General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes MMR mean anything?

Does MMR mean anything? in General Discussion


    King of Low Prio

      high = good at pubs
      low = shit at pubs


        Pretty much that. Although most of the times that is correlated to the understanding of the game, the meta and the mechanics as well.

        Bot (Passive)

          good player = good mmr
          bad player = bad mmr

          Flat is Justice!

            high = spend alot of time on dota
            low = spend alot of time on dota whining


              Based on my experience, I feel like for every 300-500 mmrs, it indicates a tier difference. However, once you're passed 5.2K, there's really no telling how much better you are (because matchmaking's fked there, it just means whether you're good or bad at pubs).

              So a 4.3 and 4.6 might actually be pretty similar in skills (just a matter of playing pubs the right way), but you definitely spot out the diff between a 4.0 and 4.6.


                5k2 is extremly different from 6k,

                And over 6k, even if it's rather pub material, i saw a new threshold every 150-200 mmr.
                But well, those threshold are mb cause ally become worst and worst

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                  That's actually not the case as there are plenty of baddies in low MMR and loads of decent players in low MMR who while they play decently well aren't able to go up due to doing certain things that limit their climb.

                  Oddly in the high end games there are a lot of bought, and smurf accounts and I generally tend to trust higher 4k's over the higher 5k's to be legitimately experienced players.

                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    There are good and bad players in all brackets. MMR means about as much as winrate, kda, or stats.


                      Not entirely true, it means a little more. Stats are to compliment each other and you have to look at whole picture. If someone has a high WR/MMR + low KDA it means they are probably sacrificing a lot for the team (i.e. you want them on your team) and therefore if someone has a low WR/MMR + high KDA they probably afk farm and come out when they want to, leaving their team 5v4 and normally fucked. They'll think they're great coz their stats are good but in reality they're not.

                      The way I see it, anything below 2k is basically completely new and learning, I highly doubt there are many legit players in the sub-2k bracket.

                      2k -2.5k probably still new, just learning all the mechanics and stuff. I'd consider this the lower end of the legit players.
                      2.5k - 3k new, but knows more or less the theory of gaming, struggles to put it into practice
                      3k - 3.5k knows the obvious game theory, struggles with the concept of higher ended theory (ward-deward, smoke etc) regularly forgets other things (denying) and tends to score sub-optimal in other categories (last hits) although generally speaking knows what they're doing.
                      3.5k - 4k generally quite good, some really good players can be found in this category but they just lack that magic moment, maybe they hesitate, or go in too much and throw, mechanically they're ok, but they tend to suffer in the finer points (awareness)
                      4k - 4.5k (currently my solo) filled with people who believe they are better than they are, this to me is the true 'hell' because it's hard to break out of due to the sheer number of people who will ruin a game... give first blood? team flames you. Some go afk after small mistakes and generally just filled with competent assholes, the mechanical ability of the players is good, the attitude is trash

                      As I've not been in a higher bracket (for a long period of time) I can't really judge. There is definitely a higher skill ability though so it does show something. Don't pretend it's irrelevant.

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                        Guiri has it spot on in my opinion.

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                          4.5k solo bracket consists of some of the biggest bastards you can imagine. Play with friends in party ranked and you'll avoid this problem at the same time you will improve as a dota player and also as a team player.


                            so it means protip: stop at 4k? :D

                            Quick maffs

                              "high = good at pubs
                              low = shit at pubs "


                              "There are good and bad players in all brackets. MMR means about as much as winrate, kda, or stats."

                              Means a little bit more than winrate.

                              Something like MMR>Winrate>kda> etc etc etc

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                              Dire Wolf

                                It doesn't mean anything like at 4k is good but at 3k is bad, it's all relative. It's a way to place you in matches with and against players of similar skill level so everyone has better games. That is all it is. So yes a 5k player is better than a 3k player but it's all relative and kind of pointless to say x rating is good and y rating sucks at dota cus it doesn't matter, they won't play each other anyway.

                                Von Darkmoor

                                  Guiri pretty much got it and personly ive been 4,2k im currently on 3,8-9 or something and the players at 3,8 has waaaaaayyyyy better attitude than the players at 4k and above back at that rating i pretty much only played Cptn.mode so that might have something to do with it but theres srsly so many bad supports/midders at that level that are so crazily arrogante.

                                  Mostly now i just play the old matchmaking since my hidden rating seems to be a lot higher than my visible atleast i get a lot better matches that way not everytime but mostly.


                                    I'm feeling quite comfortable with the players in the 3.5k-4k MMR range, they aren't as arrogant as those with 5k+ and actually strive to learn( most of them) but still , quite stubborn , especially in the SEA region. Anyway , It doesn't really bother me as I'm trying to adapt and tolerate these kind of players so my blood pressure won't rise in the future :)



                                      Kapitan Timba

                                        whats the starting mmr?

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          There isn't. You play calibration matches and it shoots you way up or down. You can come out starting with mmr anywhere from 1k - 5k


                                            not really. mmr is really worthless TBH. just bcuz ur mmr is high doesnt rlly mean ur good FUCK oFF . some people just like to on mmr cuz they want to increase their rating, its more like a challenging to them. i think

                                            ICE SKULL


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