General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat skillbuild on (support) Silencer?

What skillbuild on (support) Silencer? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    ^Title, do you max QE build or WE build or does it depend, I think the QE is safer since you will drain all their mana but WE is more agressive. Which do you prefer when?

    How do you alter skillbuild for carry/mid silencer?

    EDIT: Do you ever go QW build?

    Ова тема је измењена

      Go W Q E E E R E Q Q Q


        It's situational, if you are going against an offlane, getting that lvl 1 W will hurt the offlaner alot as you can just keep on spamming it to him so he can't get near the creepwave or get any exp, then if he has skill that is spammable like batrider I'd go lvl up the E then 1 point on Q. So when u use the E on him and it pops just use Q to him if you can.

        I can't explain it as i want because this is my 3rd language, i'm trying it hard tho, maybe you can watch some replays from me? I've played some silencer support wayback. As for carry mid silencer it depends also, QW build is bad if you are going mid (i might be wrong) coz mid lane probably has the skill to remove that curse of the silent ez. So I'd rather go for WE or QE build rather QW.

        EDIT: Here's some of my support silencer replays hope it helps if it's still available

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          Sorry but what's the point of taking one Q? It's entierly dependent on what you're laning against isn't it?

          If there's a carry with no spammable and/or high mana costs, max Q and harass him with it. He has the choice between having no mana and no hp and having no mana and his skills on cd.
          Else go for E.

          Adapt after 6 depending on rotations, ennemy comp etc.


          Dire Wolf

            What last guy said, your curse is amazing if the enemy has no way to drop it or their only recourse is to cast a spell at a really bad time for a high cost. Like vs a viper, he has no way to drop it, vs an earthshaker cus he cannot afford the 50 mana to enchant totem and there is no way he'll fissure to drop it, or vs like a lina, makes her use one of her nukes now instead of holding it for a coordinated attack on you.

            Otherwise last word does a bit more dmg for mana and glaives is better for harass. So it's really dependant on what you're facing. Like a timber, he'll just do a chain thingy and drop it right away and laugh in your face. Bristle will spam quills anyway. So obviously no Q vs them.

            I think builds is a more interesting discussion. If playing support silencer there is no way in hell you will have enough gold to go boots, force staff, mek and aghs refresher. So do you let someone else mek? Do you forgo force staff and risk no mobility? Tough decisions to rush aghs or not. And which item first, aghs or refresher? Refresher is more lockdown, aghs more dmg in a fight.


              Well, why don't people max Q and take one level of E so you can silence the person then use Q. Isn't that like the whole point of last word?


                Yes, but oftentimes the last word's disarm makes a big difference. If you're up against one hero, Last Word is generally better, when up against a dual or trilane, maxing Q is the way to go.

                Dire Wolf

                  Yeah you would take one level of last word. I usually level QEQWQR for the Q maxed first build.


                    max first never skill second max third max ulti


                      "I think builds is a more interesting discussion. If playing support silencer there is no way in hell you will have enough gold to go boots, force staff, mek and aghs refresher. So do you let someone else mek? Do you forgo force staff and risk no mobility? Tough decisions to rush aghs or not. And which item first, aghs or refresher? Refresher is more lockdown, aghs more dmg in a fight."
                      Silencer should never be played as a hard support. At worst he should be a roaming support, which means, he should be able to get a mek, which he very much needs for survivability, especially since he loves team fights(stolen int om nom nom).

                      As for builds, don't even bother with a value point in w, always max q and e first. Which skill you max first will depend on your lane. You can pick up the w after that, which you should start gaining decent amounts of stolen int which allows that w to do work.

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