General Discussion

General DiscussionSo...Huskar

So...Huskar in General Discussion

    What a weird hero. What do you guys think would be a good and efficient item build on him? Every time I try to decide what items to get with him, I realize I bought something that Huskar already has, can't use efficiently or doesn't really benefit from along with the effects I did buy the item for.

    Recently, I've begun to play him as a Mekans rusher (á la Viper or Razor) to make use of his early mana pool which would otherwise be wasted as I max the other 2 abilities first and to solve both his severe teamfighting and armor issues early to mid game, then lifesteal and Urn of Shadows as my next small items, because I don't build him with the idea of being a position 1 hero. After that, though I can't really decide what to get to him.

    Heaven's Halberd looks good, specially against heroes who could burst me with physical damage like TA or PA. I've thought about Shiva's as well, even though the mana pool would be kind of wasted, for the aura, the armor and the active.
    I don't know about BKB, because while magic immunity looks nice, the magic resistance he has is so good I'd actually prefer it if the enemy nukers would waste their spells on me. I would only get it if I was getting chain disabled.
    Most of the time though, I find that any build I think of lacks DPS for lategame if we get to it. I wasn't too concerned about that, because my idea of playing Huskar is to finish the game fast, using my spears and ulti as my main sources of damage and having an additional, far more reliable carry to farm those items.

    I know that the general opinion is that Huskar simply sucks, specially in higher level games. But hey, in the range I play in nobody plays good anyway, so that's not my concern. Just looking to expand my hero pool a bit.


      That 4s cd on the ult with scepter though...


        My build (pre spear buff), and it was pretty awesome (though some major problem early, but i guess it's same for all huskar build)

        mecka tread platemail halberd platemail agah, shiva cuirasse, with best tanking tool @ mecka we are pretty fine to transition till halberd
        and with that much armor you really become very fast unkillable.

        I guess we can sata instead of mecka latter, now with the buff, and after it selling halberd for mkb or abyssal mb.
        agah really force people to throw thing at you, and having little dps, but whole tanky/aura/utility for your team make it a reall waste on you, especially considering that you only need to be active every 4 sec, thx to agah.

        but as you stated, yeah huskar suck, too weak in early teamfight, and way too bad against splitpush/early push ball. if meta was switching to something less agressiv toward building, then huskar could be awesome though.


          Back when Huskar had dmg for each hp missing I liked him.

          Replacing it with a bit higher atack speed and insane magick resistance completly changed the hero.

          I forgot about him since then.

          Bonus dmg was a way better then magick r.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            He know can't do shit vs BKB because all his damage comes from his spears. So you should focus on ending the game early so buy cheap items. Mek is really good because you don't need damage anymore, all you need is tankiness. Also Huskar almost doesn't use mana so he will always have the mana to use it. After that all tank items that also have some utility is great. Halberd is especially good on STR heroes because evasion works better with high HP.


              Damn, I don't know why I never thought about buying simple platemails to get armor, I guess I was always thinking about the finished item instead of the components :crazy:

              I will have to try it. Not too worried about the splitpush/deathball meta. Nobody knows how to do it well where I play anyway :invisibility:



                I miss it so much.... Hope they got change him back to how he was, even though he was considerably very OP (as I remember him)
                At least he was fun to play.

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                  Best low priority mm hero by far.

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                      Thanks for the input so far. I'll see what I can apply :)


                        Initiating with ult isn't always the best play, try stacking a few burning spears on your opponent before going in for the kill, it's actually very effective


                          Hate this guy..
                          Jumping around like mad man.
                          Harassing like shit early game at lane.

                          Is he(huskar) a decent support?

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                            He's a great zoner, but he has no good flash-farming abilities and he doesn't contribute to fights without having some kind of item. He needs to farm a little and then transition into farming heroes. I don't think he's a great 1 role.

                            Dire Wolf

                              No one rushes aghs anymore? He's a 1v1 monster if you get a ~15 min aghs.

