General Discussion

General DiscussionPls void nerf in next patch!

Pls void nerf in next patch! in General Discussion


      tinker first.


        He never even got buffed...

        He did get Agh's, that's it... (nobody even plays him with aghs beside me :D)

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          and the sad part about it is that aside from his ult doom is not OP, and if you nerf his ult he becomes useless

          Quick maffs

            Tinker is one of my favorite heroes i dont even care if they nerf him as long as they nerf void and doom

            Please based frog


              dont nerf meepo plxzor im starting to learn this shit boys new devilish is born


                Void's buffs need to be undone, but that won't happen...


                  i honestly dont see either of these heroes as OP but they prob be nerfed just to make way for new meta

                  King of Low Prio

                    deal with tinker first, I dont see voids going 0-5 in first 10mins of game and going 43-5 by 20mins


                      nerf ancients.

                      Hex Sigma

                        hah what patch?

                        Cuz I don't see any patch coming


                          B-b-but tinker is only 46% win rate only. Nerf the void enough for us to see him 1/10 matches only (;



                            0/9 faceless void with name "faceless void" feels good. I don't really have a prob with void but i have to pick some kind of range or silence hero when I see him picked...

                            I would be fine with nova's sugg. of nerfing ancients if he means "buffing" them to be stronger so tinker cant smoke them ez radiant side. That would be a fair fix. Tough to ctr. a good tinker.

                            Probably won't be a balancing patch until late fall I bet.


                              Balance patch (6.82) is coming by the end of september.


                                tinker is op, an ape like me can rekt with him

                                blizzardo pls nerf


                                  Im with this but how?
                                  Maybe drastically reduce the radius of his lvl 1 & 2 ults. EG. Level 1 chrono you would be lucky to get 2 people in it.

                                  Hex Sigma

                                    I really expected a patch after ti4 but maybe they are still busy celebrating


                                      Void gonna get a base damage nerf.

                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                        Void isnt hard to shut down if you are smart vs him. But this is dota so that is asking alot

                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                          Void win% this month is barely above 50%, tinker is below 50% and so is doom. I dont see a problem. just shut them down or Counterpick them.


                                            Win rates don't matter, nerfs happen based on how much they are getting picked and banned in competitive scene(generally). I remember those 35% win rte OD and support naga getting nerfs just because they were top ban heroes.


                                              even if a hero isnt OP if he gets played to much they will nerf to change the meta


                                                just nerf tinker riot please, im tired of losing against fkin tinkers tryharders


                                                  "fkin tinkers tryharders"

                                                  u have like 2 pages full of him :P

                                                  Rusty Ken (retiring)

                                                    Dun nerf tinker pls, I love that hero, I won't be able to play him if he gets nerfed

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      "Void is not hard to shutdown mimimi "

                                                      I do NOT counterpick and i never will, and i still expect to win

                                                      The heroes i play can deal with most of dota heroes except with the current version of void, and doom of course.

                                                      The Ice Truck Killer

                                                        Change time walk.

                                                        Time Walk
                                                        Void rushes to a target (cannot target bkb, and doesn't work on linkens) at speeds: 370/400/450/522(can be slowed). If the the target is an enemy unit, the target gets slowed (movement and attack speed) for 5/15/30/50 for 3 seconds.


                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          void is actually really weak. He needs tons of farm and protection before he gets strong. If enemy lets him get late game, then sorry you really deserve to lose.

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            ^^ That is the most stupid change to the hero.
                                                            ^ No he is not. How is MoM and Treads "tons of farm" because that's really all he needs. Especially when he gets ten thousand bashes inside chrono because that's usually what happens as well.

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              Little disappointed dorkly your most played is tinker....


                                                                The only thing I hate about Void is how he always seems to bash me with his first hit. Kind of like pre nerf Spirit Breaker.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Everytime i am playing tinker and i am going to laser him he bashes me first hit, after that i am permabashed i cant even laser and i just die

                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    just re-work his passive so it's like panda, once he timelock or backtrack it should stop proc'ing for at least 2-3 seconds.

                                                                    ps. if you guys are getting owned by void with just mom & treads get out of dumpster tier. He's not even deadly until he has deadalus or Mjollnir.

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                      ^ rofl the only reason void is so broken now its because he can fuck u up with only mom and treads and thats why he is also a viable offlaner right now (and bcus of aghanim upgrade). how do u tell ppl to get out of dumpster tier when u are 3k?

                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                        If he's getting mom & treads in offlane in 15 mintues or less something is wrong with your safelane. He should have less than 10 last hits!

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          No one said he is getting it before 15 minutes. And yes there is always a problem with your safe lane if you are not there.

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                              Man EG.Universe is probably the best fucken Void in NA. I mean just look at TI4.. He is the only void who like chrono 3 or more heroes.
                                                                              As for that EG lineup you can't stop a single hero from farming since they do 5 man farm fest.


                                                                                'void is actually really weak. He needs tons of farm and protection before he gets strong. If enemy lets him get late game, then sorry you really deserve to lose.'

                                                                                He needs until 20 mins in the game:

                                                                                - A treads
                                                                                - Lvl 6
                                                                                - A MoM

                                                                                WOW SUCH FARM

                                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                  FV is 46-48% winrate depending on where you look. or Face it just cuz u get rekt with pub void with 52% winrate u qq all day. Dat mom & treads doe? lul he dies instantly when he activates mom and lina/lion fingers him. Not my fault u gusy do 5 man huddle waiting for void's chrono. With treads and mom he's sitting at a measly 700-800 hp, even a lina player with no fingers can kill him in fights if she's not in bubble.

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    I don't know what kind of Voids you are fighting that would let the hero who can kill him easily if he's not in his chrono be outside of said chrono, but I want them in my opponent's team.


                                                                                      dude stop arguing, you sound ridiculous.


                                                                                        yeah he will die if he is some big time trash and doesnt know how to use mom

                                                                                        winrate doesnt mean shit. tinker sits at 45% or some shit and he is just as retarded as void.



                                                                                          I'd say a level 6 void at 20 minutes with only MoM and Treads is pretty shut down...

                                                                                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                                            everyone could stop trying to be pro and actually run dual lanes. big reason void gets big is because people pick offlaners that just sit back and level while Void gets last hits.


                                                                                              ^running dual lanes isn't shit when void gets a very defensive trilane and managed to farm that 6-7 min midas.


                                                                                                Pick spectre or medusa give equal farm with void make him very sad. Ez gg.

                                                                                                7Mad About You

                                                                                                  it's not that hard to counter him..

                                                                                                  gank him early and dont let him farm