General Discussion

General Discussionhow are people playing TB these days?

how are people playing TB these days? in General Discussion

    Details mother fuckers. Add them.


      Split pusher and occasional fighter that's about the best you can do.

      Dire Wolf

        How come no one ever tries TB mid? He's pretty decent 1v1, if PA can do it why can't TB?


          Pa has evasion and can escape ganks with his second spell. Tb has very low hp and nothing escape mehanizm,after this last nerf he is very very sqvishy and he can die very fast.

          Hex Sigma

            you can also make a sb if you want an escape :D



              i havent lost a game since the nerf

              his ability to find farm is too difficult to shutdown, if you get a decent lane just farm it, if its an easy lane farm lane + jungle, if its a heavily contested lane but with dodgable stuns i will use meta to dodge projectile stuns and go in on them (assuming i have supports), if its a GG-WP lane i will head to the jungle and farm, if they contest my jungle i will go to their jungle and farm

              bottom line is you need to find farm

              as long as you can find decent farm not many players can deal with tb properly

              tb (IMO) is best played as a pushing carry, you don't need to take fights unless you have a significant farm advantage. in games where your team is playing evenly, you can easily find opportunities to take towers, if your team is ahead, you can easily smash enemies in team fights, and if you are behind, you need to choose farming spots carefully while pushing out whatever lanes you can with minimal risk. recently i decided that an early BoTs facilitates this very well since the other two boots were for early fighting which TB sucks at now with the nerf to both str and his first skill.

              it gets more difficult if the opponents have high mobility catchers with invisibility such as clinkz (before manta), SA, or QW Orchid invoker. Against those it is very difficult to play without accurately predicting their movements around the map, which admittedly I am not good at sufficiently.

              the item build i use is for optimizing tank+damage on illusions, you need 2 cleaving cores with MKB to simply even out the lanes at the rate TB can push, and supports (short of lion) can simply dream about killing your illusions without heavy nuke investment

              unless the enemies have meepo, that hero is a bitch in right hands

              late game he has a combination of an epicenter's worth of magical damage on a fucking 6 second cooldown along with monster right click, that hero is the bane of all split pushers

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              Dire Wolf

                Yeah but TB's dmg output at lvl 3 with 1/1/1 is still extremely high, he becomes ranged and his base armor is very high, he can probably 1v1 most heroes in lane. I've tried to 1v1 him cus he was offlane as lifestealer before and couldn't do it. Of course, lifestealer isn't a good mid hero either, just wondering. Seems like TB would be very susceptible to ganks and nuker mids like zeus, qop, but might do ok vs right clickers. I have never done it or seen it done though.


                  TB was a decent mid with the old Reflection, I tried him a few times and could outlane conventional mids like Storm, Puck, etc by playing aggressively with Meta and passively when it was off. However, a pure jungle TB can get farm equivalent to 56 lane last hits by 10 minutes, which is hard to get against most mid lane heroes, especially after the Reflection nerf. The way I play TB is about farming as fast as possible in order to facilitate pushing or fights, so I would value whatever option gives me more farm.

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                    watch zenoth and matrice games and you'll learn TB


                      if im not wrong matrice goes for like 4 wraith bands in the beggining, then yasha, manta (not sure), skadi, etc
                      but you gotta watch him play to get how to farm jungle with TB, not very hard but you must have good game awareness, how to farm jungle efficiently etc


                        3 wraith bands actually, usually by 10 minutes he has wraith/wraith/wraith/quelling blade/boots/yasha the "patented matrice woods™ tb build"

                        matrice likes to teamfight more, hence pickups like bkb and daedalus

                        i prefer to avoid fights and splitpush, hence evasion stacking illusions

                        3 butterflies gives an illusion enough physical EHP to outlast an entire wave of mega creeps while killing them, everytime one illusion appears cores are forced to show up just to kill it

                        unless they have lion

                        fuck that hero just send your hero somewhere reckless like an illusion and bait the mana drain and kill that fucker

                        doesnt works all the time but their reactions makes it worth it

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                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          same build as always, wraith bands into s&y into skadi then daedalus.


                            i play frequently tb, u can check performane of 4k tb


                              just like u would play any hardcarry

                              farm until 6slloted and splitpush when lane is safe


                                I just get drums and sometimes dominator. I play him just the same as before, except he is squishier now.


                                  190 hp less at level 25, what a big difference.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!