General Discussion

General DiscussionThe fails u made when u 1st played dota(since most players played on ...

The fails u made when u 1st played dota(since most players played on wc bfore dota 2) that make u literally makes u facepalm, alot in General Discussion

    1st played Juggernaut and saw the healing ward, holy shit idk that he was a priest*keeps on searching for items tat heals* alright mekans

    some dude asked 1 on 1 with me n i picked zeus, oh he's a thunder god so he needs his lighting hammer *buys maelstorm*

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      1. Kept buying courier multiple times and wondered why courier is not usable (I didn't know that they need to be activated to be used).

      2. Bought sentry ward since a teammate asked to ward runes.


        Isn't senty used to have a small vision back then?
        For me it was stuff like running after being ultied by Bloodseeker, dying to Axe's Battle Hunger and trying to run away from old Naix.


          what old naix? (:3 back then I 1st played dota in 6.54 b


            Some retarded death machine with 3 absurdly powerful passives and long-ass BKB for an ulti.


              dug up the google and was like holy shit u mad icefrog back then?


                I used to buy a casual preservance


                  I think trying to run while using a channeling ulti was a thing i used to do all the time.

                  casual gamer

                    Dat old LS agi gain, PL is jealous

                    Ape Prime

                      Blood seeker was one of my first few heroes and I bought at least 4 treads for him, thinking that his movement speed will stack


                        LOL I thought I could heal using branches as Mirana. I was trolling around the entire time.

                        Flat is Justice!

                          how do u move the hero?
                          smash buttons and ended up past the enemy tower

                          there weren't tutorials in dota 1

                          Flat is Justice!

                            Fails in dota2: Oh hey an ingame chat function
                            Using mics means...better communication...meaning better teamwork!


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                              I used to do that as well :D
                              "hmm, healing and mana regen would be good for me. Better get a perseverance again"

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Dire Wolf

                                "I used to buy a casual preservance"

                                OMG I did that like every game! I was used to world of warcraft, spamming spells. It took me a while to adjust to mana regen in dota where you basically save all your abilities for specific fights, especially at the start. I thought perseverance was core on ever hero.

                                2014 devaslaytion

                                  Thought salves work like how pots work in maple, bought a ton of it, tried to use in battle and failed.

                                  Thought mid was the easiest lane since only 1 enemy, called mid every game and feed.

                                  Getting super excited over my first double kill, which i can vividly rmb is a ks from windrunner(now called windranger sadly) powershot.

                                  Maphack and tried to destroy wards without sentries.

                                  Good wc3 noob days:)

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                                    >be natures profit
                                    >teleport into 5 enemies and die
                                    Wheres my hero guys?
                                    O-oh r-right...

                                    I didnt know what teleport did and i could never find myself on the map


                                      orb of venom + diffusal blade on riki T_T


                                        of all of it Jezzabellium LOL
                                        Now i recalled how many damn global skill shots/blind hooks i made back then in dota 1 cuz enemies are too easy to guess n being said as maphack even if I Ice Blast-ed a kunkka who was farming creeps on mid lane -_-
                                        and now then my hook is as suck as my winrate on this hero

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                                          some1 told me radinace is good on enigma, cause the radiance dmg stacks with ultidmg and that was supposed to be good.

                                          same with treant ulti + radiance, so i built blank radiance on these heroes all the time :D


                                            rush death mask, and rage cause, not only i took 20 min to farm it, but also to notice that it is useless as it is 10% life leech and not 50% :)

                                            That was my very first game of dota (playing luna)

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                                              My first match was with bot, and we lost it


                                                Ring of Regen for every hero!

                                                Double deso sniper, Vanguard SF, Deso Tide, etc.
                                                I didnt play dota1 :P

                                                lol, rly... i forgot to mention Bloodstone Sniper...

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  "OMG I did that like every game! I was used to world of warcraft, spamming spells."

                                                  You haven't played classic World of Warcraft (patch 1.12.2) with nearly zero mana regen.

