General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion

Question in General Discussion

    On Tinker is it better to buy level 5 dagon and then ethereal blade, or level 1 dagon and eblade, and then level 5 dagon, or level 1 dagon ghost scepter level 5 dagon or what? very confused on how i Should build my tinker


      level 1 dagon and eblade


        Dagon 1 > Ghost > Ethereal

        Dagon 5 does about as much as Eblade-Dagon1-Missile
        But with Eblade you can use Ether Blast

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          lv1 dagon and then ethereal blade, but I think even pros make lv5 dagon first i think

          but I tend to build a bloodstone between the dagon and the eblade, it allows you to rearm 3-4 more times than you would, in fights this is huge

          Quick maffs

            Depends on the game

            btw dont forget that you farm faster with sheep than with dagon, a lot of people is going dagon lately without even thinking about it.


              a bloodstone brings more to the table than a sheep farming-wise

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              Quick maffs

                No shit, the thing is that sheep is sheep, going for bloodstone first is pretty shitty.

                What i mean is that if you go for hex first instead of dagon you WILL farm faster.

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                Quick maffs

                  btw, doesnt hex gives you more mana pool than bloodstone ?


                    Bloodstone gives +400 mana

                    Scythe gives +455 mana


                      Sorry Dorkly but I fail to see how hex gives you more farm than dagon eblade
                      Sure you will have more mana, but you won't need more than 2 marches to clear any creepwave or neutral camp, so it doesn't make a difference

                      Quick maffs

                        Well i mean when you have dagon 5 you usually have lvl 2 of ulti, with hex you usually have lvl 3 ( because you have more mana pool ) so its faster to go somewhere march and get out.

                        lvl 3 ulti with only dagon 5 ( and no eblade ) usually makes me lose a lot of mana, i dont know maybe i am doing something wrong.


                          It's not a relevant difference farmwise
                          And going dagon instead of hex makes you kill people earlier, so it's actually easier to get fat with dagon than with hex

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                          Quick maffs

                            Are you sure ? i just fell i am farming way faster when i have lvl 3 ulti instead of lvl 2

                            Quick maffs

                              Maybe its just because i focus more on farming when i go hex, for some reason

                              Oh well whatever


                                better if u go dagon 3 then eth blade so u snowball + the additional range, upgrade dagon only to 5 when you know u have won the game


                                  I dont like lvl 1 dagon and eblade coz it costs more mana, it has lower range and damage obviously, but mostly for mana and range, usually lvl 3 dagon then eblade.

                                  Also eblade is big investment and meanwhile you might have grabbed few more kills with higher lvl dagon.


                                    it costs more mana but also the e-blade gives you mana, and the higher mana cost makes up for the fact that d1 + eb does more damage than d5 despite them costing the same amount of gold (100g difference).

                                    d1's lower cast range doesn't matter when you have eb. eb + d5 + hex have the same cast range (800) and eb applies a 3s, 80% slow allowing you to catch up to use dagon and chase even further.

                                    e-blade's a big investment but if you can get it without having to upgrade your dagon you'd be better off than if you had upgraded dagon then got an e-blade, as it's harder to build, so getting the 3300g item out the way first means you only need to buy dagon recipes which are cheaper and don't need to be gotten from the secret shop, whereas upgrading dagon can mean that you end up in situations where you don't have 3300g saved.


                                      lol noobs

                                      bum farto

                                        "lol noobs" that's kind of rich coming from someone with barely 50% win rate overall and less that 50% on almost all your heroes. Your tinker KDA is appalling as well, in fact all your top KDA's are god awful.

                                        @follow me The only two players I know to personally be amazing at tinker


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                                          i think chains was the best tinker player so far.
                                          im not arrogant but if u see my tinker games, i give kills to my team on early game on which i learn either laser/missle at 1 time and didnt learn the other.
                                          this create a good opportunity in ganks as my team are able to take the kills.
                                          as the game goes on item will be developed (based on situation) and my kills increase.

                                          in a nutshell, most my tinker games have high assist, and i buy obs, sentry, smoke for team and even use my bottle to heal teammates.

                                          no believe, download a replay and watch :D


                                            remember, playing dota is not about the scores, its about winning

                                            i read the quote in a forum somewhere in google ><


                                              idk throwing a few games with anti mage is worth the one game where you win


                                                ^^ fuck it i dont give a fuck about winning aslong as my KDA is 7 or more im fine


                                                  yr kda starts dropping as ur MMR rises though


                                                    SLEAVE, that happens to me once, chasing kdr so badly that i realize high kdr is not 100% help u win a game ><


                                                      "i learn either laser/missle at 1 time and didnt learn the other."

                                                      not getting 1 level of laser is bad and you should feel bad if you even think otherwise


                                                        not really, it depends on the enemy lane as well




                                                            It doesn't really depend on the lanes, a level 1 march is worthless over a point in laser for last hiting purposes

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              bot blink bloodstone ghost scepter hex

                                                              have fun winning


                                                                dont tell me u need to last hit using laser @@




                                                                    i can't ancient farming using lv 1 laser :surprise:
                                                                    5 mid hero pick meta rulezzzzzzzzzzzz kappa

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      always go dagon 1 eblade dagon 5 in pubs


                                                                        mute and play you are actually autistic.


                                                                          agreed with fay, maxing out 1 skill to lvl 4 is better than 2 lvl 2 skills :D


                                                                            no one said u need level 2 laser.

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              If you are building them after hex, dagon 1 then EB. But if you are building them straight after blink, you won't have the mana to cast EB most of the time so you should get dagon 5 first because it also reduced the mana cost.

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