General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to razor

How to razor in General Discussion

    I just recently realize the true power/potential of razor. Now people can you help me on how to play razor like a boss. should i go for pt or pb? I saw some buying phase boots and following it up with sange and yasha which is pretty strong + meka. but my build is drums ring of aquila treads shivas/agha (no meka). I'm playing it in 4.5-5k mmr. the pb sy mek was in 3.8kmmr.


      Razor is picked for 2 reasons:
      1. He rapes the lane he is in
      2. He has amazing teamfight presence

      If possible, always get the Mek for your team, you have the mana to support it, you last a long time, it gives you armor, you have to be in the middle of the fight so your positioning for Mek will be great.

      S&Y is okay on Razor, the main downside is that it delays Aghs.

      Most pros I've seen go PB>mek>aghs


        watch rtz play razor! i rly like how he plays him


          Like all Anti Carry heroes, Razor does well in teamfights by taking their damage, and dealing it all back 3 times as much powerful.

          I usually play razor mid, but razor offlane works just as well if you want go farming. My mid depends on the lines up they have, and usually I use my Q as a harasser to get the other mid out. Bottle and rune control work great for razor. All runes, (Cept illusion imo) are great on him as a hero. Especially if it's haste or DD, Haste even more so so he can keep the static link.

          Static link early on is great for fighting against heroes with a lot of right click. Heroes like Ursa, Sven, and Void are useless against if they prolong the fight. Unstable current has great speed boost, and a good slow for enemies with single target abilities, Making heroes like Venge, Lion, and Enchantress harder to kill you.

          Eye of the storm is great, even greater when you have Aghs. Gives you team fight presence and armor reduction. The Aghs upgrade makes them even hit harder and strike faster each time, and lets you push towers down.

          I say for core it's a toss up. I don't mind getting mek, but if there's a support like disruptor or kotl getting it, I usually skip it. I go for either Aghs, or BKB as my first item. (Cause getting stun lock is no fun any hero). If you keep a lot of ass with BKB, go into butterfly. Not only can they not stun you, you murder them in return, not even counting the damage you stole. If you are wrecking with Aghs, get refresher, or bkb if you still have trouble with some stuns. Refresher razor is like Refresher Zeus. They don't need it to kill, but boy does it get really fucking hairy when they get to cast their ults twice.

          Strong against: Right click carries, and slow moving enemies.
          Weak against: Lock down heroes and burst damage heroes with high mobility.

          Just my two cents.


            Almost the same as viper..





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              To use razor properly:

              Apply foam.
              Gently slide it on your skin.

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                Phaseboots, Mek with Scepter is really good. However Pb,Aquila and Drums when your playing mid is amazing as well. You have huge mobility when you have drums, nobody gets away from your static link and you can dive towers just as good as if you had a mek because of the aquilla and your team benefits with the aura, and you can spam your Plasma field a lot, insted of having a mek and keeping all your mana for team fights. Spamming your plasma field lets you farm so much better.

                Here are stats from Ti4, mind you about 90% of pro's went with Mek and her are the results. I was dissapointed because I think mek build is a bit weak

                Razor Pick/Ban% Games Played Win Rate K/D
                100% 76 38.2% 5.1/4.2

                One match in ti4 where mid razor built Aquilla and drums and he just raped and that made my day, cause Razor Mek is great, but falls off. Scepter, is good with mek, however razor is so good as a 1 or 2 position, screw the mek. Like a viper that falls off cause all he has is tank but no dps.


                  38.2 WR


                    phaseboots are real shit on razor.


                      i suck with razor...

                      Dire Wolf

                        You need to evaluate your bracket and your competition and decide if you truly need the movement speed on phase boots because the treads scale so much better into late game and attack speed with static link is the shit. You will simply attack really slow with just phase and aghs. And if you throw a point or two into your E early you probably won't notice the missing speed. At 4 points in unstable current it's like having a permanent phase boots.

                        Sange and yasha is overlooked on him. Razor is fast with unstable current but enemies with slows still escape. S&y has a nice proc to solve that, plus hp, IAS and dmg. Great item. Desolator is too glass cannon. AC can be quite good, stacking IAS and -armor with your ult. I think on razor it's a worthy alternative to butterfly.

                        I wouldn't go mek, aquila and drums. I'd just do one of those and then rush your next big item whether it's s&y, aghs, bkb or butterfly. Bkb is good if they can kill you in a stun but just disabling razor isn't a huge hurt on you since you need time for link to steal damage anyway and your ult still goes while you're stunned. So if you need bkb to survive then get it, but you're not getting it to prevent your dps being shutdown like a wraith king or dragon knight or doom gets it, just be aware.


