General Discussion

General Discussionlost 1k mmr

lost 1k mmr in General Discussion

    low really nice game is dota 2! pub maching in mmr is good from 3.8 k i go to 2.4 without even feeding!
    valve is cool! best game ever! i drop in low skill games where people dont even use wards ! ty valve!


      ur welcome


        your ranked MM is 43% O.o so welcome to my tier :D We actually do use wards tho :P

        maybe buy some wards sometimes or split it up :D my last 6 games in this tier (on my team)

        1. 12 obs 8 sentries
        2. 7 obs 4 sentries
        3. 5 obs 6 sentries (only 16 min game tho)
        4. 10 obs 4 sentries
        5. 10 obs 4 sentries
        6. 14 obs 10 sentries

        granted its not tons and tons but what do you expect at our level ^^ (tbh people seem to buy dust rather than sentries)

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          someone who picks io on purpose to ruin others' games can fuck off

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            lol i see it maybe i will hit 35% after 1 week ....


              welcome to the group


                More like you got calibrated 1k mmr higher than you should have.


                  Oleksandr .. dont think so i bet i had more very high skill games than you ...


                    ofc you gonna lose.people are low skill.they cant even farm safelane.ıam going hardlane taking 2 first kill then?lose.


                      You sure do. And you lost most of them, reason why you lost 1k mmr while I've won 700 mmr from my calibration point.

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                        lost ... man what is this callibration to send me next to people who dont know what is dota ? no bkbs no wards no sentry no smoke no nothing if this is my group why i lose 2 years in this game ...
                        garena was beetter at least in maching i never lose 10 in a row in garena here i lose like 11-12 .... in row ...


                          yes everyone is bad

                          ur good

                          ur 5k player but u get matched with 2k players

                          and yet u still cant win

                          buhuhu what a sad story


                            your wisp is sick, should play more


                              and then in team play i got 3.2 k mmr ...


                                You lose 10+ games in a row because you fail to make an impact into the game in order to win. This means that you're not as good as you're supposed to be to win matches consistently in your bracket, therefore you drop your mmr.
                                When you drop enough mmr to be in your actual skill level, you will be able to win.


                                  what did ıs say?god punished me.2 kids fight mid then one of feeded.ı lost 400 mmr.guess why?man ı alway say.f2p games are many kids in many 15-16 age kids in here.make this game just fucking 1 dollar then see how this is game so perfect.but nope.this game always wiil be f2p and all kids will come here.f2p games are dead and alway will be.


                                    you people whine too much :D i got calibrated at 1650 and you guys moan ^^


                                      You are bad.


                                        every-time when i make a topic everybody spit on you here they say you are wrong this game is perfect you think? thats maching system is good? u think ? so ? u play only with high skill players in your team ?


                                          you are a fucking bad player who deliberately ruins games with your wisp so seriously you have no fucking right to complain about the system when you're the problem

                                          its like the biggest asshole in class complaining that people are being assholes to him then blaming the teacher for it

                                          doesnt make any fucking sense

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                                          the realm's delight

                                            1k wins 2,4k mmr.


                                              Apparently its valves fault :P


                                       well obviously it's valves fault he just lost his game, I feel you bro


                                                  intentionally feeds then moans about mmr dropping O.o


                                                    lol, you blame age when my favorite player (Zai) is 16 lol


                                                      >You went for a Quelling Blade on a HIGH base damage hero with an excelent attack animation.
                                                      >You don't know how to drag the creep agro therefore you miss a lot of easy last hits.
                                                      >You're against a spell-spamming duo lane and you refuse to buy a stick.

                                                      Those things are pretty basic.

                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        i lost like 50 mmr on this smurf because i got banned from matchmaking for 24 hours because i dodged once, i have 5.8k on my main but i cant win 1 single fucking game in 4.8k bracket because everyone steals bottle/boots


                                                          Oleksandr, nothing wrong with Quelling Blade at Void, mainly because in this bracket you don't have free farm, you have dual lane x dual lane with supports (if there is such thing) doing nothing, so QB is legit.

                                                          PC Principal

                                                            1. Risk to play solo que during TI since most competent people are watching the games.
                                                            2. If your winrate in ranked games is as bad as your profile tells, you most likely just calibrated too high.

                                                            Git gud nab.


                                                              1x Stout Shield + 1x Slippers + 1x Tango + 2x gg branches = 68 base damage.

                                                              I'd understand on heroes with low base damage, but if you can't last hit with 68 base damage you better stop playing ranked and go practice in a private lobby.


                                                                "pub maching in mmr is good from 3.8 k i go to 2.4 without even feeding!"

                                                                Someone how you managed, in the course of last 45 minutes, to lose two games with a 0/18/1 collective record, but yea man, you aren't feeding at all. Why you are pub picking IO in sub 3k is beyond me anyway...

                                                                You will find no sympathy here.

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                                                                  nice winrate


                                                                    i have never seen so many abandons in my life >.< its funny he comes here complaining about the lack of game quality yet people like him are the reason most of our game quality is terrible :D


                                                                      That's nothing, some guy had like 750 abandons and complained about mm


                                                                        see my last game and still blame me ... team was noobs again blood feed ... and pull it anyway ....


                                                                          I'm seeing a pattern

                                                                          Lose > Lose > Lose > Lose > Win > Lose > Lose > Lose > Lose > Win > Lose > Lose > Lose > Lose > Win


                                                                            Blame you?

                                                                            "blaming" implies caring. No one here cares at all. You lose more than you win and that is your problem. Deal with it.

                                                                            you have a 20% IO win rate after 111 games, and yet you keep picking him.

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                                                                              valve cant read what you know about the game, but it can read your game impact. If you truly are out of position in your mmr then you will have no problem to apply that knowledge into the game, thus increasing your winchances aka mmr.


                                                                                Quelling blade on void? Might aswell get it on ranged heroes. Play more wisp, and soon you will reach 0 mmr, which is probably where you belong. I could understand 30% winrate on some hero you love but just can't play, 1.5 kda or something. But 20% winrate and less than 1 kda with over 100 games on wisp, i think you are the one who actually ruins games, not your teammates.

                                                                                @Boush, i lol'd :D

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                                                                                  how to move creep aggro i 2k scrub




                                                                                      aleksandr ur so bad if u think people buy qb to last hit lmao


                                                                                        pls stack with me op


                                                                                          He got QB as a starting item. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend to split push nor jungle farm before 10 mins, so yeah, he got it for last hitting in lane.


                                                                                            I wouldn't criticize him purely for that, with voids base damage a QB guarantees last hits on both ranged and melee under tower, which pays back quickly, though im pretty sure he didnt buy it for that

                                                                                            there are literally hundreds of more glaring mistakes he makes but is too blind to realize


                                                                                              stop bumping this thread, op deserves to be ip banned from dota 2, end of story.


                                                                                                Any melee carry heroes should get QB imo..
                                                                                                It accelerates farming esp in jungle significantly
                                                                                                It's even better to sell stout shield and keep quelling blade at some point..
                                                                                                I always keep mine on sven until late game.
                                                                                                Not for doom though since i constantly ganking and he has devour


                                                                                                  But sunrise I have a very low winrate with chen


                                                                                                    my friend has 2,6k rank in 100 hours of dota 2, hasnt played moba earlier and shit 2,6k players are awful + my friend isnt talented or something, i just point out mistakes from time to time

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                                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                                      Clicks at profile 0/9 0/9 0/11 0/9(on a puck :D). Wow good the mmr system is starting to work at last...