General Discussion

General Discussionis there a list of abilities that have no effect no roshan

is there a list of abilities that have no effect no roshan in General Discussion

    Is there a list out there ? I googled and didn't find one.

    I guess we can make one here.

    I can confirm that razor ult will not work on roshan
    neither did razor 's static link.

    How about enigma Midnight Pulse ?
    huskar ult ?
    naix 2nd ability (passive) ?
    doom (when roshan linken down)?
    tide's anchor (dmg reduction)?
    undying tombstone ?
    jugg ult ?
    dusa ult ?
    naga ult ?
    bane ult (when roshan linken down) ?
    necropho ult (when roshan linken down) ?
    jak liquid fire (AS slow) ?


      Naix 2nd ability doesn't work cause that'd be literally broken cause he could solo roshan at lvl 1/early levels.

      Jug ult works.

      Tide Anchor would be OP

      Undying tomb work

      Why would you even doom Rosh?

      Bane ult works

      Rosh has 75%/Some sick ass high Magic resistance, thus it's not worth using magic on rosh USUALLY.

      Most of the things you listed works.
      Not sure why you would just list random spells and ults here, butoki

      Dire Wolf

        Pretty sure you cannot target rosh with doom. Some disabling spells are pretty good to use on him like wraith king's stun, sven stun, those all work provided you pop his linkins.


          if you can doom creeps and you can doom mud golems, why not rosh


            ok turns out u cant doom ancients

            Dire Wolf

              Yeah that's why. I just kind of noticed it one day. It's pretty arbitrary though like why can dp's ult hit him but not razor's? Both are physical damage that go through magic immunity.