General Discussion

General DiscussionPA- if you can't beat em, join em?

PA- if you can't beat em, join em? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I'm getting really sick of seeing PA every damn game. This hero is so overpicked yet she seems to stomp pubs. Once she gets a battlefury she just farms to quickly for pubs to deal with her. It's like anti mage but worse cus she's actually useful early and mid game, can one shot any support without a disable at like lvl 10 with a dagger blink combo.

    What do you guys think, is she a legit hard carry? Or does she simply snowball off that mid game? What's going on and why the hell is she so popular?

    Getting raped by PA
    So I pick her next game

    It was so easy playing her. I had a slow start and still once I got battlefury just rotated through woods, got bkb, then raped every team fight.

    King of Low Prio

      I think you are confused on what 'stomp' and 'rape' mean because winning a game /= a stomp


        you pick doom vs pa..


          Also, neither of those games looks like rape

          Victor Wembenyama - Ede

            play her more if shes so easy, and u didnt carry the team at all in that match, u just had good mates.


              she is easy and braindead, it comes from having 50% evasion and a dumb spam dagger and a dumb ulti, pretty much all her abilities are dumb


                She is in no way a hard carry, she fades after mid game and gets raped by a better carry, and she is really rng dependent.

                Dire Wolf

                  Ok first game I was skywrath and all PA had to do was blink on me, instant death. So yeah, I got raped by PA. I don't see how 10-4-18 isn't considered a good ass whuppin'. Tinker also had a kda of 8 so yes their entire team dominated ours but PA was a big part of it.

                  Second game my explanation was I started very slow but once I got rolling I still overtook everyone in farm, ended game with 4k tower damage, pretty good considering my terrible start, if you watch game you'll understand what I mean. I never said the game was a stomp, I said I recovered from a bad start and won every team fight after.

                  Which is my question, how the hell does PA do that? I considered her a weak, snowball required carry but now I'm doubting if that's true. Her flash farm ability is nuts and in pubs people just don't farm that well. I expect possible comebacks from heroes like spectre void and medusa, but PA? Don't get it yet it seems to be happening often.


                    She's fine, people just don't know how to build MKB...


                      Mark you have to get items to deal with her. No support should be facing PA without a ghost sceptre/euls/scythe of vyse. Your Rod of Atos was the wrong pickup for that game. Sure it's great for slowing people to a snails pace but what's the point when PA is going to pop a BKB and blink on you anyway? Also there was a Bloodseeker too.


                        actually beat bullshit with bullshit. best counter to pa is void, evasion gets disabled in crono so guaranteed kill on her if u chrono.

                        btw, does doom disable evasion? where can i find waht doom disables?

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                        Dire Wolf

                          Yeah I didn't know what to get on skywrath, I haven't played him in a while. I would've got a force staff but that makes bloodseeker's ult worse. Doom disables just about everything, it's called a mute. The only thing it like doesn't do is remove some passive buffs from abilities like dk's dragon blood and visage's stacks of armor I believe unless those can be purged which is might do. I don't know exactly. And it doesn't appear it disables counter helix for some dumb fucking reason. Helix goes off like all the time against everyone.



                            PA is fairly easy to deal with if you know what you're doing. Pick heroes who can shut down her evasion and farm like lion, pick carries who can easily slot mkbs into their item build (PA falls off hard once she has to fight heroes who can bypass her evasion, as its the only think making her remotely tanky, even semi-carries can often manfight a PA with mkb and come out on top). Also, if PA is near or missing and you're a super squishy hero like skywrath, don't test your luck, you're meant to be food for her, as she's basically an anti-support. Alternatively, picking up a bkb is also a good way of protecting yourself from her, as it counters her attack steroid (since its tied into an active ability that can not bypass magic immunity).

                            Not building items or heroes to deal with PA is like not doing the same to Riki and then bitching once he gets fed off of your team mates and proceeds to dominate the entire game. Nukers make her life hell until she gets a bkb herself, but if she rushes a bkb she does jack in terms of damage, so it'll be a while before she gets one.

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                              Flash farm? Her farming capabilities are shit, even Void's flash farming is better with a battlefury.
                              She's pretty much like Slark. Early to mid game both can kill supports easily, but they struggle in 5-man fights. Mid to late both will lose against proper hard carries unless they're farmed/snowballed enough.

                              PROTIP: She melts to nukers. Before three or four big items she has between 900 and 1.2k hp, any source of magical damage will kill her with ease. E.g. in your Sky game you should have gotten a ghost scepter: She blinks, you ghost, silence, ult, daed pa gg ez.
                              Edit: Axe rapes her as well. Call into a couple of spins and dunk, you're done.

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                                orchid shadowblade ez game

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  PA a big deal getting sick of these wanabees thinking they pro with radiance naga.


                                    why do people still pick this gay right click hero

                                    literally my food when i pick heavy exort invoker, i make sure this bitch feeds 0/99/0 before i end the game


                                      ^42% winrate lol wat


                                        When I see a PA, and in my games she always gets pretty farmed. One of my first "Big" items is a halberd, got on Ursa and WK.
                                        Had a PA stomp our team till I got blade mail and then halberd as WK.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          good tips, I will try ghost scepter.