                                                  Bloodstone is legit on Sniper. You start with arcane boots and then disassemble and make Bloodstone. At level 16 his ultimate costs 375 mana and has 10 seconds cooldown, you sure need all mana regen that Bloodstone offers to spam it.

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                                                    Not understanding cleave mechanics


                                                    "OMG caustic finale will blow up ALL the creeps I hit"

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      My first game back in dota I bought several curriers because I felt bad for the 1 guy who whad to carry everything


                                                        Leverage you go through the secret shop to buy things, cause you do not know how to go


                                                          Played about 5 matches without knowing where the secret shop was.
                                                          Only recently discovered how to make the courier go faster ):


                                                            Kept using the left mouse button to move, since i had utterly no experience in any warcraft etc. That was frustrating as fuck, half of time i was unable to use any skill because i got lost on my keyboard.


                                                              Played with Melody.


                                                                Building carry items to Veno and Nerubian Assassin (Now Nyx). They are agi heroes, so agi items I bought...saddest thing is it usually worked anyway because of how low our combined skills were.

                                                                I also remember buying Sange and Yasha to every Str and Agi hero without an orb effect.


                                                                  took me a 6 months to respect the power of magic stick/wand.

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    "You haven't played classic World of Warcraft (patch 1.12.2) with nearly zero mana regen."

                                                                    Oh I remember that. I played from release in 2004 to about 2012. I remember warrior rage issues, priests having no mana while leveling, all of that and it sucked. I was more comparing to wow battlegrounds where you blow shit up and die before anyone goes oom. Some of those old 2v2 arenas during burning crusade though? Brutal. I hated that stupid warlock + paladin team where lock goes 21/30 or something close to that, it was the felhunter mana drain soul link build. They eventually realized how long and painful those matches were and removed mana drain completely from warlocks I think sometime in wrath of the lich king.


                                                                      Well i am going to tell you the fails i made when i started playing dota 2 (3 years ago) and soon i'm about to quit it. I always bought quelling, even on range support heroes and stole the farm from the carry if i saw that he missed 2/4 creeps of the first wave. Good old times with naix and barathrum + other combos.

                                                                      @Silvers do you still play dota 2?

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        oh my lord some of these are funny

                                                                        armlet + basher on earthshaker and we won somehow

                                                                        mana boots on sniper WTF was I thinking, mana boots lone druid

                                                                        blade mail and bloodstone on lion, I guess I didn't read mana drain tooltip

                                                                        bloodstone AND perseverence on nature's prophet, cus if one bloodstone isn't enough let's go for two!

                                                                        battlefury riki, battlefury timbersaw, battlefury phantom lancer

                                                                        Tons of matches with plain perseverance and bloodstones on everyone. I think I thought bloodstone was the best item for everyone and battlefury was the best item for any and every right click hero.


                                                                          that the best game I even had, was with riki that I got 4 maelstroms and got 35 kills out of it, I thought I was so pro after that.


                                                                            Here's a bunch of stuff from when I was starting out. No other MOBA/ARTS/ASSFAGGOTS/Whatever experience.

                                                                            Vanguard + Aghs Viper (No boots) | [color=#008000]WIN[/color]:

                                                                            Orchid rush Windranger (No boots) | [color=#ff0000]LOSS[/color]:

                                                                            Aghs rush Gyro | [color=#ff0000]LOSS[/color]:

                                                                            Double Wraith Band + Vanguard Viper (No boots) | [color=#ff0000]LOSS[/color]:

                                                                            Mana Boots Tinker! | [color=#ff0000]LOSS[/color]:

                                                                            Vanguard Razor (I carried so whatever) | [color=#008000]WIN[/color]:

                                                                            Bloodstone + Dagon Puck | [color=#008000]WIN[/color]:

                                                                            Battlefury + Pipe Shadow Fiend | [color=#ff0000]LOSS[/color]:

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              - Power treads on all heroes (arcane boots weren't yet into game)
                                                                              - Arcane ring on all heroes with stun
                                                                              - Battlefury on sand king
                                                                              - Blade mails on nerub assasin (when it was passively reflecting 25% dmg; also nyx had some kind of passive blademail skill)
                                                                              - Radiance on tree / weaver
                                                                              - Fail ulties with pit lord - teleporting whole team while some spinning jugger / raged naix / bkb-ed dude was in the middle of the fight

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                                                                                vanguard razor is semi legit... at least it used to be.


