General Discussion

General Discussionif you could have 1 invoker spell in IRL. what would it be?

if you could have 1 invoker spell in IRL. what would it be? in General Discussion

    And why?

    Me - I want forged spirits coz we dont have dog in our house. For security reasons


      ghost walk


        Harlek's Incantation of Incineration.
        so i can kill any dumb fuck who oppose me bwahahahah


          ^sunstrike? o.O


            I wonder what sex would be like with alacrity...



                Lowest level ghost walk would suck, youd be so slow. Max level ghost walk on the other hand..


                  See that invoker had it all wrong. Cast it on lina...


                    Noob invoker insta mid picker 2k russian trash.

                    I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                      so, instead of getting a fucking dog, youre wasting getting a spell irl. cool
                      i would go for qwe to bitchslap the shit out of everybody


                        Its not. I could let them kill you tho

                        ICE SKULL

                          sunstrike and nuke every fucking sub 5k autist that ends up in my team when im playing on my main

                          yep thats the one spell i need

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Tornado obviously, so I can mass murder those morons.


                              ghost walk definitely :kappaface:


                                exort to cook my burritos .




                                    EMP. cos I hate assholes cell phones going off in the movie theater


                                      *nerd mode on*
                                      Chaos Meteor, for mass destruction and other personal purposes, it also doesn't give away my position since it comes from space.
                                      Sunstrike is useless since you don't have minimaps you idiots.
                                      Science says that if you are invisible, you are blind as well because all light passes through you and we need it to reflect on our eyes to be able to see, so no Ghost Walk.
                                      EMP just fucking sucks.
                                      Forge Spirits can suck it too.
                                      Alacrity as well.
                                      Ice Wall, fuck this.
                                      Tornado would give away your position as a psychopath because it comes from exactly where you are standing.
                                      Deafening Blast, who guarantees that this won't deafen me as well? Also, gives away your position.
                                      Cold Snap, oh yeah, ministunning someone in real life will help a lot...fuck it.

                                      Chaos Meteor FTW.

                                      *nerd mode off*


                                        Can I say Quas because fast healing would be nice


                                          EMP if I'm goin to war boys ;D


                                            Forge Spirits! Instant bodyguard. Instant fire is super handy too.


                                              Wex so I can beat usain bolt in a foot race

                                              Admiral Love Handle

                                                Ghost walk so I can peep the ladies changing room. No kappa.

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