General Discussion

General DiscussionPugna.

Pugna. in General Discussion

    Are there any tips for playing this hero mid besides

    1) clicking q every now and then
    2) clicking e when engaging in a skirmish/teamfight
    3) clicking w to chase/prevent void from killing ur teammates
    4) clicking r on a disabled/slowed enemy target

    i still feel veno's a bit better cuz wards are annoying as fuck but since people just click q and r to kill towers nowadays i'm sure there has to be some tricks.

    edit; oh yea if u ever play "pugna support" in any games plz consider suicide for the greater good of humanity, thanks.

    Ова тема је измењена
    bum farto

      Actually I play support pugna sometimes and all you need to really do is max the ward on push when needed, using decrepify to drop targets in the lane you're in. Obvious you will have to pair this with some extra precautions and won't be able to get items as fast as usual but it can be effective.

      One thing on the nether ward is you don't just have to drop it in a skirmish, sometimes during the laning phase it pays to drop it down just as a deterrent to spell spamming and it does drain quite a lot of mana.

      Support pugna


        ok i'll make an exception for u havoc

        (on a less brutal note: every time someone in my games picks "support pugna" i cringe because i know he's not going to be very useful as he has a pretty subpar slow, at least in lane, and his nuke is easy to dodge without a stun, compared to something like lich)

        do u have any item suggestions cuz usually i see people going bottle + arcane + mek but that still leaves me with a shit ton of mana problems

        i've seen swiftending go treads/bottle/euls/force staff/bloodstone on swm which is a hero with a shit ton of mana issues (and to a lesser degree pugna has mana issues as well since nether blast is 145 mana when most 300 dmg nukes cost around 100 mana, who might benefit from treads more due to the +8 str to complement his abysmal hp)

        Овај коментар је измењен
        bum farto

          Blink dagger can be super effective for positioning and to keep the ult going when you have sceptre or simply to place that unkillable nether ward.

          Miku Plays

            But people force pugna to become support .. :<


              I didn't know Pugna had had such mana issues that you're stating.

              woh, you learn something every day.


                i spam q a lot so i end up running out of mana

                faster i take a tower the better

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  mana management and a hero having mana issues is two different things.


                    i max the nuke! on support and carry then yuo can max the ward. its played much like rhasta, maxing the nuke over the disable and the heroisnt just q q q som w and e
                    rhasta and pugna are smart heroes! and both take advantage of bad positioning to kill and take towers! aaaaand disengage vodoo/decrepify

                    bum farto

                      Agree with DD-Sama here, people need to learn how and when to use mana and conserving it and or calculating it right. A lot of my heroes get forced into tranquils simply for survival but I rarely seem to have mana issue whereas other with mana boots and bottle are always suffering.


                        How many levels do you usually pump into Decrepify?

                        I've not played Pugna much but I tend to only get 1 level just so I can take advantage of the extra damage from nether blast.
                        Mostly because the slow and short cast range makes it not too useful for actually saving an ally.
                        and using it on an enemy just hinders things for you right-clickers.

                        I'll consider getting more if we have an Ogre, Skywrath, Tinker or other heavy nuker though


                          level 1 is enough unless you're carry or mid and want to nuke them down and control the lane (still a risk)

                          Dire Wolf

                            You can play support pugna just not a ward bitch pugna. You need someone else willing to buy all that shit.


                              u need front cores if u play pugna, or its useless