General Discussion

General DiscussionCall goes through Shadow Dance?

Call goes through Shadow Dance? in General Discussion

    Apparently Axe's call goes through Slark's Shadow Dance and you can get damaged. Is that supposed to happen?


      Shadow dance gives invisibility, not invulnerability.


        why would it not be able to go through shadow dance? and i assume you are taking damage from counter helix? what's even remotely confusing here?


          well everything damages you in shadow dance, pudge's rot, venos ult, invokers meteor etc


            you simply can't be targetted, that's all.

            so stuff that you don't cast on a unit still works the same, berserker's call isn't unit targetted, hence why shadow dance has no effect on it.


              Oh i thought call counted as a targeted ability. My bad :<

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                it's like juggernaut get's haste, spins.. oh shit why am I so slow? lul.


                  seems to be bug
                  slark is invulnerable in ult, wtf


                    invulnerable? my friend just finished a game where slark was ruptured then using ulti to run, but slark still died

                    Everyone loves Chibi

                      INVISIBLE =/ INVULNERABLE.

                      Aoe dmg and spells like call of course affect Slark. I dont get it what's so hard to understand here.

                      Flat is Justice!

                        you probably mean - untargetable (which apparently isn't a real word)

                        No one can right click on slark when he shadow dances, AOE effects still go through


                          cm nova is pretty good against slark ult. Huge AOE and slows him down until he pops out of his ult.

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