General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide on how to get free Dotabuff Plus(I hope I'm not late to the par...

Guide on how to get free Dotabuff Plus(I hope I'm not late to the party lol!!!) in General Discussion

    a lot of people asked and demanded for a guide on how to get it so here it is.

    1. Change your name to Melody.
    2. Be as obnoxious as you can be (I mean it)
    3. You have to watch entry level anime and then shove it everyone's face for no reason, this includes spamming every thread with funny tumblr anime gifs etc because they are *epic* to you while it's shit to everyone else.
    4. This is probably not a requirement, but it's bonus points to this guide if you have a cousin born out of incest that you can pretend is your daughter.
    5. You need to live in your moms basement.
    6. Call your IRL friends to support you.
    7. Have a GED (GED is a "certificate" which means you passed a test and can be regarded as 'educated' even though you dropped out of high school).
    8. Look like this irl (, yes it's him.

    this can all be achieved in a few months, proven by Melody.
    enjoy your free Dotabuff PLus boys


      Another quality post from wave.

      Wonder how long till this one is deleted.

      Jay Ashborne

        King of Low Prio


          Ples Mercy

            We all know melody is autistic like u but it has gotten a lot better lately, you however need to take a break little boy. Wonder when your mom is gonna getcha.

            You should be in bed by now little man.

            Овај коментар је измењен
            Jay Ashborne

              2020 Wave. 2020.


                It's funny 'cause it's true

                King of Low Prio



                    That 2020 thing was (joke)serious?

                    Jay Ashborne

                      Jason is infamous best troll.

                      Quick maffs

                        Please keep banning sampson and dont ban wave.



                          That's not even a real pic of Melody. I mean, he looks kind of like that dude, but come on. There's enough real shit-pics of Melody floating around without having to post fakes.

                          Jay Ashborne

                            Do I get "an internet" wave?


                              What if wave was Xeraph?

                              Jay Ashborne

                                Wave Hael 2.0

                                He's mad because I got exactly what I wanted to come out of this situation. Welcome to Wave, you must be new here.


                                  Hey Melody, is impersonating a bannable offense?

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    what kinda scumbag edits his screencaps


                                      I don't have anything against Melody, but this made me laugh so hard:

                                      "3. You have to watch entry level anime"


                                      You can't seriously think shit like Watamote is actually good.

                                      And yes I'm going to call a spade a spade: there are OBJECTIVELY good and bad anime. This is why I really can't understand people who rate every single anime they watch a 7-10 on MAL.

                                      You're like the 95% of people (or most of my friends for that matter) who go watch the "latest movie" and when I ask them what they think of it, they say, "oh it's good," "yea it's fine," etc.


                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                      ICE SKULL

                                        no, zano.
                                        he actually got dotabuff plus 6 years. they might as well give it to hael for spamming dotabuff too i guess.


                                          By the way, am I the only one actually likes male characters who aren't sexist pigs lol (i.e. doesn't salivate when looking at tits)

                                          Also fuck harem

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            Wow finaly we have dotabuff drama too

                                            What we have here.. whining for something i don't care, screencaps and memeanime2cool



                                              I think ur new to this place, we have drama here weekly

                                              Which is fine, otherwise it's 2k-4.5k mmr players asking for advice in every thread

                                              ICE SKULL

                                                Yeah frankie enjoy your stay lol!! they've been shitting up dotabuff since early 2014 when they arrived.
                                                i can tolerate concede spamming and shitposting with reddit links once a day but this is too much.

                                                tbh most anime focus too much on harem, i guess it's the side effect of the otakus who is like their only audience in japan which pays for the merchandises and stuff


                                                  Look what Jason did Kappa


                                                    Wave seems to think people are commiserating with him.

                                                    > "whining for something i don't care"

                                                    Seems like that was about the OP...

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      Watamote was alright. Lost luster after like the second episode. There are objectively flavored things for everyone. It's like calling music noise. What is noise to you might be music to somewhat else. It it up to the viewer/listener to decide to decide that. If you're picky that's cute but there are 10 less picky people for each person that is as opinionated as you.

                                                      Hence why shit like naruto/one piece is popular. The large fact is here, that someone dedicated a fuck ton of effort into it to attempt to entertain some serious waifuism neckbeard and they're gonna sit there and dump criticism at it like anything they say matters.

                                                      Icebreaker : It doesn't.

                                                      So while there are good and bad animes sure, don't be a cock block and ruin it for other people. Watamote was "Alright, yeah it's fine". Not really top tier, but watch an episode or two and judge for yourself.

                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                        Also, who the fuck has a MAL account these days LOL.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          We anime now boys


                                                            I did watch it, couldn't sit through more than 2.

