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General DiscussionOpinions on Skywrath Solo Mid? Are there any players who have grinded...

Opinions on Skywrath Solo Mid? Are there any players who have grinded him in high mmr games? in General Discussion

    I only know one player who has used SWM solo mid in high mmr games, and that's w33. Any others?


      Swiftending. Plays it a ton, quite annoying.


        he wins tinker


          get a good start and skywrath will ruin your day.


            MoonMeander plays him pretty much exclusively as his tinker counter.

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              Do you guys think SWM can be used as more of a semi-carry?


                isnt mid semi carry


                  why care about names?
                  dude, fucking kill guys with him doesnt matter if its called semi carry, mid game carry, hard carry, smash all your buttons and you'll kill a shitload of people, thats it

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                      Best item progression? I usually go arcanes -> atos -> fs/bloodstone -> sheep/shivas -> eb

                      ICE SKULL

                        garbage hero, let him nuke you and then what? he has nothing going for him


                          He's very dependent on a good early start. He does awesome in the lane but there are a few hiccups, if you get shutdown from 1 or 2 ganks then you're not gonna catchup like that Tinker is.

                          But if noone tries to stop you, you win the lane easy.


                            I play sky a shit ton and u shouldnt go atos or shiva on him. He can be semi carry just fine. Always go for blink over force staff, or both. Don't go for the same items every game. If they have a squishy core hero, go for dagon. If u die too many times or they have too many disables, go for eul. If you are winning and want to secure the win, get bloodstone, vyse and aghs. Here's some matches (I have 5k4 mmr) for examples:


                              how are u 5k4 im confused

                              ICE SKULL

                                5.4k solo in "high games"



                                  juice(swiftending) post's quite abit in the thread.

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                                    I often play with my friends who dont have high mmr like you guys, that's why not all my matches are in very high bracket. The ones are in very high bracket when I play solo.


                                      how can you get 5.4k with a winrate < 50% ? this is questionable. Unless you have a screenshot, no one believes that.


                                        lol what

                                        you lose in unranked, you lose with teammates affecting party mmr

                                        Y M V N

                                          well guess what, look at my winrate. i have 4.5k mmr


                                            @timberinosaurus - stop lying about your mmr.

                                            @ACMツ - you smurf's mmr is meaningless.

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                                              Why would I lie about it, 5400 isnt even "really high". I started around 4k3 and I have 75% winrate with phoenix. That 80 wins which equal +2000mmr.

                                              kanye went to uni

                                                just put up a screenshot of your profile. people here will still flame you but you'll have the moral victory



                                                    ^ Blink + Scythe > BKB

                                                    Dwight Twilley

                                                      ^ lol
                                                      but you have a field day until they get that or switch shotsealflareboltbolt to supports :D


                                                        @lolwut, you realize people can photoshop mmr right ? Ofc, I can put a screenshot with whatever number I want. I dont really care what u guys think though, it's just a bit funny that people think someone with 5k is lying.


                                                          @Gluttoney I dont really understand what you are saying. A mid ganking hero always has much faster farm in early game that a carry. I often got blink and scythe before they have bkbs. And dota is a team game, I take out their carry, my teammates take care the rest. If a semi carry can take out a hard carry (and nullify its bkb) in a few sec then what do you ask for more?


                                                            atos is like the best item on him are you drunk?


                                                              @xan No it's not. If sky got caught by disable, he dies really quick and a few extra hp doesnt make a difference. Mobility however, is very good on him, that's why he should rush blink/force staff first. I know why you think it's good, the slow helps you secure your ulti. That is right in lower bracket while people underestimate his ulti and dont bother to counter it. In higher bracket most people get force staff to nullify sky's ulti. Why would I need an item that could be easily countered by force staff (a popular item that most support pick up) ? Slow doesnt make a difference like a hex does. If you slows the carry then ulti him, he just pop his bkb and wreck everything. That doesnt happen if you have scythe.
                                                              Also, everyone has different item builds. I say blink and scythe are good and I explained why. If you came here, gave opinion, doesnt explain why then insult people, you already lost the argument.

