General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do pro players create their own personal couriers with rfo/bkb/bo...

why do pro players create their own personal couriers with rfo/bkb/book instead of sen3 pooling their team? in General Discussion

    with sen3 pooling u transfer 5k gold into 2.5k for whoever u want.
    pretty sure u utilise stuff from your personal courier (book,rfo, bkb, fighting items) at less than 50% effectiveness so pooling is superior no?

    just want to hear out the opinion of u guys.


      What is sen3 pooling?

      F C A D E

        Sentry pooling is illegal is almost all tournaments


          means u convert your own gold into gold for your teammates through the use of sen3
          who says it illegal.

          F C A D E

            Tournament admins say it's illegal, or else it would be done in every naga match ever. It's completely allowed in pubs and ranked ofc, but pro tournaments its not allowed (along with 5 necrobooks and until it was fixed, the earthshaker block)


              I knew what is pooling, but i didn't know what was sen3.

              Also it is mostly illegal.

              Edit : ninja above ^


                pooling was illegal when you could 100% pool there are no rules regarding sen3 pooling lol.

                5 necrobook rule isnt that a thing of the past.

                also im not here to argue i would like to see some proof.

                Овај коментар је измењен
                F C A D E

                  Yes you CAN pool, the game allows it, but you will be DQd for it in most to all major tournaments


                    do tournaments even explicitly mention it?

                    F C A D E

                      I would assume, but I don't know for sure as no top level tournament I've seen has disclosed their rules for players and such, correct me if I'm wrong of course

                      Midi Prill

                        OP just heard "Sen3" on a stream or something and made this thread 12 seconds later




                            wat.. its a common short form.. like ro3



                              Midi Prill

                                3ant protector


                                  in SEA everyone knows ro3 = roshan because 3 in chinese is pronounced as san.
                                  now could u guys answer my question.


                                    @ F C A D E

                                    i remember most tournament rules explicitly saying anything that is doable in the game is allowed, jdl etc all operate like that

                                    the only exceptions were when there were game-crashing bugs (such as with vengeful)

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      ro3 = round of 3 WOW SUCH A TOURNAMENT.


                                        Reminds me of a game where some morphling player got shared a tp-scroll, sold it and immediatly after bought his own. They got DQd


                                          That english tho. :D atleast you made me smile on a sick day

                                          one and half gun

                                            wat is sentry pooling? is it you give sentry to an ally and he sells it?

                                            Quick maffs

                                              I remenber sing saying that he doesnt like to do it because its cheating or something like that

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Why does it work only with sentries though?


                                                  its just a bugg and should never be done...

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    how is it cheating if ur supports have 0 gold after it

                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                      I didnt understand nothing at all, what is sentry pooling?

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Because you can actually get like a stupid fast mek or something like that. Also it's for late game carries with 10k gold so they can
                                                        give money to their supports.
                                                        ^ When you give consumables to someone they can use it but can't sell it. But only for sentries you can sell them. So you can sacrifice 200 gold from a hero to give 100 gold to another hero.


                                                          I don't see it mentioned in any rules unless it is considered as bug.



                                                            its just a bugg and should never be done...

                                                            If only it could be the case with every single bug "pros" are abusing


                                                              "Intentional abuse of bugs or exploits is strictly

                                                              It's considered an exploit


                                                                Oh, didnt know about it, might use it sometime (its not like getting 6 slotted is so frequent anyway)


                                                                  It's too easily fixable to be considered a bug in my opinion.


                                                                    @ matric
                                                                    i hear that :(

                                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                      It's not a bug


                                                                        sentry pooling: carry have 5 k gold, uses, it to buy 25 sets of wards. drops it from stash, support picks up the set of sentries and buys 1 of his own. the set will combine to become a 26 set of sentry ward which can be sold for 2.6k gold . result: support gains 2.4k gold. im not sure if it only works with sentries, u can do the same for obs but thats silly, theoretically u can do the same thing with dust now that it stacks but i havent tested it yet.

                                                                        just because its a bug/exploit doesnt mean its illegal... tinker rearming and blinking away while being attacked = elimination from tournament? supports tp ganking offlane/mid picking up empty bottle with fountain buff = ff?

                                                                        @ arka
                                                                        true, you have a point.. could we discuss the viability of pooling in normal games then? thats the original intention of my question

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          half of current accepted interactions were bugs, glitches or exploits anyway, tournament rules used to be ridiculous stuff like maximum of 2 arcane rings per team or stuff like that

                                                                          almost everything in the game is a unintended mechanical exploit of some kind, dodging projectile stuns with leap for example was exploiting how the base spell was a 0.01s windwalk.

                                                                          fountain hooking is definitely an exploit, but you dont see dendi being banned.

                                                                          some consider sharing tps illegal, but it was deliberately implemented to be sharable in the patch where they made most other items muted on allies

                                                                          etc etc

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            zenoth wats ur mmr


                                                                              5.7 havent soloed for a few months, stacks are so much more enjoyable to play with

                                                                              anyway on topic - pooling or not is whether you want to boost your team's strengths or cover its weaknesses - the extra items can be game winning fairly often

                                                                              case in point



                                                                                9.2/2 = 4.6 -100= 4.5k gold
                                                                                personal courier costs 150+ 220 = 270 ~ 135 pooled gold.

                                                                                im pretty sure something like 2 force staffs or someth would have had more impact (overall game, not just that clash, helping batrider lassos etc)
                                                                                not to mention when u use stuff like bkb/refresh you only make use of the active, when the stats and regen from rfo is part of the significant benefit that gives you, the impact of late game necros is much lesser too etc etc

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  I would rather have double BKB/BoTs/ultis than have an underfarmed support be able to save himself in a skirmish


                                                                                    i feel like ure underestimating the utility that a supports provide.. i mean look at the enigma who died when he had bh on cd, if two force staffs had been there to save him, or even a euls scepter by an ally, a bkb bh on 2-3 would have had the same effect as naga not tping back and going straight for t4s i think? i didnt watch the game though.
                                                                                    4635 gold give or take would have been dagger on enigma and eul on pie etc (whatever, panda could have completed his abyssal or bat complete whatever he intended with roh )

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