                                                                                  I first played wc3 dota in a gaming cafe near my house, where a bunch of people would go sit all day playing dota..

                                                                                  The guys there were busy (in game) and so couldnt teach me..

                                                                                  In my first game, I spent like 10 mins trying to figure out how to pick the hero i wanted.
                                                                                  Then after picking omniknight, I kept selecting the shopkeeper and tried to move him.. Was like 30mins+ into the game before i realized he wasn't my hero.

                                                                                  After finally learning how to move my guy, i proceeded to go to the lane.. and died 3 times to creeps before giving up and leaving. (This was me trying it out in singleplayer before actually going online)...

                                                                                  A week later, I decided to give it another go, and figured I already knew the basics now so Ill go play it online.. Got on Garena, signed in. Picked pheonix and died to the mid tower before creeps spawned.

                                                                                  Learnt like 8 different swear words in my country's national language that day ._.

                                                                                  (I obviously had no clue how to buy items till like my 20th game of dota, by which time I had already been banlisted by most of the people who hosted) Eventually, people helped me and taught me how to buy items and how to magically combine items such as phase boots..

                                                                                  I proceeded to use my new found knowledge to crush my little brother in 1v1s.. :D
                                                                                  The end!~


                                                                                    bought bloodstone on riki and drow in my first few games so that i could feed quicker after dying

                                                                                    plus infinite frost arrow mana on drow

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                                                                                      Thought Puck and Morph were the hardest heroes to play, played Puck a few times and did really well/owned people which was were fun cause I was nigh unkillable. I also always bought force staff instead of blink and it worked! I was hooked with Puck at the time I switched to dota 2 so I still have games with force staff.


                                                                                        My first game was back on the WC3 days of I picked Crixalis (sandking) and just kept feeding I would walk up to enemy and just die q or

                                                                                        I remember just playing clinkz solely for like 1-5 games because I thought invis was "cool". Then, I asked my team how the fuck did I die, since I was invis.. they replied with something noob picking invis hero..getting countered by dust/sentries.

                                                                                        love for the a7be

                                                                                          DotA days are a mess.

                                                                                          Searched 10 minutes every game the secret shop location. Would only build agi items on agi heroes, str items on str heroes and int items on int heroes because anything else would seem inefficient.

                                                                                          Dying to towers even when there was no enemy. Tower too OP.

                                                                                          Any hero that was not a right-click hero was basically useless.

                                                                                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                            Meh too bad I haven't made any since I always do some research before I start playing. :/
                                                                                            Am I too intelligent for this community?


                                                                                              Oh yeah, I would sometimes die to towers too, just see them low health and try to take them down but they were tougher :D


                                                                                                hmm.. I don't know what my first hero in dota was, but i sure as hell liked terrorblade back then
                                                                                                Back when i started, people used to play it on game cafes.. So me and a friend of mine who was also noob plus two of his other noob friends go there, sit and play 2v2 mid only. I only wanted to play as scourge so i get to pick terrorblade because we had no idea if a game mode is a thing..
                                                                                                You know, leeching hp, making a copy of myself to send so i dont die.. my hero.
                                                                                                Fun times.. I didn't know what items did so i bought exactly what my friend bought in game, after spending 5 minutes to find secret shop

                                                                                                After a month or so playing like this once a week, one day the cafe owner saw us and taught us how to build items!! So those papers i used to buy all the time could get some usefulness haha
                                                                                                In my defense, nobody really gave us an starter's guide and it was just a weekly kill a few hours kind of thing back then so i never bothered researching
                                                                                                I think i started with 6.36.. then gave up after 6.40 and started playing again at 6.59 until now

                                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!