General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips on Nature's Prophet?

Any tips on Nature's Prophet? in General Discussion

    I've been playing Dota for few months and lately decided to try some harder heroes, like Furion. I've played two games, which didn't go that good for me, even that we managed to win the first one.

    Do you guys have any tips that I should try?


      you have to become one with the rat, to be able to rat


        kill creeps get gold

        help with teleports once its off cooldown and ur 100% sure u will get kills with that

        don't get picked off

        splitpush when u see that ur team is making space fighting 4v5 while still helping with ur ulties

        thats about it

        casual gamer

          Against heroes that will attempt to gank you (when u push) with right click like slark ursa or antimage get ghost.

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            Use CTRL to move all creeps and your hero


              First tip is to not fucking pick nature versus Storm, second tip is to find someone to communicate with.

              that's the two best tips Ì can give.

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                ^ and dont buy agha

                GG | dudutsai

                  Skill W and go to the cliff on radiant side between t2 mid and t2 bot. You can hit the hard camp from there without getting hit back!


                    keep farming jungle all game, helping teammates is for pussies
                    when the enemies team think they won, you start splitpushing and you win because they are too cocky to realize u are already taking their throne down

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      watch more rat dota. Watch old replays of good furions like Admiralbulldong and others.

                      Flat is Justice!

                        there are numerous builds for furion

                        the most common - "i dont give a fuck till i get 6 cores items" jungle furion
                        the - "hey i have phase boots, i will tp and everywhere now" aggressive furion
                        the - "looks like a team fight is going to break out" time to RAT, split pusher furion
                        the - "I am looking for their courier brah" random furion

                        As the pros call it, he is a versatile hero that isn't hard to master

                        Hex Sigma

                          even though he isn't hard I find him to be very squishy , in the fact that he goes down super fast if you focus him. I would really love to play furion more properly but sadly I pretty much suck with him :(


                            well in extremshittierbracket natures weaknesses isn't seen cause people doesn't fckin care about nature.

                            Just hit towers, aint nobody gonna def them bro

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                            Hex Sigma

                              mb I just had bad luck


                                I don't think he's a good hero to solo q with, his ganks require some kind of communication and its not going to work if you're with a bunch of people who speak spanish or portuguese. Meanwhile if you farm jungle passively you leave the game in the hands of the idiots you refuse to gank for. Doing this is some kind of determination by some to win the game alone, which is so easily countered by repeatedly killing the furion in question.
                                He's still a great hero if you have one or two buddies to play with. Remember that you can't be split pushing... if you are the only one that is pushing. You will have fifty heroes on your ass so fast.

                                casual gamer

                                  I don't really have any difficulty ganking with random people. Any attempt to kill a hero is augmented by you and you can easily swing small-scale clashes in the favor of your team. He's also ok at snowballing because he farms fast and has global presence.

                                  My biggest problem is that if my team loses even slightly early, I have a lot of trouble not dying unecessarily


                                    Don't use your ult directly on people you want to kill. Use it somewhere else so the bounce does more damage.
                                    I play rat furion and it's fun :) I buy blink sometimes just to challenge myself to map awareness and reaction time.


                                      key to furion imho opinion is map awareness and being proavtive. The best furions are guys like iceiceice who will use their treants for map awareness and wards very proactively.

                                      For a new player, you got to basically know when to come help your lanes with gank by the time you are level 4, and you have to know what time (around 10-15 minutes) it is time to stop trying to farm jungle and start trying to push out lanes.


                                        its ez as fuck to gank with some random ppl, just wait for one retarded start attacking another retarded, then you tp in, kill everyone push tower ez game ez life ez mid

                                        My dawg

                                          buy phase boots first and gank everyone lane then go back for a midas

                                          Ape Prime

                                            Go cliff jungle, farm a Midas as fast as you can. You can cliff jungle both on radiant and dire sides. On the radiant it's at the hard camp cliff, the one close to tier 2 mid. On dire you have to teleport right in the trees of the hill near the top rune. That's the medium camp. Make sure you do it correctly or you will be stuck there waiting painfully for your cool down to finish.

                                            Try to look out for first blood while farming up that Midas. When you encounter the trolls hard camp at the radiant cliff(the ranged green bastards), spawn treants and use them to tank. Most of the time you should be aft auto attacking the neutrals while looking around the map. When an opportunity arises, tp to lane and gank em'. Try to kill steal the hero you are ganking as it will make up for the time you used to gank so that your Midas won't be delayed.

                                            After that you basically finish up your core: treads and shadow blade. Rat me towers while team fights are happening. Don't forget to save your ult during team fights. Use it while pushing to assist your fellow mates in team fighting. But don't use it everytime the cool down goes off, as you will steal your carries farm.

                                            After some towers, you should get items depending on the situation. Hex is good if you plan on helping out in team fights a bit, disabling those carries. You can go for necro if you like to rat. After that you can go dps items like Daedalus. Mjolnir is a good attack speed pick up too. You can get Deso too if it's not too late.

                                            Just remember to rat rat rat rat rat, be an annoying little rat!


                                              I had a a NP flame me badly last game, got level 6 quickly and went to say hello :) don't cliff jungle if they have a storm or anti or anyone with a blink. Whenever I play against a NP I always check if they are cliff jungling. Also Rubick's lift can throw you off the the cliff :)


                                                When pushing always send 1 treant up behind the tower to catch the enemy creepwave. You can tell where the enemy creepwave is by looking at your own creepwave in the opposite lane (ie radiant bot creeps are mirrored with dire top creeps)

                                                Ape Prime

                                                  ^or you can look at the time. It's more accurate. Creeps spawn every 30 seconds so you should be able to estimate when the creeps will reach the tower.


                                                    It might seem counter intuitive on Prophet but carry a TP in the early game.

                                                    Will allow you to do 2 things.
                                                    1) Escape while the global is on cooldown.
                                                    2) During a fight, TP back to base and then back to the fight again very quickly (Like a slightly slower acting cheese)


                                                      u call furion a hard hero :D;;............................................................................................................................................................... i dont know what to say to you

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