General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc + Guiri race to 5k

Havoc + Guiri race to 5k in General Discussion

    Given that in a week I have managed to go up and maintain about +300 MMR I if I start playing a few more carries and impact junglers its totally possible as it equally is with Guiri and Benao.

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      yeah, Havoc and I were both like 4.2k at the start, I'm already up 500, the last 300 might be harder but it's doable.

      Provided you get a bit of luck with teams you can make it no problems.


        3 losses today and in EVERY single one, there's been at LEAST one over-calibrated smurf on my team. The Doto gods are not with me right now.

        King of Low Prio

          the smurfs are real in the 4k range and its really fucking annoying


            not only that... its the hate and people calling lanes and shit :D


              The other thing that gets me is people that don't care, they start playing bad and they're like oh well it's just a game I've played bad lol and continue to play bad. With that attitude they should be non-ranked. My last game had a pair that queued together, 5k Io and 4k Void. WHY? why put the HIGH player on the Io and the retard on the Void?


                im gonna try to stream again...
                hope it works...
                if i get delay/high ping then gg


                edit didnt work gg

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                  Havoc will win ez


                    Don't Jinx him dude.

                    .  .

                      Itt: race to become a gameruiner in higher mmrs

                      Ples Mercy

                        i lold

                        Hex Sigma

                          i bet on guiri. May gaben be with you.


                            Holy balls today has been a terrible day for me, so few decent team mates on my side, check through my history to see a feed fest from randoms. Holy fuck...


                              i just won this game xDDDDDD


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                                Benao, you're one fucked norwegina cunt. Thta's what you are. :crazy:


                                  Fuck man... you're so lucky lol. I have cancers like that on my team all the time and can never win.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    im playing on my friends 4.5k acc andi have no idea how you guys fail


                                    elo hell amiright

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      its now gonna be 4620


                                        Coz you've only gone mid, I lose like 75% of the games where someone else goes mid, like my last game.

                                        I win 75% of the games where I go mid.

                                        Thing is I fucking hate mid, I much prefer to carry, but whenever I go carry my team suck.


                                          And by the looks of it, only in that last TA game did you have any outright shit players on your team.


                                            Guiri guiri guiri guiri guiri

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              wow i lost ;( medusa jungler, bristleback cant play and ember buying maelstrom+drums

                                              i couldn't carry -gg 4.5k 2hard


                                                Benao good try, xaxa. Look at my record with most deaths too:

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  Yeah wave, welcome to the cancer bracket. I seem to have the worst luck with that shit. I'm not saying I'm professional but a good amount of my losses (and even wins) are due to fucking retards in the match.

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    hahaha im playing legion and i said i'll feed if i dont like their gameplay and they are crying with their mics "pls dont feed i sorry pls"


                                                      Plz volvo giff me 5v5 match without abandons and maybe I win some. Last 10-15 matches 4-5 abandoned games on my side and 0 on other side.


                                                        wave i'm going like 1x/x/x every game while ur going 2x/x/1x or 2x/x/x at 4.5k (i'm finally winning like 70% of games now though, thank god for my venture in the 5k bracket)

                                                        whats da secret

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                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          do the dragonfist

                                                          srsly, mute ur team and stay mid to farm

                                                          ICE SKULL


                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              People think that you are an asshole when you mute your team

                                                              I think you are doing them a favor


                                                                Nobody will win. All will stay 4k trashers 4ever :)


                                                                  Well looked like I was going to hit near to 4.8 tonight but an anon slark player and NP made sure that I didn't


                                                                  While it may not appear he played that bad and too his credit he was ok, getting a fast shadowblade then continuing to farm is just bad fucking practice. At that point we had the ganking and level advantage which we lost once their core heavy team came online.

                                                                  ....oh well there's always tomorrow.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Oh man i am laughing so much, moon just lost a game with a 3,6 k guy in his team and he lost -30 points

                                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                                      Add me to havoc homies :D

                                                                      ♛ peSte ♛

                                                                        well that's nothing
                                                                        we had this Faceless Void who went farming instead of ganking with the amazing line-up that we had and obviously we lost in the end
                                                                        welcome to 5200+ MMR bracket where shit players are still shit but less shitter but in the end still shit


                                                                          Well, unless I go on a mega streak now then today has been a pure fucking cancer day.

                                                                          Look at this game


                                                                          I'm flamed by the offlane tide for picking up a blink dagger, that's a first blood giving, hunting prophet in jungle and getting 3 man ganked, flaming me for not helping when he's behind T2, level 5 in 10 min's offlane tide. Flaming me. I was 5-0, he was 0-7 before the last pushes. I'm flamed by this shit? Wait.... I'm MATCHED with this shit?

                                                                          Game before

                                                                          We go 0-3 down in a few minutes so morphling goes AFK, 5 mins expire and he auto abandons, I leave the game, I was 0-0-0, registered as 0-8-0 because morphling stayed and fed me and druid who both left.
                                                                          Fuck cancerous players.

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            I think possibly the thing that puts it all into reality for me, is that even my friends and other people tell me I have cancerous games. Everyone thinks their luck is the worst but other people tell me mine is, they're like I have bad luck but nothing on you.

                                                                            It's a joke.

                                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                                              Holy shit so 4kis indeed cancer. Man 2k and 3k look like heaven when you look at this shit. Isn't 4k supposed to be a really good bracket something like gold in sc2?

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                lol guiri


                                                                                  Lol, 4k is supposed to be shit, everyone has already agreed on this.
                                                                                  If you feel like it's a shit day, take a break.( I wouldn't cuz i don't stop until i'm done :P) But i think that taking a break, goin outside for some fresh air, a break for like a couple of hours will be beneficial. Also,you shouldn't invest so much emotion in this kind of games. Look at it this way, you have 55% ranked winrate, so eventually you are going to get 5k anyhow. It's just a matter of time and a little bit of luck.


                                                                                    The trench is real. That's all I can say. I will continue to soldier through because every time I get a semi decent team it's a guarantee win, but I feel so unlucky and so pissed off with match making right now.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      my friend lost 300-400 mmr yesterday



                                                                                        If you play ranked and you lose hard because of a particularly retarded teammate(s), chances are Valve will match you with the same guy again in your next game. Take an hour break when that happens.


                                                                                          what zano said is pretty accurate


                                                                                            @Zano, i like it when it puts that player on the other team, after i win i usually flame him :P


                                                                                              that happened to me so I dodged the next Zano. xD Now I've won 3 in a row #repairingthedamage

                                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                                im gonna reach 6k before any of you is 5k lol


                                                                                                  lol you're so funny lol. can i have ur number lol?


                                                                                                    its really not hard to climb to 5k if u tryhard
                                                                                                    u can keep blaming your shit mates but ur just as shitty as them if u dont keep at least a 65% winrate


                                                                                                      Thanks private profile. Great input.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!