                              the realm's delight

                                blade mail

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                                    boots , armlet , morbid mask , bkb , satanic, ac
                                    occasionally ghost scepter (still very effective on huskar), halberd, shivas

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                                        "No one rushes aghs anymore? He's a 1v1 monster if you get a ~15 min aghs."
                                        Y do you need aghs to 1v1? >.> aghs gives you teamfight presence. You'd do better with armlet and hotd than aghs in 1v1.


                                          bkb on huskar is not for the magic damage immune.
                                          it is for preventing u from stuns. so you can using lifesteal from ur autoattack/satanic, and armlet toggle, and cast inner vitality.

                                          without bkb u will most likely get rekt by enemy right click carries in mid/late game once stunned.


                                            Below a certain hp threshold, Huskar actually attacks slower when toggling on his armlet :3

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                                                ^Void says hi.

                                                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                  Huskar is OP vs a team without a reliable stun. Get heroes with Stuns and Huskar is weak and useless


                                                    Early BKB deafeats the purpose of the hero because imo he's the one getting all the hate and disables;
                                                    - initiates
                                                    - gets stunned
                                                    - almost dies
                                                    - dishes a fuck-ton of damage before dying
                                                    - huskar dead and so are the other 3-4 heroes from enemy tim

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                                                      I wonder who is the best huskar player thats on dota buff or someone that can see the top 50? Could learn something from their games/builds I would imagine.


                                                        IIRC i used combination of huskar ult + omni repel. You hit your target for 50% hp for free.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Played three games with him, got a lot of kills in each one, died a ton of times. Here's my thoughts cus I really had not played him in a while and never in ranked.

                                                          First he is a beast in lane, a straight up beast. Me and pugna completely shut down a sven omni lane. Of course sven was an idiot spamming hammer at the wrong times, but that omni repel should've been enough to shut down our harass. Then I dominated a puge mid. I made a mistake of trading kills with him early at like level 3 and he got the first blood and died to me spears 1 second after =( I underestimated rot damage I guess. But it feels like any mid with subpar range you will crush and even one's with range like a sniper, drow, they have so little hp you can crush them too.

                                                          I built armlet each game. Seems really strong. Otherwise you really don't have any damage boosting items if you go like urn, dominator, bkb stuff like that. You're damage will be fine vs heroes spamming spears and taking dmg for berserker blood but it is really bad in lane cus you probably won't be spamming spears and if you're at full hp his dmg sucks. So I go armlet so I can actually damage towers and stuff a little without having to be under half hp.

                                                          Magic immunity fucks him up bad. Vs that same omni/sven team, once we started team fighting I was pretty shut down by repels and then omni's ult. You will still attack with spears on auto vs omni's ult and spears does dmg. But I don't think you can attack etheral targets like when pugna decryp'd people. Maybe you could on manual cast? Didn't try it.

                                                          Blade mail also fucks him up bad cus you have to get lifesteal and keep attacking at that low hp, insane IAS to dominate. One blade mail ruins all of that. So agains't smart players who WILL build blade mail and possibly bkbs out the wazoo bkb is a great pickup. In my last game we started off with a huge lead, but once we got to rax I was getting pretty well spanked until I got bkb.

                                                          Silences also destroy him since you can't heal yourself with Q and your dominator won't be enough to keep living on it's own vs 2 or 3 guys focusing you. One game we lost was vs a shadow blade doom. He doomed me all the time with my armlet on, it was terrible. I think with an orchid if you get it off before he pop's Q you should be able to burst husk down. Another reason to go bkb on husk.

                                                          Based on all of that I think the core build should be treads, armlet, dominator, bkb. Throw an urn in there if you like. I also think blade mail on him could be insanely good. I actually could not 1v1 sven around lvl 10 if his ult was up, he'd kill me before stun wore off cus huskar has shit for armor. I would LOVE to go ac on him, boost that armor and all but you get some armor from armlet and dominator and ac is expensive. If you go armlet, dom, bkb you won't get ac done til like 40 mins anyway. It's a lot to build.

