General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat Did i Do wrong in this game? Need some exp. player to check repl...

What Did i Do wrong in this game? Need some exp. player to check replay if possible. Thanks. in General Discussion

    FB-ed Razor.

    Killed Doom.

    Ganked him again later.

    Need help.



      clearly your team threw the game late.

      Your team had massive advantages and you never pushed.

      Овај коментар је измењен
      Girl with beautiful face

        Just by the looks of it, you should made manta ( kinda hels vs clock and particulary doom ). Also Sf with 160 cs in 45 min game, is really low.

        Also, as Concede stated, you prolly didnt pushed , thus throwing game.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          tp instead of aquila.


            I didnt neeed farm. We literaly destroyed them in early to mid game. That's why I have only 160 CS.

            When things got hard, I simply coudnt farm anymore.

            Manta, yeah... I was planing to get that, but since we got pwned, I only managed to get that items.

            Fannofenvy, I had TP. I always carry a tp.

            Yeah, we never pushed. Even I wanted to do so, I simply can't do it alone.

            Void went full-retard couple of times and gg...

            But I don't ask for my team-mates, I ask for myself.

            What could I do to make this game better.

            Yeah, I could farm more, that's true. But when the game turns upside down, it's kinda hard...

            Овај коментар је измењен

              >That comeback

              I would preffer die then lose this game.


                Well, it's just a game.

                If you'd like to die because you lost one game, you shoud not play Dota at all.


                  "I didnt neeed farm. We literaly destroyed them in early to mid game. That's why I have only 160 CS."

                  I never heard of a carry that "didn't need farm" because he was ahead.

                  Овај коментар је измењен
                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    looks like your supports fed more. Also looks like you just lost 1 crucial teamfight at end and lost by straight mid push.


                      Your cs is abysmal for an SF that got off to a good start. There is absolutely no reason for an SF to have under 4 cs/min in a game where he didn't get demolished by ganks early on. It's so easy to spam razes for cs.


                        Seems like some of you don't understand that CS won't matter in this game.

                        Girl with beautiful face

                          It kinda does. Even with bad start, you should have more then 160 cs. With good start, by that time, you should have more than 250+, or heck, even 300.

                          With that cs, you would have manta, butter and prolly deadelus, which will more or less win you a game, and you would have gold for bb or anything else .

                          You are true about cs not wining game, but you didn't pushed, thus losing game.

                          As you were position 4 in your team, you should farm way more,not then just going down the road, and trying to win, by having great start.

                          Also, it is just one game, and not tottaly your mistake.

                          Gl bro in next games :-)

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            With that cs, you would have manta, butter and prolly deadelus, which will more or less win you a game, and you would have gold for bb or anything else . - (No. Doom just saves his ult for me, I can't do a shit)

                            You are true about cs not wining game, but you didn't pushed, thus losing game. (Since my team-mates didnt want to do that, I didnt have much options left. I followed them and tried to help them..)

                            As you were position 4 in your team, you should farm way more,not then just going down the road, and trying to win, by having great start. (Impossible. Watch replay!)

                            Thanks bro.

                            And to all of you, thank you for your time.


                              More cs is always better. In this game I probably would have gotten something like Satanic (even though the lifesteal is muted the extra health is still great) or Skadi so that you could survive through the Doom. Yeah you got doomed and died, but you built glass cannon what were you expecting?

                              If you were with your team pushing the whole game in a 20 minute victory I'd understand low cs, but this is a 45 minute game where you had 1.8k tower damage so there's no way you were pushing all game so idk what you were doing besides that to end up with so little farm. Did you just say "hey cs doesn't matter" and afk in base or something? More likely is that you tried to gank with SB unsuccessfully all game because everyone on their team aside from AA will escape a solo SB gank from SF (especially since you didn't go for an movespeed after treads). So maybe don't pick up SB and get a better teamfight or damage item since their team is difficult for you to solo kill.

