General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it weird that

Is it weird that in General Discussion

    My main roles are #2 and #4??

    You know how you get the typical; "i only play 1,2,3 or i only play 4/5"

    Anybody have weird main position combos?


      I play 1/4/5.



        Quick maffs


          If i play support we lose




              i play 1-2-3-4... and 5 as long as it not some chen/ench bullshit

              but my main role is actually 4... its just sad so many people cant 1/2/3 so i gotta do it...

              Hafla Enjoyer

                Never saw a practical difference between 4 and 5. On paper the 4 should farm more than the 5 but nobody in pubs actually says "me farm supp"

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  2 and 3. Initiator's ftw

                  Hex Sigma

                    3,4 and 5(rarely 5)


                      I like 1, 3, suck on support beside lesh + wisp

                      Miku Plays

                        1,2,4 and 5


                          3, 4, and 5 most of the time.

                          kanye went to uni

                            I play 1, Wisp and Vengeful. When I go offlane I pretend to be 3 but play the same way as safe lane (as far as is possible) :P

                            I literally have no idea how to play 5 properly though, which is why I need friends to carry (supporting) my ass :P


                              everyone should be able to play all the roles at similar level, but since it doesnt happen, i'm mainly 1/2/4 lol

                              Miku Plays

                                5 = less last hitting, more on harrassing enemy heroes. the ward dude. mek dude. keeping carries alive

                                Quick maffs

                                  if any of you ever play ogre pls put your first point into your W and buy a orb of venon


                                    I play 1/2/3/4/5.



                                      4 is the mek, pipe, aghs support
                                      5 is the ward bitch

                                      Miku Plays


                                        4 is aghs and big support items

                                        lets put everything to 5


                                          I always play 1 or 2. Occasionally I'm forced to go 3/4 position jungle doom (build fast mek, shivas / AC). Otherwise, I'm absolutely terrible at the 3 position (Unless I'm playing centaur) and even worse on the 5 position.


                                            My Lord has commanded that I only play Omniknight.

                                            But seriously in pubs (especially solo) you have to 10 seconds to analyse both teams and pick a good hero. Normally that ends up being position 3/4/5.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              i play 6


                                                depending on the bracket there is no such thing as 3 or 4, sometimes its just all 1 or 2 and you have to pick a 5





                                                    i can do any role but shine best in 1 4 5 roles


                                                      Guess what? I found a site that's giving Steam Wallet card pin codes away for free! sadasda sasd

                                                      Miku Plays

                                                        ^ lol.. what a good way to derail a thread


                                                          I usually play 1/3/4. Mostly 3 TBH. I feel the solo offlaner can have a great impact if played well in lower tier pubs.


                                                            I play too

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              There is a practical difference between a 4 and 5, 5 is the ward bitch. 4 gets his big item then maybe helps out with wards a bit. Like if you have sand king and cm as your supports, cm should buy all the wards until sand king has blink. People don't usually acknowledge this verbally but it usually happens naturally. What sucks is when you're trying to play a support you needs items and gets relegated to ward duty the entire game like warlock trying to farm aghs.

                                                              [DFG] Whale King

                                                                I play 2/4/5

                                                                harvard graduate

                                                                  Gotta say 3 is by far my favority now. Used to play a ton of 1 but its just so frustrating in some games.