ooo techies update on dotabuff, ez 37% winrate
I tried stealing suicide and using it. Nothing happened brah :D Or they just patched it?
37% winrate? That's...surprisingly high actually, considering that pre-nerf Earth Spirit began at 30%.
Considering that there's actually a higher chance of getting Techies in the enemy team, you are an unlucky boy. Story of our lifes! (Good thing I won't be able to actually play dota for a few more days...god I'll be so rusty)
btw how to pick Techies asap so I can repick ? Is it possible with some macro ? just in case
-50 in 30 mins damn this update is so much fun xDx dxDXDDDD
Hit T and he is the first T hero I believe.
For the insta pick, then repick.
Zeus and sniper are pretty good vs techies.
Shrapnel destroys bombs from afar (since they have low health and take damage form some aoes).
I'm assuming march of the machines blows up bombs too.
LOL Allison
I was a bit more lucky
We need a " TECHIES GAVE ME A FREE WIN " thread
I've been too lazy to test this myself, but I see you've played Abaddon vs. Techies. Did the ult activate first or did you die?
That techies was so shitty that the game was lost for them before i could even try it.
In the entire game i was never touched by a techies explosion.
But yea, the general idea was i would just go in front to mine scout and then get a blade mail... My team was really obnoxious too. They made me solo off lane since the NP didnt want to.
@HotSalza, Abaddon Ult activates first.
I had 2 games against Techies, picked PL got him in a duallane against me, with a 1-1-1 skillbuild you can secure your entire jungle/safelane rune with little effort.
Luckily the 1 game with techies on my team he was decent and we won. They had really shit lanes though and I got free kills on the jungling Tinker with NP)
More hats.
Just tested it out and Abbadon's ultimate will trigger before Techies ult can kill him.
im having fun hue
i just love techies where u mine and bait supports to come over rofl
this game officially is stupid. I bought 2 gems of true sight ass tons of sentries as KOTL and still managed to step on mines the whole fucking game.
This game is officially gayer than elton john's fucking pink fanny pack.
I'm loving techies. One of the best counters to squishy heroes, of which there are a lot. They push towers like a boss, they are hard to counter even with wards (their bombs detonate anyway, so you can't really defuse them. I'm expecting a nerf to that later.), and they defend better than any other hero that comes to mind, besides maybe Pugna.
1st and foremost, you get 20 "wards" on the map at any one time for free. The ulti bombs do not detonate on creeps, and they last for 8 minutes. 8 minutes! That's even longer than an Observer, and you get them for no cost besides easily regen'd mana every 10 seconds. Your team cannot get ganked once you have the map well "warded".
Secondly, the bombs deal massive damage in surprising places. For example, you can mine the Side Shop and kill any support or underfarmed carry who foolishly walks in. This is what everyone knows about techies, but it's still crazy just how much damage they deal, especially later in the game.
3rd, they push lanes and towers like motherfucking bosses. Those mines hit buildings, have a low cooldown, and deal a massive chunk of damage every time. I would argue that the Techies are even better demolitionists than DP and SS.
And finally, they can turtle for days. With their stuns, nukes, and hidden surprises, no team can feel safe walking into your base for racks or towers. They are walking into a literal minefield, and no, having the little sign there will not help them one bit.
Oh, and you basically cannot feed as Techies, unless your opponent stunlocks you. And when you die, you almost always take someone else down with you. 10/10, most fun and annoying hero in recent memory.
even tho this hero is mostly garbage it raelly makes breaking highground a bitch. tinker+techies holy shit
41% winrate and 1.25 KDA now, just below Chen. And thats after 1 day. Im guessing it will be 47% before the month is over and everyone will be crying for nerfs.
mostly garbage is people who dont know how to play him to be honest (me included)
he is flexible, can be played to counter junglers with an early smoke (quelling blade into trees, plant land mines to block camps - short of large scale deforestation with the likes of midnight pulse good luck finding and detonating the land mines), depriving most safe lane carries of their main farm accelerator, while being able to solo ancients faster than Alchemist.
in team fights he wombo-combos amazingly well with certain heroes too
but hey most people have no idea how to play him, just like most people still think pudge loses to TA in lane
It's just that his laning is fucking terrible and most people think that planting mines on random places make them useful. They stay level 1 for 10 minutes and then just become a dead-weight feeder.
Why do you guys think this game was 1 hour long ? When he got aghs it was almost imposible to break their base, my team just stepped on mines the entire time we tried to push highgroud, even with a gem he killed the creep wave entirely so it was pretty hard.
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Now that techies is out, this shit pale of a hero is most assuredly going to make people extremely upset.
Use this thread to discuss, rage or cry about how techies ruining your game and perhaps your life, and feel free to let us know where exactly on the doll techies touched you.