General Discussion

General DiscussionInteresting Topic > 5 most annoying Heroes

Interesting Topic > 5 most annoying Heroes in General Discussion

    Which hero gets to your skin the most?

    Mine are:
    Sniper >>>>>>>> He's annoying, but what really tips the scale is seeing him in my games all the time. Bleh!
    Natures Prophet >> Cuz of his constant pressuring in lanes and quick rotations and his slippery escapes. Also he surprise buttsex when you barely win fights.
    Huskar >>>>>>>> I don't have to explain
    Weaver >>>>>>> Abuses shukuchi... Once he has linkins it takes good team coordination to take this sucker out, but chem doesn't usually exist in public match ups
    Silencer >>>>>>> I'm team fights, He'll tell you to shut the F up! When he gets aghs, its too effective. Once refreshers RQ Immediatelly!

    Honorable mentions: BS - BH - Cancer lancer - Riki - Slark - Skywrath

    What are yours??

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      I swear I can't out carry him unless I go on a utility core, which I'm not so good at...

      Anyway to beat the rat

      First become the rat

      look at that exp graph


      was supposed to end 0-5-0 but my illusions accidentally killed a few heroes

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Batrider : Tired of my moron teammates getting caught to him. YOU DON'T STAND THERE HITTING THE TOWER AS A SUPPORT OKAY?
        Tinker : Annoying piece of shit who stays in the trees all game and still manages to be annoying as fuck.

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        Quick maffs


          Vanity  ツ

            Skywrath mage
            phoenix/timbersaw tied


              I typically play them as opposed to playing against them, but I know that Earthshaker (because of Fissure) and Rubick (Spell steal and stun) and Disruptor can be annoying (Glimpse, Kinetic Field).

              Low Expectations

                Holy shit I think I will watch taht game cuz I want to see how you get 581 lh in 45 min

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Furion, Furion, Furion, Invoker, and finally Clock.

                  All of these heroes are super easy yet constantly you hear people talk about them like they are remotely difficult.

                  Quick maffs


                    Give up man, i dont KNOW how the fuck this guy can find farm when his team is losing the game

                    Quick maffs

                      AND 2x times the amount of farm i get when my team is WINNING the game


                        @last picking. Not if they are well experienced furions... AW man!


                          Here are five out of the many that I find annoying.

                          - Kunkka, at times. Not strong enough as a carry, mid, etc. Overall does not offer much and has an unreliable ult.
                          - Tinker. Because the pros have been playing this hero so much hes suddenly risen in popularity and annoyance, it feels like half the time the mids on my team go against Tinker, they cant seem to stop this hero. i.e. Bloodcyka in my game somehow let this guy get a BoTs in reasonable time, I asked if he silenced Tinker... no answers, and once tinker has bots and blink, it gets frustrating finding this guy.
                          - Clockwerk. When trapped, you can't seem to pop spells that have a casting time.
                          - Silencer. Just annoying in lane, general stuff.
                          - Abaddon. never dies

                          Dire Wolf

                            Lycan - stupid rat fucker
                            Tinker - another stupid rat fucker
                            All stealth heroes, riki, bh, weaver - I just hate having to spend gold to kill them. Like bounty is in lane, you better kill him before he snowballs but net result is break even gold since kill him that early only nets like 200 and the wards cost 200.
                            Bloodseeker - retarded hero that requires you to carry tp's or he can solo kill you anywhere. Dumb. Takes nearly no skill to play.
                            Mirana - Stealth for the whole team yey!

                            Honorable mentions to pudge (suicide all the time, stupid mechanic), invoker (mana drain more noob), axe (omg stop cutting my lane), bristle (jesus christ quill spam) and razor (just run around draining all my dmg and nothing you can do about it).


                              ^ what he said also


                                broodmother that stays at one line..


                                  yea broodmother should be roaming and ganking


                                    Interesting... thanks guys!

                                    The Legendary Gideon of G...

                                      bloodseker - 9 second silence wtf! high right click damage and a kill regenerates his health so he can keep right clicking instead of running away like other right clickers do......
                                      mirana - ulitmate makes her team less predictable
                                      huskar - if you don't have an escape and are not broodmother then you are wrecked. annoying to lane mid against because of his burning spear.
                                      axe - cuts your lane, runs around in the early game tanking and doing heaps of dmg.

                                      I don't find np or tinker annoying since playing clock or storm counters them.


                                        decent tinker, invoker, and void

                                        void and tinker could make a comeback even if your team own early game.




                                            AA. only annoying hero. I hate his ult. Always my first ban in pub CM mode

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              Mirana. *cries*


                                                very good snipers
                                                (wraith)rape king


                                                  Nature's Prophet - Just fight (and die) like a man when a fight breaks out instead of ratting you chump
                                                  Abaddon - Just die already you chump
                                                  Lich - Stop eating creeps, I'm trying to lane here you fat chump
                                                  Riki - Stop playing hide and seek I don't want to have to spend all my cash on detecion you chump
                                                  Treant Protector - We almost had that tower/hero and now it's healed. Not exactly a nice thing to do... you chump


                                                    Nature's Prophet
                                                    Spectre (w/ radiance) - rips through squishies, glass cannons, supports

                                                    Overall, any rats played by people with half a brain and a team that knows how to draw attention away from said players.

                                                    >>Smoke ganks, detection, silences, hexes, anything and everything, these guys NEED TO DIE.<<

                                                    RATS should die first before the start of any push.

                                                    I could spend the whole game trying to stop the rat, just purely for the satisfaction.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      1. Tinker
                                                      2. QuasWex Invoker (On the other hand, I love playing vs QuasExort Invoker)
                                                      3. Naga Siren
                                                      4. Meepo
                                                      5. Witch Doctor


                                                        all really fucking annoying ranged harass while laning

                                                        void + meepo cos they can punish split pushers (which i play)