General Discussion

General Discussion"Fuck DotaBuff" Thoughts on Liquid Departure - DemonDota VLog

"Fuck DotaBuff" Thoughts on Liquid Departure - DemonDota VLog in General Discussion

    Classy Jimmy

    And yea, title is out of context but I figured it would draw attention.


      7 Questions, lets do it.

      1. @inglorious: Did you have a positive experience with liquid for the short time you were with them?

      Most definitely. Whole experience was very different. I put myself in an atmosphere where I didnt know what I was getting myself into. The only person I knew was Sam (Bulba), who was a teammate with EG back in 2012. We had a good run, I knew him for years and years, and with him I knew what I was getting myself into. It had its ups and downs but overall it was a positive experience.

      2. @nahnasDota: How did you guys manage to elevate your level of play so much in the weeks leading up to TI?

      Tbh, there was a moment where we went 26-27 losses straight, in a row, consecutively. Right before TI, we had about 3-4 days right before where we started practicing vs DK. We talked about it and decided to get our game faces on, pretending that this was for $10m, deciding on how we would make plays, draft, decision making, play calling, etc. We played like a beast. I don't know how it happened or why it happened, maybe DK was lagging or our strategies were better, but we were trying and found we were a great team, phenomenal team. We had a 80% win ratio, something like 16 wins. I don't know if they were trying to get strategies from us, but this gave us a huge confidence boost coming into wildcards and eventually group stages.

      3. @akkeabledouche: What did you feel were the main reasons for TL's poor TI performance?

      I don't know if "poor" is the right word to describe everything that happened. We had a good first day, a decent second day, but on the third we were overconfident. There were also small conflicts within the team [Demon decides not elaborate].

      4. @flippy9000: For the whole year you finally found a secure team. Weren't you reluctant to leave? What were the main reasons why you left?

      Think about it this way; You have the World Cup, NBA Championship, Superbowl, you always have trades, roster changes, etc. Victor and I talked about it, they wanted to sign me on longer but I was unsure what I wanted to do (school or other plans), especially after TI4. I decided it was in both our best interests to sign a short contract that ended after TI4. So this is what happened. We are still on good terms, so there's always a possible chance for Liquid Demon 2.0.

      5. @munich: What's the biggest thing you've learned during your time with Team Liquid?

      You can never really force anyone to change who they are...but you can give them yourself and move on from there. Hmm that sounded pretty good! What I mean by that...whoa that actually sounded pretty good, quote it [points at camera]. What I mean by that...I knew what I was getting into myself into by coming into this team. A lot of people were saying, oh its not going to work, this and that, well, I can prove all you motherfuckers wrong! Haha, ok I don't want to swear too much in this video lol. Its just like, I knew I was coming into a team with introverted people. They are all really shy, humble, to themselves. For me, I'm really outgoing, putting myself out there. I am the kind of guy that does crazy shit in the game and outside the game. And I know those guys weren't like that and I could change that. I was... dead wrong. Some players are capable of adapting and others weren't. I don't blame anyone but myself for trying to force something that I shouldn't...I should have adapted what I was getting myself into. Not only that I was outnumbered, 4 to 1 here. You can see the point where I'm getting at and...yeah. [Demon then thinks deeply about his words and pauses for several moments].

      6. @whitneylai: If you could only say one sentence as a parting message to your old teammates, what would it be for each person?

      Bulba: Bulba kinishka zam suzale [some sort of magic wizard words obviously]. You're great. I appreciate everything you did within the team. You were the guy who ended up stepping up as a our captain and draft. Transitioned to something completely out of your comfort zone. That's what I appreciate the most, when a player, no a person is capable of getting out of your comfort zone when you don't know what you're getting into, that's a lot of respect towards you. I've always had a lot of respect towards you as a player. Not so much as a person, you know what haha, I am not going to explain that..but all in all, you're awesome Sam. You get influenced really easily're an awesome guy.

      Qojqva: We started off as, I mean, nothing to blame towards one another, but we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. But you are a badass motherfucker. You are a badass dude, you're cool as shit, you're young, I can see a lot of inexperience in you but all in all you are an amazing player and...thank you for carrying me in games and shit.

      TC: TC, Tyler Cook. Thpppt. Haha. [Slaps his leg]. Umm, lol. You gotta be more aggressive bro!. I don't know man. You...what did Sam do during this. Get out of your comfort zone. Break out of that. This is my honest opinion towards you. Its just, you live a kind of, I am not talking about a player anymore, you live a kind of lifestyle where everything is scheduled; you need this and this done by this and that. Take the risk, break the, get out of your comfort zone. I think you have the potential to be the greatest player. Fuck Dotabuff. Do what you think is right. Get out of your comfort zone and you will be amazing.

      WaytoSexy: Peter WaytoSexy Nguyen. God damn. Its like you are my viet brother man. We...[sigh], with you man, I knew this was going to be a problem prior to joining Liquid. I knew we'd go through a lot of conflicts together and our personalities were going to clash, we were gonna clash and we did. I knew what I was getting myself into but I am not sure you did. All in all, for me, it was one hell of a learning experience. I think you are a great guy and I can see the people you do get along with...we obviously didn't get along for numerous...not even multiple, NUMEROUS of reasons and we tried making things work. It was hard man; all in all at the end of the day, when it came to what was important, we did kind of get our shit together and work things out. Let's put it this way, I am glad we weren't the reason why we didn't make it to the playoffs. You're still an awesome dude but...yeah.

      7. What are my plans now?

      Hard to say. Everyone knows TI4 came to an end and there will be a big re-shuffle. But I am going to try my best. I am not retired guys. Just so you know, I'm still back. I'll make it to TI5. Try my best, do my best. Everyone knows that I do struggle, prior to TI4. As soon as I got booted off EG, I mentioned it to all my fans that I would try my best and do my best and I will make it to TI4. And I showed you guys that. But that year is over, and this year is now, and the following, I will be at TI5. Try my best, and I will work harder and give them my all once again. So thank you all for supporting me, watching this dumb vlog of me haha, I've had numerous questions "Is Red Bull still sponsoring me?", they are still behind me, behind my back. Much love towards them. And, thank you for watching [points at camera].

      King of Low Prio

        Jimmy the real MVP, fuck dotabuff


          I like demon. I dont think hes the most skilled player, but his personality is so infectious and people like that are good for dota.


            I think demon is an extremely talented player, but his immaturity holds him back. It reflects in his gameplay.


              What did Dotabuff say about TC?


                Nothing, afaik. In context it sounds more like a recommendation to not worry about stats and play aggressively - even if it tanks your KDA, it might pay off big, and you'd probably learn something in the process.


                  hes one talented thrower


                    TC has a very high winrate on dotabuff and is top 50 on many heroes actually. I think the point that Demon was making is that despite having such high stats on dotabuff, he ends up not having enough influence on the games because he never takes any chances.