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                                                              Y M V N

                                                                but dude, w33 the 2nd highest mmr in this world. that obviously play on very high bracket buy rod of atos first


                                                                  I lost the argument? ROFL, get off your high horse, I couldn't care less to argue with you.
                                                                  I play at the higher level than you do. and with the people who are at the very top of the leaderboards. and most if not all good sky players have atos as a core.

                                                                  tldr. get over yourself.


                                                                    atos is totally a core on sky pre min 15, it's just so fucking good.


                                                                      no no listen to the guy while he explains why is hex better than atos in his imaginary 5k us bracket.
                                                                      why would you get a 3k item when you can get 5.5k one and a dagger at the same time. silly van art.

                                                                      in higher (imaginary 5k us) brackets people get forces to deal with atos, it obviously works only vs bad people.


                                                                        we have to be so bad buying it in our bracket, totally an advice worth following.

                                                                        (phone, old acc, steam activation code - long story) :D


                                                                          I saw w33 own mid against rtz QOP with SWM, they won.


                                                                            ^ rtz lives in vancouver, he played on eu servers because it was 4-5 am his time and queues were really high. ofc he loses mid with high ping vs skycancer


                                                                              then they pick pugna and you get so sad


                                                                                atos on sky early on ensures free kills with his ult

                                                                                and w33 is legit as fuck, the best pubstar out there, better than DF
                                                                                last week i saw him mid as meepo vs fng QoP. he won, hard


                                                                                  meepo does rather well vs qop mid tho.


                                                                                    ^ If you play at the higher level than I do and still have terrible KDA then it's kinda sad.

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                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      2 kda agaisnt 6k players > 10 kda against 3k players

                                                                                      Seriously man ...............


                                                                                        Most core players have at least 3KDA. His highest isnt even 3.
                                                                                        Pick one of the mid players from here and show me someone with ~ 2KDA. Most of them play against 6k players too.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          bird gave me cancer

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            KDA does not mean shit


                                                                                              Well then dont blame when u get a mid player with 0/20/0. It doesnt mean shit.


                                                                                                Low KDA either means you dont participate in teamfights a lot or you die too many times. It does mean something.

                                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                                  even if u weren't lying xan would still have a higher mmr lol ... ur becoming a little indefensible here....


                                                                                                    Op asked for opinions and I came to give them. Then people started bashing about mmr. Really ? What's up with you guys' ego ? If you don't agree with my build, simply explain and give your own opinions. If a guy with 7k mmr walk in and give trolling advices, maybe you guys would workship him.

                                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                      it wasnt trolling, you came here with assumption that your own opinion is correct and others are wrong.
                                                                                                      you even yourself mentioned brackets
                                                                                                      "That is right in lower bracket while people underestimate his ulti and dont bother to counter it. In higher bracket..." which is just laughable and easy to pick on.

                                                                                                      and yes, my kda is shit because I play incredibly aggressive dota with ton of deaths. I could make godlike stats in potato bracket or on smurf while being the same player. would definitely mean a lot. not.


                                                                                                        Because you didn't assume your opinion is correct and others are wrong ? Oh give me a break Mister Imsogoodatthisgame.

                                                                                                        And what i said base on my own observation in many games. When I was playing in lower bracket (lower than 5k, I dont mean to say that 4k is low), every skywrath went atos and couldn't do shit all game. People didn't buy force staff to counter his ulti. People go for atos a lot because it's in every skywrath guide and you do know how dota players just copy other players.

                                                                                                        Even people at the very top of leader boards go for atos doesnt mean they are right and are all skywrath pros. They have high mmr because they have higher skill and their best heroes are amazingly well played (or just because they grind with meepo,void, tinker, phoenix,...).

                                                                                                        Swiftending doesn't go for atos a lot, Merlini doesn't either, maybe they are all just drunk.

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