                          Razor is a fantastic counter to Bristleback.

                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                            wasted penguinz

                              i played razor before it was cool ! give me a cookie
                              and y always get skadi on him !! :P

                              Dire Wolf

                                treads, aghs and skadi would give you a crapload of stats and an awesome proc.

                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    skadi + natural agi gain will give a lot of armor.


                                      Razor has the shittiest status growth.
                                      That's the reason why pros doesn't build him as right clicker, instead they improve his ability effectiveness.
                                      Also thats why ice frog buffed his ulti and his str again instead of agi or int
                                      From how icefrog buffed him since last 3 patch, you already know how razor should be played.
                                      Razor was mediocre carry before that ulti buff, noone ever going to pick him.

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                                          Try "Shadow Blade Razor" and give your feedback.

                                          1. Ring of Aquila
                                          2. Tranquil Boots
                                          3. Shadow Blade

                                          Start ganking.

                                          Extension: Aghanim and then Manta/Desolator

                                          Your job: Once you get core, gank enemy carry. Hit him with plasma field, do ulti, form static link with him and go invisible with Shadow Blade. Keep following him. When Shadow Blade is about to expire, hit him. You will have Shadow Blade damage + damage steal bonus. Should be sufficient to kill him in 2-3 shots.

                                          Enemies will obviously use dust for you but even without invisibility, Razor is deadly enough. Tranquil boots is for keeping up with enemies with 90 movement speed. Invisibility also gives you extra speed so as never to break static link.


                                            omg i wondered if treads was better... yeah huge mistake from my part... :p
                                            cost me 50 mmr or mroe :D!!!!!!
                                            guess i just didnt think it thoroughly since phase was standard back then (last time i played razor ages ago, couple buffs since...)


                                              just follow me, im legit razor player :D


                                                If replay is still available for download, this game will give a pretty good idea about how to razor well. My favourite hero. Practically solo carried the game while rest of team fed. Rampage to end things :)






                                                    Simple math with DD:

                                                    Razor: 23+18=41

                                                    Tidehunter: 5+41=46

                                                    Puck: 13+32=45

                                                    Void: 9+21=30

                                                    Lich: 7+21=28

                                                    Basically you carried game alone. Even though your team was had huge succes or even better than you in kill participiation.
                                                    Omeged, my tema useless.



                                                      ^razor has practically zero ability to ks.. Especially late game. U dnt have to make people laugh. No jokers needed here. If ur so confident abt ur claims u cud atleast watch game before passing off a ridiculous comment. Also more than KDA what decides a game is HD+HH+TD. But i doubt ur silly barin is smart enuf to register that. So cool bro. Be sad :)

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Phase is not bad by any means, it's just that the move speed might be overkill. Basically if you have good positioning and awareness to begin with you should not need the extra move speed from phase while the attack speed on treads is amazing.

                                                        The shadow blade build is kind of a gimmick. Yes it can be quite effective but it's really damn annoying for the other team since they have to dust all the time, but they'll still kill you and now you've turned razor, an great mobile/tanky team fighter into a ganker. Not sure that's a great role.

                                                        @above, I'm not watching the replay but your team is puck, tide, lich and void! Literally the perfect compliments to razor and each other with two initiators, void ult and massive aoe from razor and lich ult. Your tide could go 0-20-2 and still be a huge factor if he inits every fight correctly. Your farm was not that much higher than the rest of your team. Carry a match solo is when you have like 800 gpm and rest of your team has 300.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          ^Game wasnt that easy bcoz of the chain disables in the other team. Its captains obvious the picks would be complimentary. All im saying is razor has the potential to do massive TD and HD if played correctly. Also 800+gpm is possible in a one sided game.. Or if people create enuf space for the carry and stack and double stack jungles. Nout in our pubs :P and definitely not where we were fighting to survive in the early to early mid game

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                                                            Going to download the replay so in the future if i face a razor like you i can doom them on sight :smile:


                                                              ^Probably a great idea. Doom just counters everything. :)


                                                                Just lost to a fucking razor, boys. Ggwp

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                                                                black dog

                                                                  We all know how good he is, how to straight out counter him though?


                                                                    Right click range carries is your solution.


                                                                      @y2at Why don't you get ult at 6 in your recent games and can I add you to watch you replay?