General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on Windranger

Advice on Windranger in General Discussion

    Any tips are appreciated :) Trying to get a +50% winrate on her.


      go mid with it

      Hex Sigma

        windranger is really easy to play imo. You can pretty much build her 2 ways

        1. the utility semi support. After boots make mek and then situationals:
        -eul for more disable
        -force staff for mobility
        -rod of atos if they are slippery and you need hp

        2. Carry, or more like semi carry with pushing potential. Core consists of phase boots, maelstrom and aghs later on. Situationals:
        -desolator cause it works wonders with the ult, and it gives pushing potential
        -orchid for the silence
        -shiva for slow(it also works with the utility build)
        -blink for mobility(you can combo blink-shackle-ult)
        -mkb for the ministun
        -linken if you want survivability
        -maybe bkb

        If you're going for carry try to snipe kills with the powershot. What i usually do when i'm playing wr is that if i get lots of kills early i'll go for the carry build, if not i'll stick with the utility.

        Shackle shot is easy to land if there are more enemies or if the target is beside trees. Max shackle and power shot first with only one point in windeun. You dont take the ult at 6 cause your dmg is too low and you'll be hitting for nothing. The only situation where you wanna take it is if you have a very good push line up and you wanna end it fast. Keep in mind that even tho you're not going for carry your ult still deals a lot of damage on squishy heroes.

        Aghs is usually build after you get one more dmg item. So for example you go for maelstrom deso and aghs. Or maelstrom orchid and aghs. Maelstrom also boosts your farm really nice.

        If you wanna go for a more pushy build, you can buy deso and start pushing towers.

        Dives are easily manageable with windrun.

        Regarding the lanes, she can do ok on dual lanes but the offlane is more suited for her(especially if it's not vs an aggro tri). She is ok on mid but i don't advise you to take the mid lane. The only thing that she is dependant on is early levels. WR can easily make up for the lost cs with powershot and maelstrom.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          trash hero


            trash hero

            Shame because I really like her... but she sucks.

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              Try it:
              Phase boots
              Dagon 5


                Is Skadi a bad item on that hero?

                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                  It works good, and shiva's aswell


                    I went 20 min skadi on that hero,,, got disbanded by my team because I wasnt "buying wards" :(
                    Y everyone so mad


                      i farking love windrunner i play her generally blink force and run around landing 2 man shackles and laughing straight to the bank..... but tbh shes not a very good support her disable isnt reliable and she isnt a great carry either shes kinda just stuck in these half ass roles... i think she is one of the heroes that needs a buff :) she is very fun and sexy ;)

                      Quick maffs

                        Trash hero

                        Quick maffs

                          I get midas on this hero everytime i ramdon her

                          Then she starts to be fun

                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                            powershot needs a buff and inteligence pr lvl needs a buff too

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Hex Sigma

                              @x6 with that build no wonder you have 39% wr on her


                                Powershot is an amazing skill that does not need a buff. Personally I think what WR needs is a buff to Windrange, needs max MS like weaver on that shit.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  She isn't very good, but blink/forcestaff builds seem to work the best. Just never die and you might have impact.


                                    The thing with WR is that she falls off really fast. The only way I managed to have impact later on was going for maelstrom into aghs into daedalus (or mkb) and play her like sniper: Send someone to the frontline to tank and stay back using your ult. You MELT people with mael + crits + aghs buff.


                                      I'm also trying to get a 50 winrate on her but I'm really not good at her. I find WR has low game impact. I want to play her just because I like the TI4 immortal cloak.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        Am I the only one with 70% wr and 4 kda?


                                          Basically what Oleksandr said. Hero is fun but you run into the "Undying Problem" where suddenly it's 20 minutes into the game and nobody cares about you.