General Discussion

General DiscussionI come to cry, I just had a bad game.

I come to cry, I just had a bad game. in General Discussion

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a 40 minute farming Tinker!

    All he did while we were fighting was split push/farm.
    Then he used Eblade on Spectre while Void is right clicking her!!! TWICE (in 2 different fights)

    We were begging him to come with us whole game. I was being nice to him until 1 minute before we lost, because it was his fault.

    He got first blood on mid...

    Off topic:
    And I died 11 times because I got doomed and killed 4 times, they used silencer + warlock ulty combo on me twice or something, and later on, Spectre would just kill me in a teamfight easy.
    I was feeling comfortable, as always, farming a bit further for the base because of Leap and Moonlight Shadow, but they'd always use these teamfight ults just for me... =(
    Silencer used ulty just for me 4-5 times lol... :D


      That's not a bad game, you contributed to your team's loss quite a bit

      Look at these

      We were winning but apparently PA doesn't know how to use BKB

      We were winning but 2 ABANDONS

      Guy picked PL 1 second after I picked PA… did my best

      Phoenix mid wouldn't shut up about how everyone on this team was noob

      You thought your Tinker was bad?

      Oh Shit Waddup

        on another note, why would they save teamfight ults when they can get an easy pick off and fight 4v5?


          Okay, so basically:

          You sucked ass, so did Tinker.

          What's the point?


            from what I see you had the least game impact in the game, prob mirana isnt for you.


              That's just sad. How he eblade Spectre in chronosphere. What kind of ingame common sense does this guy have? He's in Very High for crying out loud and doesn't TP in to spam march or rockets (whatever its called) for the slightest assists. rofl .

              It happens. There team looks really annoying to play against anyway.

              Hex Sigma

                lich with necronomicon and 188 TD



                  You cant complain if you performed as bad as tinker (mb even worse). SO you just shut up, was bad game not just cause of tinker, go next.


                    Hey, I didn't have much impact but I was always around...
                    Tinker was always solo.

                    I won offlane, that was my job. I was almost nothing in mid game and sucked in late.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      Why do u build Mirana carry? :(


                        I don't know better.


                          r u a girl irl bebe hit me up a/s/l


                            Her name is Chloe Benett, or Chloe Wang.

                            BOY NGIWI

                              It's ok Dear, losing is part of the game and part of learning. Sometimes even how good you are ,you'll still lose some games. Just practice practice practice, someday you'll be a great player.


                                "I won offlane, that was my job. I was almost nothing in mid game and sucked in late."

                                Playing Mirana offlane, winning your lane, my job.

                                You're quite funny. Your job as an offlaner isn't to win your lane.
                                You had no impact, yet whine about team mates, owell :laugh:


                                  Crying for having 16-6 , 5-7 and 6-5 mates till you are 5-11 with the worse dmg in team. I had yesterday guy who farmed on purpose 2 divine rapiers and gave to opposite team cus one guy didnt let him mid..thats for crying and not this.


                                      Queling blade Clinkz. Because 30 bonus damage from lvl 1 arrow is not enough!


                                        With mirana your job is not to win the offlane but pressure mid and give space or messing with safe lane supports pulls if you can. You can also gank your safe lane and help your carry get fat as well. But i dont think people expects an offlane mirana to win her offlane :D

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                                            his fault though

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