General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching stuff

Coaching stuff in General Discussion

    Tried to help some noobs, but realized its harder than i thought since a 2k mmr player is just overall bad and needs to improve in every aspect of the game.

    So I'd like to know some "tricks" how to teach these nabs to play bettah.
    -10 min last hit challenge
    -1v1 with them (or make them 1v1 with bots)
    -how to ward efficiently
    -the main goals of each role/postition
    -watching back their replays with them

    (and ofc there are some nice tutorials on youtube as well, which im not linking in here now)

    King of Low Prio

      create fake scenarios for them in lobbies

      -how to deal with zoning out the offlane vs killing the offflane
      -using items in between attack swings (bottle)
      -rune control
      -adjusting to unique lanes (too many trilanes dont know how to adapt to a dual offlane -_-)

      there is so much going on in dota that trying to single out a specific problem WHILE in the middle of a match will just lead to a overload of info on the student


        Im a 2,5k noob and I guess teaching me something like last hitting isnt worth, thats something you get by practicing. What would he helpful would be general tips of roles, game pacing, where and when to fight or farm.. Stuff like that.

        Im thinking in asking for help to improve, but i don't know if its worth the time of the teacher and me.


          wow, you are offering free coaching? coach me please!

          Hex Sigma

            @bruce it is, and don't be desperate 2.5k is more like average.


              Notice me senpai


                Cancer me Noticeai

                Ples Mercy

                  Give them general advice. Raspharus is a 2k player and he got some advice and teaching progress from me. He gained around 500mr since i started to coach him. Soon enough he will leave the 2k bracket.


                    He will.. you wont

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                    Ples Mercy

                      hello 3k trash, how's it going?

                      Jay Ashborne

                        ^ picture old as fuck. Whats ur mmr Poroksi bro?

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          just tell them they're bad and to do as you say or mimic your plays

                          LL Poroksi

                            4841 atm, that picture is 22 days old

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Jay Ashborne

                              It was sarcasm. I don't care about your pub playing skills. 22 days is alot of time to gain mmr.

                              LL Poroksi

                                Why would you ask my MMR and then say that you dont care about my pub playing skills :DDD

                                Ples Mercy



                                  i could rush this to 5,5k no problem, but people want me to stack with em <3

                                  Go cry me a river trashcan.


                                    Hint: Stacking does not affect your ranked solo MMR.

                                    I'm also unsure if the term "rush" should apply to a queue dodger... I imagine you need around 30-60 minutes of carefully selecting a match before actually starting it?

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      my point exacly. The reason why i'm not 5k yet is because so many people want to play with me. Also, i don't really dodge at all. The only time i dodge is when i get queued with a guy who went intentional feed, which happends about 1/30 times or so (thats like every 30th match or so)

                                      Secret to success? Counterpick or TB is all you need, also the proper plays ofc.

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                                        Ive learned a lot from Benao, Havoc and Guiri, I was probably a 2-2.5k scrub before meeting them, I got calibrated to 3k but that was around 2 months after meeting them. I have 3.5-3.6 party mmr now, not playing enough solo games to make any difference.

                                        What I figured is when someone coaches me and tells me what to do, obviously I do a lot better. But I cant do it again in another game alone, only if we did it enough times.

                                        For last hitting, just watching Benao's games in player persective helped me a lot more than actual practice. I had to practice against bots a bit, couse I had to adjust to the starting animation, not only the projectile animation, but the overal idea came from watching someone else, not from randomly doing it. I still suck at finding farm, my highest gpm game is still when he was coaching me and told me to last hit "now" "now" "now"...

                                        I think getting out someone from 2k to 3k is ez, im really bad at this game, and still it happened kinda quickly. To get up to 4k, you either need some talent or more more practice. Just getting to 3k should be possible for mostly anyone who wants to and has some time to do so.

                                        Also wanted to point out, one of my biggest mistakes was the camera positioning, I used to center my camera on my hero all the time. When someone finally told me its BAAAD, I started forcing myself not to do it, now when I pay at least some attention I think my camera isnt on top of my hero.
                                        Watching the minimap is also important, for me it took like... 8 months? maybe even more to be able to look at it, still getting tunnel vision when something happens but simply harassing/last hitting or waiting for stacking time means i see movements on the map, thats something I simply ignored in the first more than half year, and imo its important. So idk, go into a lobbi with them, make them practice last hitting against a bot and "gank" them. I mean, just show yourself on the map on different spots for just some seconds and they have to tell you when they spot you... So after 10-20 mins, tell them how many time they missed you, so they can realise how bad it is not watching that minimap, and force them to do so. If they can practice in a relaxed enviroment, should be easier in-game.

