General Discussion

General DiscussionSirActionSlack's guide to raising mmr (aka getting out of "shit" tier)

SirActionSlack's guide to raising mmr (aka getting out of "shit" tier) in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    @Vuccapella I think it's actually quite good around 2500 or so. I have a couple friends there and they do exactly what he says- pick all hard carries, proceed to die all time instead of farming correctly, buy stupid items, but they can still win games late if you make space for them.



      The ward advice is true in all brackets up to 4700 i would say.


        i used to play support on 2k bracket
        it was like "im going mid to gank", then i stun and my mate was missing last hits instead of trying to kill the god damn pudge who would feed on sidelanes no matter what you say

        i could ward all over our jungle, people could actually see pudge's position and yet they got hooked always, so its fucking painful to support at that bracket but someone has to do the dirty work


 it's true guys, just sweet talk the fuck out of your carry and bring him to late game lol

          sidenote: I'M OMNIKNIGHT. PURIFICATION

          Kapitan Timba

            this strat is also what i did... nobody wants to push at all from my games in 3000-3500mmr, so what i did was fight for mid lane, build aghs + refresher on shaman within 30 min and push like a mad man


              Nice comeback at your game Sleave. This is one painful game i had and trust me when i say this void couldn't farm shit, he couldn't.. But still good support made him win our scary storm opponent who was something like 8-0 on 10th min.

     - Does anyone have more than 8.2k hero healing dmg at a 40 min game?

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                I dropped from 2500 to 1500 playing support. I recently switched to playing a carry and I have been rising back up. Maybe dazzle and venomancer are the problem?

                Hex Sigma

                  So thats why i started winning more and climbing in mmr when i played dark seer and necrophos! So cool, i also saw that if you talk sweet to your carry you will win more easily.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Dazzle should fit perfectly into this strat, he keeps peeps alive almost as well as omni late game and is stronger early game.


                      thats what i always do... except i treat enemies and teammates as retards in chat :D

                      i tell people the ward advice all the time... best fucking investment there is

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                        it works in all tiers.

                        edit: and tree, well because tree has retard proof armor, so you cast it on your retards and they think they are actually good.
                        wins games.

                        5th pick gloves of haste midas or doom, do not win games..

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