General Discussion

General DiscussionWilling to offer help

Willing to offer help in General Discussion

    Hey guys,
    Some of you may know me for being a dick in the ''how to get better'' topics by simply replying ''get good''. Truth is it would take too long to review a game and type it down for everyone but this week it's going to be different. If you want, I can review one of your game and give my opinion on what you should have done/need to work on.

    Simply leave a comment with a link to your steam profile and I'll add you so we can see which game you want me to comment on.


        no one knows you

        bum farto

          He is better known in the US East scene.



            I need analysis on this. I don't know how I lost!



              if you can, watch this game, i was reking early game, had monsterkill, their naix carry had -50000000 farm but something went wrong.
              and if you could please gimme some advice on es, i can win games with my low skilled friends, but in higher skilled games i do well early but fall of later.


                Who are you my good man?



                  First let me tell you, I'm not a great invoker so I can,t really give advice on what you should have done Invoker wise.

                  Laning phase: If you rush midas, you want to get it as fast as possible and this means get all the last hit you can. I saw you miss a good amount of them when dp wasnt even around. This slowed your midas by a good 2-3 minutes. Luckily you got a kill with your sunstrike on ogre magi top. Talking about that, in my opinion, you watch too much the other lanes to get a sunstrike ( makes you miss easy last hit ). What I usually do, I just look on the minimap the movement of my allies, it shows if they are chasing or retreating. Last thing about laning phase, you've got to harras the ennemy hero on your high ground, no way death prophet can kill you.

                  Mid game: The team you're facing is a heavy push team/split push, you need to always have a tp or BoT(first one I saw was at 19min). Also, when you're facing a lycan in a pub if you don,t see him pushing or defending he is prob doign rosh ( smoked in ). It is good to send one of your invoke scout it when you're not sure. ( The first rosh he did around 17:00 min you guys were pushing a t2 and he wasnt even split pushing. This should ring a bell ). You can also just do roshan so you don't have to worry about it, you guys were dire so... When you see them mass summoning to push you should meteor to clear it. ( around 24 min you lost 1 tower + rack because you didnt clear the wave ). Also, don't be afraid to push out the lanes, their only stun was ogre magi and he wouldnt even bring dust. That way, they can,t always pressure your towers.

                  Late game: You have to start getting those towers man. At 41 min, there was only dp and lycan to defend you from pushing their mid tower + rax. Push it, no way they can kill you and in the worst case, they will stop you from getting the rax but you would have gotten a tower atleast instead of just going back in the jungle full hp. AT around 48 min your team start trying to dive the few survivor very far while you do the right thing and push the tower but pubs are retarded so you should maybe have helped them not sure about the right call there. And yeah at the end, this is what happens agaisnt that kind of team they will just base race and dont care about their base.

                  Here's the most important point in my opinion:
                  - Last hits ( Practice it, you'll be able to snowball a lot harder )
                  - Agaisnt Lycan don't let him rosh, especially in dire where you can easily take him and then push.
                  - Push out the lanes


                    And guys, I'm a nobody, just a 5k players with competitive experience who can help people who needs it. I lurk this forum a lot and decided I should do something good for the community.