General Discussion

General DiscussionSo how do I get better?

So how do I get better? in General Discussion

    I have gotten fed up with being a bad at DOTA and would like to get better, anyone have any advice?
    Please no comments like "get more last hits" or "die less" with out clarification as to how I should go about doing these things.
    If any one is wondering what my skill level is my rank is a little over 3k. Ill take help from any one who is willing to give it, but I am posting here hoping that a few people who are much better players then I will give me some tips.


      I think the only fast way to improve at this crappy game is to have a coach.
      Just some dude with 4.5k mmr coaching your games, or actually partying with better players helps you get better.
      PS: get more last hits and die less. kappa


        'any advice' is too broad a statement for such a game, it's like asking someone how to win at life. If you're already this far into the game then you probably already know the majority of the 'general advice' that people will have to say. If you want help with something, IMO, it's best to consider where you think you struggle the most, and ask for advice related to that. As you say, 'get more last hits' and 'die less' are fairly useless comments so please, tell me, what is it you struggle with the most?

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          Post a replay. Melody will evaluate within 24 hours.


            Get more last hits is a part of getting better at the game. 5 last hits is pretty much equal to a hero kill, so just keep that in mind. Every last hit counts. Every other bits that you might forgot could also be the difference between you and some player at 4k mmr. Creep blocking, neutral stacking/pulling, treads switching, knowledge of mana cost & cooldowns for spells, checking enemy item inventories, or what spells they take, etc. All these small details add up.


              @Guiri, most likely the biggest mistakes that I make in game are things that I am completely unaware of.
              I suppose I am aware of my own poor decision making when it comes to deciding when to look for ganks and when to split push, as opposed to just farming. If you (or any one else) have anything to say with regards to those two points I would like to hear it.


                take a break every 3-4 matches and watch a game thats just starting on the front page

                King of Low Prio

                  watch your own replays, it is hard to actually notice yourself making mistakes in real time.


                    Desition making: When you're playing, think about what you're doing, as well as when and why.
                    You're mid, lvl 6, full hp and mana, no rotations yet. You found a DD and you bottle it. Should you gank? Do any of my sidelanes need help? Do the enemy saw me taking this rune? Do they have wards? Will we be able to kill someone if I rotate or I'm gonna waste my time (or worse, getting killed)? Are we gonna lose a tower if I leave the lane? If so, is the tower important enough? Can we trade towers? That's the kind of thinking process you need to go through in order to improve your desition making.
                    Map awareness: Force yourself to look at the minimap (AS WELL AS OTHER PARTS OF THE MAP!!!) every few secs and pay attention to the pings. Yes, it's hard as fuck, but that's the only way.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!