General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to beat TA mid

How to beat TA mid in General Discussion

    Troll? Huskar? WR? Necro (range aura very annoying)? Veno? Batrider? QoP?
    Pre lv 6 Troll is losing hard, but after lv 6 the gamestory will changed as long TA don't get her dagger


      We're not talking specific hero counters we're talking playstyle counters..


        gank him even if you do not kill, you'll put pressure on his lane
        well thats pretty much for all mids that you have to shut down lol, TA is easier cause he doesnt have stuns nor escape ability, just ask supports to roam and gank, if you get the kill push the tower

        Apa la Papa

          pick shadow shaman, spam Q to farm well and try to get bottle fast to do bottle crow.
          buy ward for rune.
          harras her so hard and get lvl 6
          push+ ult = GG...
          i think is one of the best heroes for 1v1
          (sry if my english wasnt correct)