General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me, anyone?

Help me, anyone? in General Discussion

    I forgot how it looks to win a game, what hero to pick what to do? Its impossible how to win?

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      Why do you play 10 games/day? Don't you think that might affect your ability to concentrate and play at your best?


        go back to slark?


          Karma for picking Slark so much lol


            Pick meepo, kunkka, rly 2stronkk dude. Or i can carry you to 5kmmr if you want.


              yeah I agree, I think you play to much perhaps, I know I play more than normal when I lose... because I try to make up for the loss but that is excactly what you shouldn't do because then you are usually angry at teammates or yourself perhaps and/or your just flat out exhausted because you played the entire day to make up for a loss, instead just take a break for a while and try again another day maybe. best of luck :)

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                Yes I m angry and I cant play best when I play that much but is far from that that is a huge difference.


                  i go slark too

                  ♛ peSte ♛

                    the amount of time that you play doesn't reflect if you play bad or good
                    if that would be the case then chinese teams would suck ass because they play like 14 hours a day or more


                      its not about how many hours u play

                      but how smart u can use those 14 hours

                      obv some teams used those hours better than other teams and took home 5mil$

                      Killer Queen

                        spam TA, magnus and slark games


                          same here 11 losses already :sad:

                          Ples Mercy

                            Rofl bogi soon @ 3k LeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeL


                              2/2 slark wins so far


                                No that won't help. I am going to be massively honest here and I really really don't want you to take offense because I actually don't think you're bad and I enjoy playing with you.

                                Here are some things I feel that hold you back and I will use our game as an example.

                                Games like this you're going midas every game and this hurts your team, your words were "I have to go midas cause I don't trust this Drow to carry" and this not only hurts teamwork but shows the selfish attitude that costs you a lot of your games. Alchemist had a 11 minute Shadow Blade and Maelstrom by 14 minutes, at 14 minutes you went a Midas cause you were convinced that you with farm would win the game automatically.

                                Trust me I understand the frustration of the game but your games aren't even throws or wide MMR spreads that a few of us get, some of them are just games where on the whole you aren't playing as sharp as you used to. You have become complacent, frustrated, and aren't challenging yourself to strive for improvement where you can. To you the number is your life and not the effort needed to get the number.

                                Stop carrying maybe? Stop going Midas and start farming better, I don't mean last hitting I mean being farm efficient. Very rarely will I go Midas on anyone though it is sometimes a decent idea if you're protecting your late and have decent enough mid game to do so. That 2150 gold is the cost of a blink dagger which at 5-6 minutes into a game on slark is god damn devastating.

                                Take the way I play legion in much the same way you should be playing slark.

                                1-2 minutes brown boots, 3-4 minutes Magic stick, 4-7 minutes blink dagger, 7-8 Minutes (Level 6) go TP and duel someone offlane or mid. This is fucking hard to deal with cause while their carry has just go their midas you have boots and blink and are already online and this also encourages your team to see their carry willing to move around so early in the game but this also means you have to be farm efficient picking up last hits right after a kill, stacking camps, farming ancients, and just general farming as you move around the map and not just camping a lane taking 1 last hit every 10 seconds.

                                ....just a thought and I genuinely mean no offense by this.


                                  3/3 slark wins so ez lol


                                    Havoc Badger <3 Hald Traas Tnx for the tips, midas on dk was fail not just cus on 14 min. I think is fail in any case of the game Dk is just bad with midas cus midas cut his impact with early pushes and ganks alot. On Slark tho I don`t agree , lately I play slark with midas and its kinda good in almost all situations. Cus if you farm Shadow Blade fast and their team just group up push towers and stuff protect themselfs you cant really use that sb that well and you cant farm that fast, and with midas you can catch up get your skadi + next item at 25-35 min. and win game alone. I lost 9 games in a row and I m frustrated I had 4400-4500 mmr. last 7 days and I m down to 4180 or smth in 1 day cus of those loses, 9 games 2 abandon 2-3 total fail draft 2 game ppl throw and 2 game I could do muich better and won game by myself but I failed cus I was frustrated and I flamed also alot. Dunno I ll try to climb mmr with Slark again..thats mb. only way to play other heroes again at higher mmr cus ppl here don`t understand anytjhing about a game and you must play selfish and win by yourself. Ppl here die 15+ times in game just suicide or just throw at most important fight without buyback and suddenly you lost base so basiclly need to play perfect to get out of this trench fast.

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                                      Probably you get cursed cause you're throwing game on purpose yourself?
                                      -Faceless Void


                                        THats 2 game out of last 20-30


                                          Time to random?


                                            When you throw 2 games you 100% could own, you ruined 4 wins for your team, kinda. 2 games = 8 matched cursed to lose!

                                            Also, in those 20-30 games you played CARRY 90%. Maybe try to play something else as it clearly doesn't work?