                                                            I haven't started on One Piece (and probably won't anytime soon since i cba to start on a long-running shounen) but it's definitely not in the same category/quality level as Naruto lol...

                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                              .... you like... naruto...?


                                                                me hokage lalala

                                                                Jay Ashborne


                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    almost page 2 and still not banned, I am so proud of myself

                                                                    Jay Ashborne



                                                                      Also, Wave why you so fuckin quiet now. I see you posting in other threads son. My face has been posted on forums, where's yours? #FEAR


                                                                        No I don't like Naruto...

                                                                        I should've rephased that by swapping the order of the anime. Oh well.

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          Lol nobody intelligent likes naruto. No worries. To each their own. We all like different flavors.


                                                                            6th step - IRL friends?! WHAT IS 'DIS THING?!

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              #Wave dodging.

                                                                              Fadi / hael 2.0


                                                                                @Epsik: As an IRL friend of Melody, I have to admit that I like both ponies and WH40k.

                                                                                I watch ponies and play Warhammer 40k. Have an unpainted Necron army I fiddle with. Shit, I'm DMing a Rogue Trader game for Melody and some friends TOMORROW.

                                                                                That image is basically my life.

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  Ponies are cancer. Hardcore, as a friend of mine, you're fucking cancer. R U WAVE?


                                                                                    Hello my name is Dacheat and Dragon Ball Z is the greatest anime of all time.

                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                      Vegeta was pretty bad ass.


                                                                                        Hello my name it's FrankieBallerina who maybe sound gay but i love Soup-opera and romantic shit like ichigo 100% and I's

                                                                                        Plz no h8 m8 not a b8

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            Ok my two cents if you please, and hear me out on this.

                                                                                            @wave I actually agree with what you say almost 100% in regards to dota stuff and you do have valid points but your presentation on everything is just so awful that it negates any possible impact. A lot of people like me agree with you on what you say but aren't willing to back it cause of how awful it's presented.

                                                                                            @Melody I have kept kind of quite about this but calling it "Melodies" forum and constantly bragging about how chummy you are with the mods is actually a little bit obnoxious. A lot of people have contributed to the forums in as much equal measure and I don't think your original posts and topics of screenshots where you have been given stuff by admins is an appropriate thing to do.

                                                                                            Sides have obviously been drawn so I will take no part in siding with anyone and while I dislike neither of you I do dislike have topics derailed by both of you equally, either its melody stoking the flames by making some jab at wave or it's wave making some outlandish rage post and it has to stop. You're both adults (I think) please try and act like this as this kind of behavior puts off people from actually using this forum.


                                                                                              Omg havoc don't break the dramma who i don't care about, c'mon.

                                                                                              I found this cute like two cats who fight each others. :3

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                wave is like 13 years old so telling him to act like a adult doesnt seem right


                                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                                    Complaints about 2014'ers rofl, we're turning into NADota (not a bad thing imo, that forum's hilarious).

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      Anime fans flaming another anime fans cause they like different animes ? Niceeee

                                                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                        Havoc when have I ever bragged about having anything given to me? (Ignore this 2020 thing, Clearly Jason trolled me for not letting me gift the plus time I was given which is what I wanted to do.) During the engagement when I was asked if I would test or whatever for mods I said I didn't want payment. I clearly stated I just wanted to do it for the community(Was offered hats for cm or plus something for compensation). A week later or so after they gave me a year anyway. I can't really do much about it, and well I do own it. Jason later trolled me when asking if I could donate it to the community and people on forums and gave me 6 years knowing I cant do shit about it (Clearly a joke as stated in my screenshot).

                                                                                                        So please elaborate on where I brag...

                                                                                                        About the melody's forum thing. It's a gag/joke/ruse because it bothers Wave and others. I honestly haven't derailed shit in quite a while. (Not saying I'm forgiven, but I haven't.) They SS and quotes are to verify it's a joke (2020) to get a reaction from wave. However, yes you're right. I do stoke the flames. I find some enjoyment at watching him fail to find witty retorts because he lacks the intelligence to do so. With this being stated, if anyone has the right to say anything it is me. Regardless of what you say, I turn a blind eye to countless severe personal attacks, saying I raped my own flesh and blood, that my daughter has a severe disease... and what not. I've never reported one of these posts. I honestly don't care, it's Wave, it's what he does, who cares?

                                                                                                        With that being said, trading blows surely isn't right and while I do respect you and your opinion and you are clearly right in this situation, I still don't give a fuck about it because it's your opinion as it these are wave's opinions. Just saying. However you're a nice dude so blah blah I'll go spam G+ instead.