General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Outcome of the Games is decided at the loading Screen

The Outcome of the Games is decided at the loading Screen in General Discussion

    Anyone else get that feeling? At least 90% games are decided before you even load up.

    Last game, not yet on Dotabuff.
    We got 2 retards, they win.
    managed to rat to victory
    We get the retards

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      i know ill lose when i see romanians in my team, or ppl with retarded names (these usually instantly random)

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        I usually lose when I can't farm as fast as the enemy carry is getting fed. Or when I'm supporting. TBH I feel that 90% of my losses are mainly my fault.

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          i walk into the pub and i see a guy with the name CykaBlyadPutinLove, i dodge even tho i have to wait 30 minutes after that.


            Who ever got this "support" veno loses


              @ Oleksandr
              I accept that some of my losses are my fault, but when you get losers like that veno. There is nothing you can do to win


                5,6k hero damage as sven is pretty bad...

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                    You can carry clueless teammates. All you have to do is farm fast enough.
                    PS: On that match you have less hd than any of your teammates. I could understand that if you were splitpushing with your cleave or something like that, but you have 400 gpm and near 0 td. You were the burden of that team, not veno.

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                    Quick maffs

                      NO you cant carry shit if your offlane feeds and the enemy supports starts roaming mid while your omniknight does ramdon shit.

                      You cant carry shit if you have an Antimage and support broodmother in the same team

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                        Quick maffs

                          Go offlane tide that shit looks like a free win


                            How do you almost always manage to do the least in each game (except the Lycan game)?


                              South African Doto best doto


                                GETTING a noob support in my lane like this omni .............................. i started to think which regions to go with next game


                                but that enigma and pudge helped alot :DD

                                Hex Sigma

                                  Fun fact: Allison is also romanian

                                  Another fun fact: I also don't like ro's in my team because they have a terrible atitude


                                    no directed rage at the razor? >_>


                                      @ I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS, Oleksandr
                                      when I saw that the game became impossible to win. I just left and waited for them to win. No point in feeding.
                                      The veno contested every last hit in the lane, making it so that none of us got last hits.
                                      He then went to go jungle while I had to solo vs. tide and AA.
                                      It felt pointless trying to prolong this game that was impossible to win.

                                      I am going to stop playing safe lane carry, it doesn't work.

                                      You cannot win games when the enemy gets last hits AND kills.

                                      Like this game:

                                      I was asked to play carry, I did what I could. But the enemies got farm and kills. Not much I could have done.


                                        @ Quake007, Razor at least tried. Veno was toxic from the beginning flaming and just being a general ass.


                                          I look at hours they played. Won 3 in a row then lost 3 in the row with guys with 4 guys 500-1000h in Dota. Enemies had 3k hours, same as me. I'm currenty around 3.4k...


                                            ^ you have 3,4k hrs played in normal/high skill bracket?

                                              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                when u start thinking like that u need to take a break from teh game


                                                  Every game has a 50% chance of you winning or losing. You always see the shit people in your team but how many times you won and saw their team say stuff like "gg retarded x" and shit like that?

                                                  Ok lets say you dont take their flamming into the account but remember that game where their x was so shit he was a free kill for you since the beginning? These times you could just free farm because they were playing like pussies? These times your enemies randomed or picked some retarded heroes? These times THEIR teammate left right at the beginning and you got a free win?

                                                  There are plenty of won games when the enemy get these guys you hate in your game and you win thanks to that, the other games are when you have these retards and the rest are the ones that seem balanced

                                                  I know this wont change shit, I always get pissed for most of the reasons but saying stuff like "you are forced to lose", "games are decided before it starts" are so fucking retarded, just do your best every game to avoid YOU being the SHIT PLAYER you WOULDNT WANT in your team

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                                                    Okay, before you feed yourself even more, just leave offlane now. I solo at a family-owned offlane simulator program. My dad has played Timber, Centaur, Tide, and even Clock offlane for 22+ versions...and he has played RTS competitively before I was born.

                                                    I asked him this morning if my offlane builds were right, and he said yes. Not saying your win was BAD...but I wouldn't trust it...based on what I've seen over the past 5 replays and based on what your dotabuff says. So before you think you know everything just b/c you tried Broodmother a few times...let me drop those facts on you today. Thanks, god bless you.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      how can you tell just from the loading screen? I will agree that 90% of games are won based on the picks though.


                                                        Fact: I'm also romania. Another fact, I hate romanians because they are just like russians (the davay syndrome). Yet another fact, played some ranked lately, feels like people are even more retarded in ranked than non-ranked.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          whats the point of dodging if somebody is bad, dodge if you know that guy is a game ruiner

                                                          when i queued in us east for a while it took me maybe 1 hour to play due to dodgers


                                                            Really depends.

                                                            Often times it feels like that, but often times people will surprise you.


                                                              Yes i have that feeling quite often (playing in south america), peruvians are a big red flag, i really gave them a chance many times but i know very well i woudlnt have 65% winrate in mmr if i didnt dodged at least 10 games with peruvians taking 59 seconds to load, making weird microphone noises, and on.

                                                              Last game i remember i gave them a chance was a ranked one, peruvian flag as avatar and longest one to load, i took too long to react, and he connected, of course he randomed gyro as last pick with 1 second remaining, proceeded to feed like crazy, miss all ults, stole aegis from us, etc luckly the other 3 players were decent and we carried his ass.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I thought you couldn't dodge any more. Every time I dc at load screen I get an abandon now. I would've liked to dodge a game last night, I had an idiot who randomed and fed and an idiot who played morph mid and fed. Lost game badly. Next game same two guys on my team (and they were not grouped either) again, the one randoms and sucks, the other goes mid on morph and feeds lol.

                                                                So how do I dodge if I see their names again?


                                                                  I play in SEA server and placed preferred language as English, usually if some dude starts typing/talking in a different language or if I see their name is from "certain countries" I know the game wouldn't be very enjoyable.

                                                                  Not trying to be racist but in SEA doto certain ethnic races tend to play badly/play uncooperatively and have really bad attitudes.
                                                                  Again, not all of them but quite a large number of them.

                                                                  Eg. - jack couriers that're in miduse without saying a thing
                                                                  - supports that keep disrupting carries' last hits trying to take it for themselves (and no one ends up getting the last hit - if you're a support and you need 2 creeps for boots you can just ask for God's sake)
                                                                  - carries who will not give you 2 creeps just for the immediate counterward or boots even though you asked nicely
                                                                  - lose the game and blames you (the support/carry) for being useless, they played perfectly :))))) must be 7k mmr if they are getting caught out even though supports have warded the map for them (and we didn't even flame them for getting caught after we typed in chat to say whole map is missing)
                                                                  - opponents have 2 invis heroes, no one wants to buy sentries or dust
                                                                  - you first pick a carry hero, the next 4 picks are all carries
                                                                  - you first pick a carry hero, the next 4 picks are all carries (again), this time they scold you for being a noob carry without items because you have been buying courier/wards/dewarding and also gave all the last hits to them
                                                                  - you pick a carry hero, the support on your team doesn't buy courier/upgrade courier/buy observer wards/deward/buy detection for invis heroes and you end up having to do it.

                                                                  And sometimes, they surprise me by playing well (but most of the time they still have shitty attitude and talk rudely to you).

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