                              You should have gone Treads > Midas (since you said you got off to a good start) > Yasha > BKB > Manta/S&Y > Skadi

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                That's all okay, but, before you try to guide me how to play Shadow Fiend(it's still okay), just watch replay.




                                    That. You're trying to tell me what Did I do wrong, but since you didnt watch replay, you're just trying to say something that does not fit into this game.

                                    More CS is not always better if you ask me, but still, that's just mine opinion.

                                    I don't think more farm/items would have won me this game.

                                    Maybe splitpushing with Travel, or maybe daedalus over Desolator, and Madness/Dominator into Satanic..

                                    Farming this items would take a little more time, so, maybe it IS about farm, but mainly it's about items..

                                    I think I failed at item build in this game..

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I dont like deso on sf and i dont like sb


                                        look at how many times you died in that game, had you a satanic or a skadi, not gone for glass cannon shit like shadow blade and desolator, you could have avoided deaths.

                                        if you were actually competent, you would have gotten an early midas on SF because his strength is that he is able to farm so fast that the downside of midas - which is that it delays your next item, making you weaker in fights until you get more farm, is basically negated.

                                        had you went midas, the constant source of reliable gold results in you always having buyback gold. so even if doom dooms you, you purposely die, buyback, boots of travel in because you're getting 8 cs per min on SF, then win the fight.

                                        > More CS is not always better if you ask me

                                        basically, "I had 470 GPM in this game on a hero that can easily get 800-900 GPM when he's in the lead, but that's not the reason we lost."

                                        stop making excuses. your cs is shit, and SF's strength, his ability to win games, is how fast he can farm. or at least that's one of his strengths. your item choices are shit but if you had good farm you could have countered your shit items with just sheer volume of items i.e. if you're 15k gold ahead because ur that good at farming, your item choices probably wont matter, but you had neither good farm nor good item choices.

                                        your tower damage is also shit for someone who also has a desolator. every time you win a fight or get a kill, either use it to take a tower, or get roshan. if you're low on HP, lifesteal helps.

                                        we havent watched the game because we dont need to. your low gold and tower damage speaks for itself. you don't farm well during the downtime where you are not fighting, and when you do win fights, you don't take objective.s


                                          I honestly can't think of a single situation where more CS is not better. All else being equal of course.


                                            YOur SF:


                                            Over 500 LH, only 10k Hero dmg.

                                            U got carried in this game.

                                            Imagine if there was no Huskar and you're supposed to carry your team?

                                            You think enemy would wait for your 500 lh to happen,then let you finish the game?

                                            Sometimes you're just forced to play fast-game or just to hard def, or whatever.

                                            we havent watched the game because we dont need to. your low gold and tower damage speaks for itself. you don't farm well during the downtime where you are not fighting, and when you do win fights, you don't take objective.s

                                            No. You havent watched it because you are lazy, and you're trying to give me advices judging by Dotabuff, not by replay.

                                            I harldy ever have over 300 CS with SHadow FIEND, because by the time I have over 150 CS I finish the game, or they finish the game.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            Quick maffs

                                              More gold man MORE GOLD, just play dota like that it really works

                                              My last 2 ta games i clearly fighted too much instead of splitpushing and farming, i basically lost the game when i decided to do that.

                                              By the way, the issue is not even your CS, if your GPM was high who cares about your cs, but your cs was low and your gpm was low.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                751 gpm, got carried. LOL

                                                By the way look at his TD

                                                Andro did his job that game, look at huskar items, even though he got a lot of kills he was actually pretty poor, when huskar started to fall off cause of his lack of items andro started to be strong cause of his really high gpm.

                                                I WISH i had players like him playing a carry when i am playing a mid game kind of hero, usually i am playing against the entire enemy team and my carry has 400-500 gpm only somehow.

