General Discussion

General Discussion6-slotted Nature's Prophet

6-slotted Nature's Prophet in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Is it worth upgrading phase/treads to travels? The extra ms is nice but you already get that from phase. On the other hand is it ever worth downgrading your boots to a sange and yasha? It gives 47 ms instead of 50 and also gives ok stats.

    Also when is it worth getting a refresher? After sheep + 1 item like halberd or orchid or only as 5th or 6th item


      The thing about NP is that he is VERYYYYY flexible with item builds. Get whatever you need for your team. What I like to think when deciding on items is

      "What item can I get that will win the game for my team"


        phase/treads to travels - Yes, of course. Teleport scrolls on Nature Prophet is and should be just as normal as on normal heroes.
        Just because you can teleport doesn't mean it's always off CD and that TPs wont be useful as escape/or something else. (Natures without TP/generally players with TP are usually looked @ as inexperienced.

        Sange and Yasha, never tried, but I guess no. Halberd, works. If your team benefits from it, go for it.

        Pretty much any item is viable on Nature. You might as well get mek and arcane boots.


          whats the point of boots lategame anyway i would rather have something like extra rapier or satanic instead of boots and be able to manfight many ppls


            replace BKB first and save that 2k for buyback


              @Vaikiss: Remember that pro game a few weeks back where Medusa got three rapiers and couldn't hit anyone because she was waddling around like a fat retarded cow with no boots? Her team had to forcestaff and vengeful swap her around just to get her in the fight. Boots let you actually engage people.




                  that was not pro.. but i agree on boots call


                    wow..LOL loved how they forced her around ..because she was so slow at walking haha..


                      That's intented. Force staff is better initiation item that boots!

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