                                        Also point out the importance of small items. Took me ages to figure out Magic Wand and Bracers and RoB are things and not useless shits using an inventory slot...

                                        Only watch their replays back when you have a point to show, like camera positioning or an actual gank when enemy was visible on the map for 10 seconds running towards him, etc. Not just to watch it back, they make sooo many mistakes, if you point them all out, its more harm than help. Focus on bigger aspects only, then when they can do them, you can go into more details.

                                        If they are comfortable with playing a lot of heroes, give them examples of counerpicking, even play a counterpick "game" just tell them scenarios and ask them what theyd pick, give better options if they dont choose a good enough hero. Or just make them practice 2-3 heroes if thats the more comfortable way for them. Dont force something they dont like to do, again, not gonna help, there are already too many things to pay attention to. Later you can do anything with them, but 2k... nope.

                                        Dont make them buy wards every time they are off cd, not worth it. But tell them some imporant situations and show them some non-river wards. Tell them about early roshan heroes and make them place a ward there, or when their team or enemy has a Pudge or Mirana or something like that, teach them how to place an enemy base highground ward. Tell them 1000 times wards dont have to show the rune, 1 rune ward at a time is enough. Show them mid lane highground laning ward positions.

                                        Talk about importance of detection, make them examples of spending 180 gold on a dust and getting 2 kills with it compared to not getting the kills, even dying instead.

                                        Show them how Smoke works, give them examples, some nice paths they can take.

                                        If they play like.. mid and have some fav heroes, give them examples when to gank with a rune, like x hero, pre-6 haste rune, go gank for sure, or y hero lvl6 got a dd, but only gank if you have enough mana or lane is pushed or whatever. So if they only play 3-4 heroes you should be able to list all runes and situations.

                                        Mention creep and tower aggro, their reset, how to harass with ranged heroes without taking creep aggro. Watch them if they click attack multiply times without any reason, couse thats retarded but lots of ppl do it.

                                        Show them how shift queuing abilities work, couse lots of noobs dont know it. Check their keybinds, if they dont make any sense, get them into changing it.


                                          ^ thats a lot of stuff you wrote there o.O


                                            ^ I didnt even notice, was just type some shit, afk, get back, ah i forgot to send, write more stuff... repeat. :D


                                              last hit now! now! i said NOW :D gg

                                              edit: freeeeeeee goooooooooooold though ^^ free kills too ^^

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                ^:hush: :crazy:

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                                                  watch my last game to have a blast (laugh) :)


                                                    im taking a fucking pause right now i just cant deal with fucktards ruining mid (axe/bane)


                                                      ah... game still not up wait for it :p


                                                        Haha, KARMA #MIRANAFEED :laugh:

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          pick drow hit towers win games


                                                            :laugh: at karma


                                                              Actually, thats really nice, I totally forgot to mention the camera positioning previously.

                                                              I've played quite some games with my secondary acc with this 2,5k dude:
                                                              I've been focusing firstly to teach him how to last hit more effectivly and how/where to put the wards. For me, these are the very basics :D Maybe next step should be more particular about the common items or about the heroes. I don't think ganking, smoking, or even rune control from the side lanes is worth to be thought this early. It's sub 3k, if he leaves his lane, the allies will be raped instantly :D
                                                              The '10 min last hit challenge' worked really well with him, even though i'm sure he's not doing it, at least he tries to reach the goals from it even in pub games and trying to make as many last hits as possible, not just randomly attacking or waiting for shit to happen.

                                                              I'm up to play with anyone and the ingame hungarian chat channel is full with 2k (or less) MMR players, so these coaching tips are quite useful.

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                                                                ^ :) The camera thing helps the most.
                                                                I played some solo games yesterday, painful :( Im still around 3k, and thx to picks I was forced to play something non-support at which I suck, but the more painful part was watching them play support. I got a Tidehunter supporting me in lane, it had to be offlane for some reason. Only thing he did in the first 5 levels was standing. He was quiet good at that, sometimes he even changed position. When I got ganked, he took some steps back so hes gonna survive... I asked him to stack ancients, but he prefered to stand. Sooo if youre coaching 2-3k guys, teach them how to be not completly useless in lane. He was already a lot better than 2k supports, at least he didnt autoattack, but still.


                                                                  who was the smart handsome cute and nice guy that mentioned the camera thing?