                                                You CAN have a strong IMPACT and high cs at the same time :

                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Ok i am going to watch the game cause i am bored



                                                    1. my tower damage is by far the highest on my team, it's defence of the ancients, not fountain camp enemy heroes.
                                                    2. im not asking for advice, so you don't need to cherrypick my games, I know when I make mistakes
                                                    3. I don't remember the game fully but I contributed to fights early since I went BKB right after midas, got a double kill in the mid lane vs aba and phoenix, iirc I did decent in my lane without outside help, and then later on, I decided to split push, as the huskar was creating space for me to.

                                                    I believe the huskar got a divine and lost it to the gyrocopter, which is why I resorted to split pushing while my team distracted the enemies. had the huskar not won his lane, then he would not have even gotten a divine in the first place, so the game probably would not have been as close as it should have been. I had a somewhat early BKB, and their entire team was magical damage, so as long as the huskar was pulling his weight, even if he wasn't going godlike, the game was still in our advantage.

                                                    so anyways, tell me how my game as SF has any relevance to how shit you performed? you can ask higher rated players than me for their opinion if you're that intent on trying to find excuses, but having a deso and only 1.8k tower damage is fucking retarded, and so is getting a shadow blade.

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Man why didnt you buy bottle ? why didnt you go midas when you had such a good start ? Why didnt you buy treads instead of just rushing sb ? Anyway still watching

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        You wasted time roaming around with a claymore and brown boots, i dont know how you expected to kill something having almost no mana, you dont need to roam with sf so early man next time just sit in your lane raze the creeps and push the lane to do some damage to the tower.

                                                        If you had treads you woudnt die to that clock doom gank

                                                        Man you really like going full glass cannon, after SB you rush deso without having treads.

                                                        I there was like one or two situations where you would have got the kills if you had mana from treads or even bottle

                                                        Dude you gave doom 1k gold that its how you fucking lost

                                                        Fight at 24 min, he dooms void and fight is over, you coudnt do shit because your items were pretty bad for the situation and you were behind in items for a SF ( even though you had 10 kills, you didnt had farm ) you lost too much gold dying and you didnt try to farm at all so ....

                                                        Your ulties and razes are pretty bad

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          By the way void was pretty decent so far, 70 cs by 10 minutes not bad at all


                                                            Void pretty decent? My razes are bad? xD

                                                            Okay, I quit. This is the last time I came here for advice.

                                                            Bye. :)


                                                              How's someone play 229 games of SF and do shit like roam with brown boots and no mana.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                "SO SO NOOB VOID"

                                                                Man, void did more than you, void did better than you

                                                                How you dare to flame him man

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  You asked people here for advice man and i am telling you the truth

                                                                  You failed a lot of razes, and 70 cs at 10 min is not easy to get for 3k players even with free farm

                                                                  I am not trying to flame or insult you in anyway i was just saying things that you could improve on, like not getting treads not getting bottle failing razes etc.

                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                    Girl with beautiful face

                                                                      I think he is trolling us.

                                                                      Or maybe not?



                                                                        Why even ask for advice if people on here are giving you what you need to hear? CS is low, didn't push, manta instead, have tp instead of aquilla.

                                                                        What more advice did you want? That your other 4 people that you obviously cant ctrl. ruined the game and have a circle jerk of tears for you? God damn.


                                                                          nah, he clearly knows what was best, it's why he won that game. mains a hero and has >200 games, still doesn't realise what he's doing wrong.

                                                                          p.s. check your item stats.

                                                                          Krazy Kat

                                                                            Asks for advice, and then flames the people giving advice.

                                                                            "Okay, I quit. This is the last time I came here for advice."



                                                                              Heh, this thread OP asks for advices and then argues with the people helping...


                                                                                WHAT DID I DO WRONG?

                                                                                - you tell him

                                                                                - WELL FUCK YOU THIS IS THE LAST TIME I ASK FOR ADVICE


                                                                                  Something something can't handle the truth.

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    it didn't matter if he was 6 slotted his team lost him this game. Did you see the amount of times his allies got caught out of position at the end?

                                                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                                                      ^Another "It was my team's fault" person.

