General Discussion

General DiscussionUnder and Overused Items

Under and Overused Items in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    What do you think are the 3 least and most used items? Excluding consumables (Smoke, couriers, etc.), and you can't use the dotabuff items list.

    For me they are:

    Least Used:
    Rod of Atos, Necronomicon, and Heaven's Halberd

    Most Used:
    Shadow Blade, Wraith Bands, and Power Treads



      wraith bands and power treads overused?



        most used: blink dagger, magic wand, phase boots
        least used: rod of atos, refresher orb, radiance

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          BKB is underused, can't tell how many games i have lost because people refuse to buy bkb's


            underused: treads and helm of dominator
            overused: phase+desolator


              underused: veil, rod, eblade


                underused: observer wards



                  Hmm. Underused and Overused in 3k bracket?

                  Overused - Blink Dagger, Aghanims Scepter (i.e. Lich, Lion, Lina), Battlefury
                  Underused - Drums of Endurance, Veil of Discord, Black King Bar (situationally, people don't really get this item if they focus on their core 'damage' items)

                  I guess :D

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                  Dire Wolf

                    Sange and yasha is underrated and underused. Crystalis might not be used that much but it's overrated.


                      In the 2K bracket:


                      Shadow Blade




                      BKB (Often I'm the only one who builds one in the game)

                      Force Staff

                      Blink Dagger



                        After last game I decided it was............................ BRAINS! I swear nobody thinks before they do anything.

                        I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                          underused: veil of discord, rod of atos, medalion of courage
                          overused: (here i mean items that could be replaced better in many games)
                          1. radiance:
                          there were many games when we were losing and i ask my carry to go farm, and he comes out with a radi, and its still useless. people dont understand this is a luxury item, and they make it on the worst situations.
                          here for example. bs farmed all the game and got vang,radi and tarasq instead of getting a fast bkb and a cuirass/mjolo, which would have been for usefull.
                          same with spec. i see many specs building radi, when they could get a more usefull diffusal/basher
                          2. bottle: 3 bottles/team ftw! and no wards or rune control.
                          3. magic wand: waste of gold. stick is more than enough.


                            radiance is shit on bloodseeker anyways. get mjollnir instead.

                            Jorges Sanz

                              Over: Manta,
                              Under: Armlet, Medallion, Naked Boots without upgrades, Edit* Clarity pots as well

                              Im looking from the perspective of the overall utility of the item and with how often i see it in games.

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                              आप गे क्यों

                                under used:
                                necro (the nerf + micro units makes it pretty rare unless u are against a push strat)
                                Medallion (good item but rarely used)
                                mekanism (u see it built EVERY SINGLE pro game, but pubs games u see it on one team maybe 33% of the time)

                                most used:
                                boots, i see them every game
                                magic stick
                                dagger (everyone gets one to follow their favourite pros, even qop)


                                  (From my games)

                                  Most used:
                                  Blink Dagger -by far-

                                  Least used:
                                  Divine Rapier

                                  Basically, heavy and expensive attack damage items are the ones I see the least.
                                  Cheap, utility and stats items are those that I see the most.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Helm of dominator is also way overpurchased not because it's bad but because those who buy it never use it to stack or even use the creep to fight. Hell, I forgot to quite often myself.



                                      Hand of Midas (not really, it's a pretty rare sight now, but still wrong 80% of the times it is bought)
                                      Dagon (because of Tinker)
                                      Blink dagger (but I'm not complaining about this)


                                      Rod of Atos
                                      Veil of Discord
                                      Medallion of Courage - People don't like them small items :(
                                      Special mention: Sheepstick (Some beleive this is exclusively a wealthy support item)


                                        Most used:

                                        Shadowblade (WD go farm my safe lane pls)
                                        Hand of midas (go cm u can do it)
                                        Dagon (go blink in to 5 people tinker)

                                        Least used:

                                        That map hack for 150 gold...

                                        Arya Stark

                                          wraith bnad what mmr are u in

                                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                            Shit of the shit tier

                                            Moja Moja

                                              -Veil of Discord
                                              -Medallion Of Courage
                                              -Rod of Atos

                                              -Shadow Blade
                                              -Hand of Midas - Stop mimicking Demon's Tide with Midas!!! @_@
                                              -Force Staff & Blink Dagger - Not saying this is a bad thing though.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Yeah way too much shadow blades on shitty heroes for it like sniper. Had a game where sniper was on my team vs a lineup of lina, windranger, silencer, timber and AA and sniper builds shadow blade. Like why? They have no gankers, no one you need to run from, no right clickers unless you count silencer late. Just go bkb for 1k gold more.