20 late game. That Enchantress who thinks she's lycan with sceptor 30 mintues into the game.

                                                                  Finally that Night stalker who doesn't use ult at night and that Lone druid player who doesn't have summon bear, lul.

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