                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                        ^Go watch the replay, he did everything he could and didn't die the last 10 mintues as much as his allies. The enemy team basically got like 10 pick offs before pushing mid rax.

                                                                                        Quick maffs


                                                                                          I hope you are kidding me, i saw the replay too

                                                                                          He lost easy kills he didnt farm enough he flamed the void ( negativism is always bad for a team )

                                                                                          He had no HP or Armor of course he coudnt do shit, by the end he didnt even hit hard.

                                                                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                              I can take advices from better players. It's still okay to give me advice even if you're equal or little better then me, but in the first place, I asked for advice from better players.

                                                                                              Some people are right. While I could farm more, I didnt. I focused on ganking and shits like that.

                                                                                              But, hey, we managed to destroy them, and later on, game just turns upside down!

                                                                                              Got it?

                                                                                              I know I've made some mistakes, hell,. that's why I'm sitting at 3.6k at this moment, and I'm okay with it, I'm not delisional.

                                                                                              But saying:

                                                                                              "Void did better job then you" means you just didnt watch the replay.


                                                                                              "your razes are pretty bad"

                                                                                              Means you don't play SF a lot. You can't hit every fucking raze.

                                                                                              I know I'm not 5k rated Shadow Fiend, but I really think for my bracket, my Shadow Fiend is better then avarage SF in sub4k or high 3k bracket.

                                                                                              So the point, I really don't want any advices about this game or my mistakes,since people just pretend about that.

                                                                                              They actually want to analise your game-play judging by stats and not by actually helping you improve.

                                                                                              Dendi, thank you. I Don't blame my team, but, Since Void managed to fail couple of times, I started to rage at him, and that was my biggest mistake.

                                                                                              After that game, I promised to myself I won't do it again.

                                                                                              Things got a way better after I started to communicate on polite way with my teammates, no matter how good or bad they are, I just try to keep moral up.

                                                                                              I managed to get from 3.4k to almost 3.6k in 1 day, by just beign more possitive.

                                                                                              Anyway, thank you for time spending on my tread.

                                                                                              Have a nice day, people!


                                                                                                And just for the record, I took some advices that you people gave me!

                                                                                                I've tried to farm more in my last Shadow Fiend game.

                                                                                                I lost one, due to simply better pick. BUt had over 270 CS for 40 min(if I'm not mistaken!)

                                                                                                And last one I managed to won.

                                                                                                Void got his midas in 6 min-mark, I had relativly easy mid-lane against Visasge, also managed to fb him.

                                                                                                After I bought boots/aquila/magic stick, I was thinking about going desolator(because they were glass-canon), or midas, to secure the win.

                                                                                                It turned out that Midas was smart desicion, because I had a lot of money and nice level advantage.

                                                                                                So, even with low HP, I managed to keep my own distance between void and kill him when he Chrono, or if he kills me, my team would kill him and other enemy heroes.

                                                                                                Someone said I need "bottle".

                                                                                                I used to buy bottle as first item on mid,for almost 2 years

                                                                                                Then I tried magic-stick, and i realised that bottle is not core item on SF.

                                                                                                I tend to buy bottle if I have good map awarness and can cought runes, or If my-team mates would let me bottle-crow it.

                                                                                                In my bracket, bottle-crow is kinda hard(people rage and whine when chicken is busy), so I can't do it always.

                                                                                                Last but not least, we had Wraith King which decided not to push the lanes and help us, because I took his Roshan.

                                                                                                I said to him and to my team, I need it, I asked him if it's okay, he didnt answer.

                                                                                                After I took it, he started to whine.

                                                                                                I didn't flame him, and I've treid to keep moral up in my team.

                                                                                                So yeah, I think I'm learning! :)

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  See man this is WAY better, your gpm and TD was really high

                                                                                                  I am sorry if it looked like i was flaming you man because i was really trying to help, i am not good enough at watching replays like Havoc is but i tried to do my best at pointing your mistakes.

                                                                                                  People here is usually really harsh but if you listen to them you will improve.


                                                                                                    I know. :) Thank you.