General Discussion

General DiscussionEZ4RTZ

EZ4RTZ in General Discussion

    EG wins the summit

    your move EU

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      that burning backdoor attempt tho..

      cant believe they play yung lean after...


        NA DOTA WINS grats to both teams for making to the finals and an awesome grand finals.

        King of Low Prio

          What about Dendi guys????he is the greatest dota 2 player right???He was in that movie :l


            well na'vi > na'vi confirmed


              dondo plz nerf

              dendi is WAY overrated

              imo hes not even in top 5 mid players now

              King of Low Prio


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                  Quick maffs

                    Dendi is so fucking overrated seriously

                    King of Low Prio

                      fawking angry Dendi fanboy lol

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                        King of Low Prio

                          If I was trying to troll and I got you to flip out like that then any reasonable person would assume that I am quite he competent troll.

                          Quick maffs

                            I dont have anything against dendi himself ( well i hate when he tries to be funny because he is NOT ) but man, i fucking hate his fanboys ( mostly because most of dendi fanboys are actually peruvians and brazilians )

                            Quick maffs

                              Why u have to be mad ? its not like you are his father or something man


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                                King of Low Prio

                                  I say the exact same shit irl as I would online. (I got a team suspension for telling one of the team executives that he is better off staying at home than embarrassing our university at the upcoming tournament :) )

                                  Honesty is the best policy

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    btw nobody here cares about ur dead relatives so stop trying to get pity points


                                      It is just game, why you haff to be mad?

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                                            Ban this fuckin fag Sampson from this forum already please, cause all he does is flame people who actually did something in their life or making fun from others misery.

                                            Sorry to hear that dd. Otherwise nice play from EG, well deserved win.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I love how angry these Dendi fanboys get when u dont bow down to their god

                                              Miku Plays

                                                why start something personal dd?


                                                  MURICA BEST DOTO

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    So let me see if i understand it, i have to respect dendi because he has a sad history.

                                                    I see man thanks

                                                    btw this is sampson mind controlling dorkly to write what he wants so if you want to ban someone ban Sampson




                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        Somehow my mind control does not seem to work on smurf players and random shit players that I kick from teams. Odd I need to step up my game.


                                                          Hatsune Miku, why add me after a dotacinema game after I've called you animefag, you came mid to ruin my lane then I carried your ass?


                                                          Have you even read anything in this thread?
                                                          Sampson thinks I'm some dendifanboy, thus I explained why I got mad/annoyed by his stupid comment towards dendis history.

                                                          Bad trolls aint funny m8


                                                            It's not about a sad story, are you retarded? It's about a guy who everybody knows and did a lot for this game. That's why he's respected by every single professional Dota player, except some fags on this forum. Dont like his personality? Ok. But if you dont respect his skill in this game, they you're a helpless morron who should go play some other game.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              wow so its fine to not like a person but not respecting his skill in a fucking videogame is wrong ?

                                                              holy shit what did i just read

                                                              oppa oppa dendi davai idi nahui oppa oppa dendi

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                wtf has Dendi done for this game? Where did I say I dont acknowledge that he is a good player? I acknowledged that he is not even top 5 (barely top 10) mid players.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Dendi is respected as a professional player NOT for what he as contributed to dota.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Dendi is god and he created dota 2 in the day 7 man

                                                                      Овај коментар је избрисан.
                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        regardless of what I put down on the list you will flip out because dendi is not on the list


                                                                          Sampson - turn on your brain before you reply, that post was pointed at Dorkly. And Dorkly - you're on Dotabuff forum where we talk about a damn videogame called Dota 2. If you dont respect a player who won TI and was second at 2 of them, then you clearly dont give a fuck about a game you spent over 1100 games and hundreds of hours on. Who's stupid here?

                                                                          Btw: "I got a team suspension for telling one of the team executives that he is better off staying at home than embarrassing our university at the upcoming tournament :)"

                                                                          I suggest you do the same in this Dotabuff tournament, you'd do everyone a favour if you did.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Mason just won the Summit, guess everyone should respect that kid -_-


                                                                              Sampson not accomplished anything in his life, ohwait beside trolling internet.

                                                                              guess we should respect that kid -_-

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                So because I dont think Dendi is top 5 mid players I cant accomplish anything in life

                                                                                ooo lord these dendi fanboys crack me up


                                                                                  GG WP dd sama Kappa.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    You see, i agree that dendi was a GREAT player at his time, and what ? why should i RESPECT him because of that ? why should i consider him better person than anyone else ? You are basically saying the every dota 2 player should like/respect dendi, or his personality or his dota skills, and that its bullshit i am sorry.

                                                                                    I respect people by how they behave, how they act and what they say

                                                                                    Like sampson is saying rtz and mason they both just won the summit and i have 0 respect for both of them

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      damn boys i thought we were congratulating EG

                                                                                      and but why hate Dendi, hes a good dude. bright personality and all that

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        the dendi fanboys are still salty that they didnt see him in the finals (NaVi is losing on purpose to save strats for TI Kappa)

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          I dont hate him actually my dream is to met him

                                                                                          after that my life will be completed

                                                                                          Miku Plays


                                                                                            I only play on Aussie server... must be another one :<


                                                                                              I cant be mad. I like Arteezy as much as i like dendi. Rock on.

                                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                                322 is everywhere Keepo


                                                                                                  I gotta respect the NaVi squad. First pro Dota team I ever saw (1+ year Dota vet ^^') and made me love the game more w/ Tobiwan casts and LoH/Puppeh Enigma plays, etc. I agree though, I think they are saving strats for TI4. I remember someone here saying that too.


                                                                                                    I don't think so Hatsune. You were on Melodies friendlist, so you're the shit that tried to ruin my mid.

                                                                                                    Also, you just deleted me recently, why is that? You figured I'm not going to play pubs to carry you anyway?



                                                                                                      dendi is still one of the best players in the world, he is not performing that well lately as none of navi is
                                                                                                      and making jokes about his father's death doesnt look very mature of you

                                                                                                      and saying that no one cares about dd's father is the same that saying that no one cares about how black you are yet you whine to admins everytime someone call you a nigger so i think ur a bit out of the point there

                                                                                                      Miku Plays


                                                                                                        ok w/e dd

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