General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti vs Morhp

Anti vs Morhp in General Discussion
MaTT, as you can see it was a pathetic game. But in every 1 v 1 fight between me and morph I had to blink away to live, he just hit so dam hard. We would have won, but nec got killed by the mega creeps while Mirana and I where at their ancient. Also nec never used his ulti properly :(.

    What items should I have bought to kill Morph?

    Also thanks to some dicks I had to offlane with Nec, so I could have probably got better last hits and farm if I was safe.

    One last thing, Steam said that this game would not be recorded, but Dotabuff has recorded it.


      I would say manta style would have been useful to outnumber and outdrain mana of him so he can't morth. Other than that morth is strong and hard to kill, necro needed to do that. Also your butterfly is useless cause he got MKB

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        I got butterfly then he got MKB.


          You're playing Anti-Mage. Where's your manta?


            I didn't think it would be as good at 1 v 1 as the other items and then I had no space


              There are very few times you shouldn't get Manta on AM. It'd be great 1v1 against Morph since he's almost entirely single target damage, and the extra mana burn from the illusions will kill his ability to strength morph when he's in trouble.


                The only reason that AntiMage appears to ahve an edge over Morph in Dotabuff is because medium and low level pubs fail to use Replicate correctly (bad micro, bad targetting)


                  AM beats morph quite handily actually, better at farming, better at man fighting - just brings a different set of skills to the table.

                  Manta is AM's source of damage. I would venture so far as to say that Manta is a far better item than Heart both offensively and defensively, considering both your illusions do full mana burn (2 seconds of abyssal lock down + 2 illusions should let you drain nearly 500 mana in just the duration of the stun).


                    "I didn't think it would be as good at 1 v 1 as the other items and then I had no space"

                    BF better than Manta 1v1... k


                      morph rules. antimage sucks.
                      morph is fun. antimage is no fun.
                      morph can "nuke".Antimage "killsteals"
                      morph needs big items to become a fucking monster. Antimage needs....uuh...6



                        it wasn't a practice game.This was real time gaming so, bf was needed to farm


                          You bring 1vs6 match as a template.What can we make out of it?


                            I know, but 50 min no space


                              mantaless AM is blinkless centaur


                                So I should have got manta instead of which item? And after which item? it was a 4 v 3 game and Morph just stomped. He got kills early game and then we had 2 leavers.

                                I was just wandering what I should have done/bought to kill morph. Maybe a bkb? The match was basically a 1 v 1, between me and morph.
                                He would just use EB and the Skadi really messed me up


                                  bfury and manta, blink in manta and abyssal him, he won't know which to eblade

                                  order for am should be


                                  insert vlads/bkb after manta/basher

                                  heart is terrible on am


                                    Thanks Zenoth, the guide I followed said heart is a core item.

                                    Bone Chilling

                                      @Sir Rat-A-Lot Morph is the most boring carry out there... He's just that boring lol


                                        heart is situationally good, but you shouldn't be putting yourself in situations where you need an extra 1k hp, and sinking 6k + an item slot into an item with absolutely no DPS output is quite horrible.

                                        Vlads provides the same sustain but alot more utility, while letting you solo Roshan easily.


                                          Manta is a must-have. Heart is also good, you could also consider vlads for some lifesteal. And you lost while having aegis in your inventory, like wtf.


                                            We had killed morph and where about to destroy their ancient, but nec (who was defending) died to mega creeps and we lost the game

                                            harvard graduate

                                              Anti Mage actually wrecks Morphling really hard but if you skip Manta on AM it is like skipping Blink Dagger on Batrider. Blink in, abyssal blade, manta - no mana morph ez


                                                I'm not sure Heart is core, it's needed for survivability purposes. Unless you can kill morph before he kills you. Like everyone has mentioned. MANTA IS NECCESSARY. There's a reason why the item Manta of arc exists.

                                                I don't believe that 3v4 helped either.

                                                Lesson here. GET MANTA --> your illusions do mana burn --> rapes morph's mana away --> he can't replicate out of team fights --> dies --> you win.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  That late in the game should you sell your bfury and get manta? The bfury attack won't help your illusions anyway. I also like bkb on AM though I'm not 100% sure you need it vs a right clicker like morph, but it would give you immunity vs skadi debuff I think.


                                                    skadi goes through bkb

                                                    am definitely needs bfury or he can't split push for nuts late game (tried and tested by many pros, they sold another item to buy back the bfury eventually)




                                                        It looks like he saw you building a butterfly and took advantage of it by getting the MKB. Still, he had no linkens to stop you from Abyssaling him into oblivion.
                                                        Manta Style is without a doubt the item that increases Anti-Mage's damage the most.

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