General Discussion



    so you lost to riki when your team tried to counter him with slardar, sad :(


      he made scepter ahahhaahha fucking noob


        nice force staff,
        are u kiddin me ?
        uninstall pls then talk about skill

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          funny thing is there are legit reasons and a million games you could show to argue that matchmaking doesn't measure your skill, but every time someone posts it's a 2k mmr scrub who buys aghs first on lich


            i hope you are not trying to blame your team for that


              Dazzle already did Meka and Eul.

              And i have urn.

              What's wrong with aghanim scepter ? Why no forcestaff?

              But please, don't explain so much, or my head will hurt.


                Erm, you died, A lot!


                  You know it's the trench when there's a riki in the other team and the supports have a grand total of zero forcestaffs (let alone ghost scepters).


                    Serbs in a team. Cant win


                      'What's wrong with aghanim scepter ? Why no forcestaff? '

                      err, because their team has sniper who attacks from 5000 range, an invisible riki, a morphling that can switch to str and can tank all your infinite bounces, and chen that could heal

                      i dont know but it seems to me a good idea to have forcestaff against riki because... you know... he jumps into you, you forcestaff away.....

                      King of Low Prio

                        ghost scepter is better


                          If I can ask the other four players on your team, I think they would all blame you.


                            mhm i would too


                              individually yes but forcestaff can help teammates also

                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                4-16 lich. Nice mek.


                                  Looks like matchmaking got your skill wrong. Because you seriously don't look good enough to play in that match.


                                    @Critalus Riki don't give a fuck even if i place sentryes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and anyway slardar and viper say i did gud.
                                    @Sleave Aoe stun and slows and the hex by nature
                                    @Sampson but forcestaff save ally too
                                    @Smaug Not my bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                                    @Biggsy i don't accept insults by someone who do smurfs. Sorry.


                                      Think about the number of times your team went "Thank the lord you bought Agh's early, that saved us all."
                                      "I wish we had a relatively cheap item that allowed us to get out of smoke clouds and stuff."
                                      or even
                                      "SWEET MOTHER, I'M GETTIN' STABBED!!!1!"
                                      Agh's < Force/Ghost


                                        @frankie the problem is not with aghs itself but the fact that you rushed it
                                        if they had fucking meepo or something like that i could understand, while i would still disagree i could see your point

                                        but in this situation that was a dumb pick, you'll never benefit of the infinite bounces.

                                        i didn't watch the game but you don't have to place sentry when the riki is godlike, you have to ward when he is about to get lv6, so he doesnt start snowballing

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          please dont give away the secret of sentry wards :(

                                          Quick maffs

                                            You see, when you wanna bitch about mm you search for a game where you got 20 kills or more and you still lost

                                            Not the one where you fed 16 times


                                              Sick feed OP.

                                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                  aghs is fine in high skilled matches lol who runs from bounces anyways.
                                                  how do you have 100+ matches as lich and still get rank 4 ritual at 7 o.o

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                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    Didn't watch replay, but form ending items, why did dazzle make carry items? there's still better items than daedalus like pipe, forcestaff or sb.

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      @airwaves I'm also 2k mmr player that plays lich but I don't rush aghs on him lol


                                                        Well i agree he died too much. I also agree he could have made some other good item choiceses maybe a force staff early to prevent him from dying that much and stuff but this attitute is not helping. If you think you know better than him just try to make him understand or you will just cry about the noob players you get on your team. Dont fucking insult them educate them. On forums i mean, in game just flame and mute them its fine.

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                                                          No, you have to educate them in game, because they don't read forums or guides.. that's why they are "noob players"

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            fed riki cuz of aghs rush, blames team [IMG][/IMG]


                                                              crap skill build
                                                              • no level 2 frost blast at level 3
                                                              • maxing sacrifice over frost blast gl winning your lane with your shit damage nuke between levels 3-7 you could've won your lane if you had a nuke that did more than 125 damage.
                                                              • lowest XPM on the team despite having sacrifice maxed out early as possible
                                                              • not getting ult at level 11. that delays your ult by a long time for a support because the xp to go from lv 11 to lv 12 is 2200, the same amount of xp to go from lv 21 to lv 22, whereas going from lv 10 to lv 11 is relatively easy - 600 xp, to allow supports to get their lv 2 ultimates before they become useless

                                                              crap item build
                                                              • "dazzle got mek" - you should've got a mek because you would've gotten it quicker. lich can spam out frost blast if he needs farm, and because you can dominate your lane and get gold you are much more likely to have gold from kills. kills / assists also give reliable gold - gold that is not lost upon death, so with enough kill participation and actually saving your reliable gold so that you can always afford the recipe, getting mek actually isn't difficult.

                                                              if you actually won your lane hard, then you would've got mek money much sooner than the dazzle would have, and he could've got something else. putting all your healing items onto one person isn't a good idea. if that person is killed before he can do anything (like in riki smoke screen) your team is fucked. whereas if dazzle goes down and you have urn + mek then your team still has some heals, and vice-versa: if you die then dazzle can still heal the team.

                                                              • veil will do more damage than aghs in most situations, because the enemy should spread out long before the infinite bounces actually start benefitting you. if the chain frost hits 10 or less times, so that you can't take advantage of the aghs upgrade effect, then you were better off getting veil, as veil would have increased your damage more, for almost 2k gold less.

                                                              (veil increases damage of each bounce by 25%, whereas aghs increases lv 1 bounce damage by 32%, lv 2 by 24% and lv 3 by 19%, so aghs is better than veil pre 11 but if you have aghs that time the game is probably already won)

                                                              plus if your teammate gets a mek, then veil is the alternative stat item to mek.

                                                              • mek stats (2300g)
                                                              +5 all stats
                                                              +5 armour
                                                              +4 HP regen

                                                              • veil stats (2670g)
                                                              +6 all stats
                                                              +6 armour
                                                              +6 HP regen
                                                              +6 damage

                                                              basically identical stats, for a similar price, the only difference is the active.

                                                              also if you went veil instead of aghs, because veil is 1500g cheaper, that meant you almost could have bought a ghost scepter instead, or finished your staff of wizardry into a force staff to help against the riki. if you had died while making aghs (which I guess you did if you died 16 times), and therefore lost gold, that extra gold that you lost, that you would not have lost if you had built force or veil because they have cheaper components would mean you'd have extra gold that you wouldn't normally have had, allowing you to have more items.

                                                              aghs was a shit choice, get veil + ghost or veil + force instead

                                                              aghs stats
                                                              • 4200g
                                                              • increased chain frost damage
                                                              • 10 all stats and point booster HP for 390 HP total

                                                              veil + ghost
                                                              • 4270g but easier to build
                                                              • increased chain frost damage
                                                              • +13 all stats (247 HP)
                                                              • armour (247 HP + 8 armour > aghs 390 HP)
                                                              • increased magic damage for your whole team
                                                              • ghost scepter active vs riki
                                                              • HP regen

                                                              so basically veil + ghost (or veil + force) will do what aghs already does (stats + ulti damage) but will also provide much more.


                                                                matchmaking doesn't suck, you do