General Discussion

General DiscussionA few Dota questions for players who generally play in stacks

A few Dota questions for players who generally play in stacks in General Discussion

    - What are some exciting team comps you like to do in games? Are they hard, easy? Let me know I'd like to try some new things out (Enigma wombo combos, gank squad roamers, Io+hero rofl etc)

    Lately in my unorganized stack parties which range around like 10 different players at times we've been either winning or losing badly. We can't seem to work together with even the most common things such as if I don't play support we have a slight chance of losing or if our mid switches into the farming carry role and doesn't farm that affects us, etc.

    - What kind of adjustments should be made when you have a player who instalock/instapick (whatever the word is) a hard carry and the enemy team immediately counters him? such as picking a TBlade or something and the 'counters' come out.

    - How long did it take for your general stack group to start working together and cooperating well? I have been with this group for almost a year now and we still can't get much done right rofl. (the low 3k-ish squad of mine =D

    Thanks guys


      invoker (me) + dark seer (my friend)
      vacuum into tornado meteor blast. not very hard.
      we didn't really practice it, i just like playing invoker and he likes dark seer and we usually skype when we play.


        Venge + Cm + Sven aggro tri.


          whats the point on instapicking the hard carry actually? if you pick a magina the other team just picks great early game heroes and wreck you. HC should be the last picked imo, to help with that just say "stop instapicking you cunt, wait for them"

          but if you playing a full stack go for teamfight yolo wombo combo heroes like lich, disruptor, etc

          or if you wanna to really piss the shit out of your opponents, pick invoker mid and jugg safelane
          as soon as invoker gets lvl 5 or so, go to the safelane, cast coldsnap and jugg uses his Q, its gg


            With regards to playing well with a stack, ALWAYS walk in with a plan yo! Speak up and address who needs to initiate first (usually the easier stun to make or who has true vision etc etc). Once you've done it enough, it eventually becomes a norm.


              It's kind of hard, he instalocks mid or hard carry lol, and he'll say "don't worry about it I'm not gonna get countered" xd


                invoker (me) + treant (my friend)
                dual safelane with leech seed + cold snap is fun to abuse in pubs.
                no communication really required besides picking the heroes


                  look at my recent games (almost all in stacks)

                  I go invoker and rape while my team pushes


                    Magnus+either SK, Enigma, Disruptor, Witch, Lich, Gyro, Blah blah blah

                    Void+Lich, Witch


                      Spectre + zeus + furion + aa + silencer

                      Nuff said.

                      Овај коментар је измењен


                        Lone Druid + Lycan + Furion + Chen + Enchantress

                        Nuff said


                          Bristle + Undying hard lane. First blood more often than not. Quills with Decay is deadly. Can dominate a trilane easily.


                            Axe + Invoker

                            or go like earth shaker + kunkka :P
                            magnus + tiny


                              Meepo and almost any other hero with a nuke or a stun, almost all of my last games as Meepo we got first blood. Wierd lanes too like a meepo and tiny or meepo and sven, meepo and Lina is pretty awesome too.

                              A friend and I had fun with me as Storm and him as Life Stealer. He would infest me and I would zip after any heroes I could see.
                              Or take a lane with lots of stuns in it, had fun as slard and sandking or sandking and ES. Both where lots of fun. Especially when both of you have your mana boots up :)



                                If mmr is low, then abaddon+aa+weaver and treant offlane :D

                                towerdives drom lvl 2...


                                  "Lone Druid + Lycan + Furion + Chen + Enchantress

                                  Nuff said"

                                  A wild Earthshaker appears.

                                  Earthshaker uses Echo Slam.

                                  It's super effective!!!


                                    ^ lol :) nice reference!

                                    Miku Plays

                                      i once did a veno(me) and witchdoctor(buddy) offlane

                                      Donald Duck

                                        Void + wisp is a good one.

                                        Having spectre and wisp in the same team too. U can find opportunities everytime and everywhere as soon as both get level 6. Gank as 3 when laning stage is at the ending, feed spectre or the other hero teleported with wisp, just push to create space If needed and gg.

                                        kanye went to uni

                                          Wisp + Lina is good for the lols; you have fun even if you don't win (frankly, you probably won't win).

                                          A hero with some kind of ability to push lanes + Jakiro works pretty well because Jakiro's apparently OP this patch. It's flexible too; you can either safe lane or offlane with it, which is always good.


                                            treant doom safelane (very pub strat)

                                            bh cent offlane (VERY pub strat)