                                              ^ I cant play support, I just won with shaman one game but I m always out of position dunno how to handle such a sqvishy heroes.
                                              I can venge and Mirana do well only like on really high lvl dunno. Y I can play offlane good Tide,Clockwerk,Brood etc..Weaver mb. tahts the best at this trench tier now. I played amazing Tide here but wasnt inaf.. last 2 deaths was on fountain


                                                Don't be stressed though, I calibrated at about 4150-4200 and then played maybe 10-15 solo games after so was about 4200-4300 and now I am sat at about 4800 and haven't dropped yet.

                                                Like I find the more I play solo the more into solo I get and it becomes such a deal that I find myself getting really aggro about games and bitchy and have even made a QQ thread once I started my solo queue. My honest advice is to maybe do 2-3 a day max then go have some knock around games with some friends that way a lot of your losses will go into party or just normal.

                                                Consider that of those 8 lost games only 3 of those could have been solo which means only -75 MMR which isn't that bad. Seriously though, space out the games don't do it all in one sitting, I usually do one game then clean a room to keep the house nice, it also gives you time to cool off after an intense game so your not carrying your rage over to other games.

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                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  didn't u lose like a lot of ur cali matches?


                                                    i calibrated 5.8k and now im at 3k :/




                                                        u guys have to chill about being 5k rly, 5k is the new 4k since a while now.
                                                        u need 6k to be 'ok'


                                                          system broken ı guess.never seen like lose this.not just me .everybody saying.interesting.


                                                            1. Go slark mid or something (call for it dont pick yet)
                                                            2. Wait for everyone to pick their heroes
                                                            3. Dont get counterpicked
                                                            4. Claim points


                                                              @Blunt I think I lost about 6 and won 4.


                                                                i dont think winning at 4ks would be an issue for someone that can easily calibrate over 5.5k if he wanted to

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  dno, some matches are somewhat unwinnable. The amount of smurfs ( especially at 4,5k range) is huge. Wave struggles aswell :D

                                                                  only way i win ez mode is when i go TB or slark.


                                                                    4.5+ is same as 2-3k since most of em bought their acc

                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                      nah, they just created them. Also it's not the same at all.

                                                                      Here is the issue:
                                                                      If you have 2-3 smurfs and the enemy doesn't (which happens) you play 2-3 4k + 2x 2k mmr vs 5x 4k mmr. Odds are very much against you, even when you are a 6k player.

                                                                      I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                                        i agree, take a break and calm yo tits. i lost 11 games in a row in a bad mood, and my prev record was 2 only + 75% win rate. and it happened 1 more time since then. just calm yo tits, and dont start a game thinking that you will lose. attitude is everything. i used to tell my team that im on a 14 win streak and i dont wanna stop yet, and they were all going: yeee, lets win this shit woooo. its not always working, but its better than nothing.

                                                                        now i planned to win 3 games for every lose. in 150 wins/50 losses, i will go back to 62% win or something. im inspired by this, and im doing ok now. i got 7 wins and 3 losses since then. 2 more wins to stay on objective


                                                                          stop playing dota bogi
                                                                          lol suits u

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            nah 4.5k is easy, 4.8k-4.9k is TBD/ZEUS/2k account buyers zone


                                                                              Your mom suits me the best

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                Wave's right, every game at least 1 TBD.

                                                                                It's funny that does guys that are completely stuck at 4200/4500 etc cry about mm, TBDs etc when there barely is any there compared to the higher mmrs.

                                                                                Also, those in low 4ks aren't 2k players by any means, or low 3ks. MMR doesn't get that hugely inflated, rofl.

                                                                                It's so fun reading those comments


                                                                                  Come play with me Bogi boy, pretty sure win everytime :)

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                                                                                    How come you be on a winstreak Hurricunne? I remember you losing a lot. :laugh:

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                                                                                      i just counted my ranked solo games on this account after i stopped playing on my 5k acct

                                                                                      took me 32 games to get from 4300 to 4700 (24 wins, 8 losses, that's 75% win rate) which sounds about right, if a low 5k player was playing at mid and high 4k

                                                                                      the problem is i've been here before...i was at 4900 about 4 months ago, and then I got hit by a 6 loss streak and I probably lost motivation after that. i dropped to 4200~ at the lowest.

                                                                                      difference is i've made 2 threads complaining about MM while bogi's made 10+

                                                                                      i think it's more of a mental attitude thing; i was thinking "wow i'm so close to 5k" and then i started massing games and then just playing poorly. i can say the games don't really feel much different at 5100-5200 compared to 4800-4900, the number just "looks" better. once you remove that mindset and just see 5000 as any other benchmark (5100, 5200) then it won't be daunting

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                                                                                        that Attacker! guy had the right idea, and so did Hailrake. Play the hero(es) you want over and over, don't mass games every day, and be creative/innovative in dealing with your counters. I actually find that instapicking PA is actually to my advantage cuz the other team will quickly "counterpick" with Doom and Void, only to realize they can't play those heroes well and I just end up slaughtering them with proper positioning/items.