                                                          I'm also trying to figure out what his last item should be. I kind of flip flopped between heart, ac and upgrading dom into satanic. Satanic is really attractive just cus of item slots. Downside to going a bunch of medium cost items is treads, armlet, dominator, bkb, tp, urn takes all your inventory by min ~30. You can obviously sell the urn but I hate to see charges go to waste. Heart is amazing vs magic casters, stacking well with your berseker's blood. However husk's armor is so low, vs right click seems like ac would be better, and with husk you kind of want to be low hp. I mean starting off big with heart lets you stack a ton of spears then get low and attack super fast, but if you can keep living at a constant 20% hp then what's the point of the huge hp pool? So not really sure.

                                                          Other items I'm not sure about are mkb, abyssal and daedulus. Crit with his insane IAS when wounded seems like it might be amazing. Mkb mini stuns too. Abyssal is pretty low proc on ranged but it's not pseudo, it's pure 10% so when you're attacking 3 times a second it seems like you'll stun as much as a melee. If I get ahead in a game I may try to rush basher just to see how it goes.

                                                          In all though husk falls off late for all the reasons mentioned. His low range makes it damn near impossible to push rax so you need another carry or tower killing supports like pugna, jakiro on your team.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            "Early BKB deafeats the purpose of the hero because imo he's the one getting all the hate and disables;
                                                            - initiates
                                                            - gets stunned
                                                            - almost dies
                                                            - dishes a fuck-ton of damage before dying
                                                            - huskar dead and so are the other 3-4 heroes from enemy tim"

                                                            Smart enemies will build blade mail almost all the time vs husk though so bkb is really your only way to counter that. Well I mean you can stop attacking, switch targets maybe but you'll have many stacks up already and be taking all that damage.


                                                              @Mark, true that BKB isn't bad on him.

                                                              I haven't played enough Huskar to argue but it seems that he benefits more from defensive items (kind of like Viper) than items like daed/mkb/abyssal. It seems unlikely that you even get those items unless you are stomping, and if you are the items you get don't decide anything.


                                                                Also, be careful trying to ult anyone with a blink dagger. They can "kidnap" you as SingSing calls it. You ult, he blinks toward his team, they focus you down. As for builds, I have no idea bc I don't play him.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Yes that happened in one of my games, I was on a nice 4 kill streak, went to pickoff sven in their offlane, he blinked towards tower and a few of his teammates and I couldn't get out. I probably would've died either way cus I didn't see his team coming, and sven also ended up dying after me from my spears, but if he hadn't blinkd I'd have gotten the xp and someone else would've killed me for that gold instead of him, a much better outcome for us.

                                                                  I forgot to mention halberd vs right clickers as well. Definitely get after boots, dom, armlet. Get before bkb if they don't have reliable disables.

                                                                  Another item I feel would be awesome on him but haven't tried is s&y. I love s&y, great stats, gives you armor, hp, more attack speed, some dmg. It's just hard to say if you should bother building it over like dominator and possibly halberd or delaying your bkb.

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                                                                    Actually, I'm very conservative towards who and when I use my ulti when I play him and I always make sure I throw some spears to enemy dagger blinkers before trying to ulti them. That won't be a problem :)

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I'd should probably try that. Thing is ult is based on current hp so to get the most dmg is when they're full. I usually just go all yolo with it. I think I also use it to close distance maybe a little too much on weak heroes like a CM where it's going to do maybe a couple hundred dmg to her while doing ~500 to me cus I have so much more hp.

                                                                      The Ice Truck Killer

                                                                        maelstrom + veil + aghs if position 1
                                                                        mek carrier if position 2
                                                                        armlet + satanic is the traditional route I think

                                                                        bkb is a must, the earlier the better imo


                                                                          Just stomped as huskar (4.5-4.7k range).


                                                                          Powers threads into armlet + dominator, and then BKB + Blink


                                                                            Buy aghs, jump as many people as u can and do a bunch of shit damage before u die, u are gonna die in like every teamfight u a fuckin suicide hero