General Discussion

General DiscussionI officially don't care about mmr anymore

I officially don't care about mmr anymore in General Discussion
He's an A-star student, y...

    Akke, the greatest support player of all time, has a meager 5000 solo rating. Thank you based dota gods, I can now stop caring about mmr and get on with my life.

      *trying hard to climb 4k mmr


        se asia? hes not playing on eu west anymore?


          Since when was Akke the greatest support player of all time?

          Also, mmr doesn't mean shit when you get to official games, cause that's more about experience and confident. Knowing what to do and knowing how to cooperate with your fellow team-mates.

          Admiral Bulldog is 5,3k.

          Also, your personal opinion of whos the best support player of all time should be written as it's your opinion, and not a statement.

          Just add me and I can give you typing-lessons /w englando englishe

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          Quick maffs

            Do we need to say " in my opnion " after everything we say now ?



              could u not spelling bait

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                ^No? Nobody said that either.

                To be perceived right, you have to write what you actually mean. Right?
                Thus something like: "Akke, who I think is the greatest support player, only have 5k solo rating."


                He's an A-star student, y...

                  pretty bad troll attempt, considering we're on a dota2 forum, where 99% of statements are based on personal opinion and 1% on actual facts.

                  (yes, that was a personal opinion, in case you are still wondering)

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                    99% of statements I've read isn't based on personal opinions.

                    Again, another opinion you fail to impress.

                    Keywords: Perceived, impress

                    Add me dude, seriously.


                      " 99% of statements are based on personal opinion and 1% on actual facts. "
                      Where did you get this data from? It doesn't look like a "fact"

                      He's an A-star student, y...

                        99% of statements YOU have read. Nice reading comprehension dude, 10/10 will add.

                        @luxon read the stuff in parenthesis.

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                        one and half gun

                          oh this is sad he should definitely not be 5k

                          one and half gun

                            bulldog is 5300 on his smurf, his excuse for playing on it is because he gets matched with 4ks on his 6k acc during the day which is a blatant lie since that only happens during night time in eu


                              why so serious 2gd

                              even if he worded it like that, the message (his point) is pretty clear (to me at least):

                              "i was suprised that akke, one of the players i considered very good, turns out he has less than i expected. I feel relief knowing that even pro players have a hard time for high mmr"

                              op is trolling anyway, so who cares...


                                Bulldog is 6.5k player, but he keeps creating new accounts cause he said that above 6k mm is very unbalanced and keeps playing with 4k people in mornings and with 5.4kish he gets from 5.2k to 6k and almost always first page games.

                                Well, what if akke doesnt even bother playing soloq? What he simply got calibrated ( we all know how MM treats playing support heroes) and thats where he stopped? I am sure that if Akke starts playing soloque he could definetly go up, but maybe he simply dont care.


                                  "bulldog is 5300 on his smurf, his excuse for playing on it is because he gets matched with 4ks on his 6k acc during the day which is a blatant lie since that only happens during night time in eu"

                                  One morning, he played on main and every of his 5 games was with super low 4ks and games were so horrible. It wasnt in night, it was morning, when he usually plays.

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                                  He's an A-star student, y...

                                    loads of soloq games:


                                    it must be the way the system is treating support players, cos its not like he just calibrated back in december and then stopped caring


                                      Quite a few of those are not solo queue. He queues a lot with Bummi.

                                      He's an A-star student, y...

                                        most of them are with s4,egm,loda,bulldog or his gf yea, but there are quite a lot of solo games as well if u look closely

                                        either way im not trying to question his ability or anythign and im sure we can agree he's better than 90% of the players above 5k. its just the mmr system thats fucked up.

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                                        Miku Plays

                                          in my opinion im the best feeder of all time


                                            He has only played 765 normal games so it wouldn't surprise me if he simply was calibrated at ~5.0k or something. He only has 230 ranked matches and probably 50-75% of those are party matches so his solo rating is not that surprising.


                                              @2GD: STFU

                                              NO need to reply to every thread with useless rubbish

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                I think he simply doesnt play soloq. He got calibrated there, he can go up, I am sure, but he probably doesnt care. Dunno how is the mmr system related to that.


                                                  also put yourself in his spot, why would he care?

                                                  but if it makes you feel better he is a measly 5k player then by all means rock on.

                                                  He's an A-star student, y...

                                                    im sure he doesnt care and yes it does make me feel better, thank you

                                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                        Why would he care about mmr anyway, since he doesnt stream for money like some of the players without teams do and he has a pro team. Also, matchmaking system doesnt do justice to a lot of players. But if you want to get a descent team, then you got to have certain mmr and there really isnt any way out of this.

                                                        Аутентичный сом

                                                          apparently 55% win rate prior to LVL 13 gets me teamed with people who have 49% win rate in ranked... and 70% in ranked gets me a starting MMR of 3150??? Such a useless system


                                                            winrate doesnt matter u fucking ape

                                                            Аутентичный сом

                                                              winrate doesn't matter in ranked??? so +24 for a win... - 25 for a loss....
                                                              Explain how wins dont matter?


                                                                alright.. it doesnt matter during calibration and during first 10ish-20ish games of unranked.


                                                                  So what, his team won TI3, he has permanent job.
                                                                  Those numbers means shit to him.


                                                                    Did you guys know that 87% of statistics are made up on the spot.

                                                                    THIS COMMENT WAS MADE FOR ANOTHER TOPIC

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                                                                    Аутентичный сом

                                                                      as I stated in my other topic... why have it based off win rates then? lol supports would get shit on! hahahahahah

                                                                      your comment doesn't make much sense, sorry.

                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                        mmr-how good you are at carrieing retards/pubs

                                                                        tbh mmr doesnt mean shit in pro scenes, because the difference is astronomical between pubs and the comp scene. Just play the game for fun or tryhard it's your choice op


                                                                          *tries so hard to get to 1K mmr* mmr matters the world to me, sucks that I'm so deep in this shit



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                                                                                  how's this possible?
                                                                                  aren't threads that are without reply for more than one month locked automatically?


                                                                                    Everything is possible.

                                                                                    sin blyadi


                                                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                                                        WTF Good job