General Discussion

General DiscussionAWWW SHIT!

AWWW SHIT! in General Discussion
Primordial Soup

    Pay to win cosmetics are getting up voted by idiots!

    Shit went down when kitty drow came up, it's gonna go down even further now!


      > kitty drow
      How about Ursa Alpine set or too new for it?


        Play dota to showoff ur items... so many guys braindeads vote up shit like this

        Primordial Soup

          @Pirate Damn, forgot about that!


            actually those items are nice... and kitty drow sucked cause it was the opposite of sexy and i'm still dissapointed


              how are these cosmetics pay to win exactly? just particles and shit, ways of making new styles for spells are fine by me

              Primordial Soup

                Think about it Knight of End, Rubick with these stolen spells. This is part 1, more will come, you don't know, we might get an opposite of the sperm arrow! Next thing will be 'Custom sound effects!' Look at TF2 for example, they HAD a rule about their cosmetics.


                  I dont get it. Why are these P2win?


                    More like pay2lose.

                    Primordial Soup

                      Short example: Rubick uses a stolen emp, the enemy will back off because it doesn't have the same particles as Invoker's emp.


                        Maybe that's why they didn't do EMP.

                        Primordial Soup

                          It's an example!


                            a bad example or you're just retarded

                            Primordial Soup

                              Thanks for reminding me how cancerous this forum is!

                              kanye went to uni

                                you cant listen to benao, according to melody he's a trash sf huehuehue


                                  Well better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


                                    I really don't understand how different particles can be pay2win. It's just a particle it doesn't change the overall spell, only visually. There are already items in the game that rubick doesn't steal the custom particle from. Why aren't you crying about those other items being pay2win.

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      is this in game already ?
                                      is it going to be in game ?

                                      pay2win ?

                                      Thanks for reminding me how retarded this forum is

                                      waku waku

                                        these sets are seriously interfering with my game because of them i can't rot enemies to death as rubick since they see i'm not pudge


                                          this is not going to the game

                                          even through its "dotacinema stuff"

                                          just remember the aghanim chest


                                            Make Rubick steal custom effects/prismatic colors along with the stolen spell? Pay2SolveProblemByUsingBrain?

                                            Also if I know the enemy team has a Rubick and all of a sudden a Sacred Arrow is flying the opposite way, pretty much obvious already. I cant think of a single skill that may be confused like this?


                                              Plenty of Rubick stuff gets confused for enemy stuff - Kinetic Field and Static Storm come to mind, especially in a chaotic fight.

                                              But most cosmetics are shiny and pretty and actually hurt the user more than anything else - they're more obvious. You can always tell Tinker is coming even if you're color blind thanks to Booties o' Travel. Stuff like that.


                                                lots cooler than the casual item system

                                                Primordial Soup

                                                  Yes Rubick should also steal the custom particle effect!
                                                  But the real problem would be on the community, if Valve allows these kinds of stuff, workshop artists will just shit on the lore and all those other stuff and still get upvoted because the community likes shiny shit.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    "Shit on the lore" the dota 2 lore is mediocre at best, particles doesn't change a story, and most workshop items have their own custom descriptions involving some loosely created "lore" anyway

                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                      "and all those other stuff" pink particle effect for a green veno?


                                                        I'll agree with you on that, the orange with venos ult was a bit questionable, but it's not gonna change veno as a hero or his effectiveness


                                                          The community is always going to like shinies it is up the valve to consider the implications of allowing these items. Lets also face the face that lore in DOTA is vague at best and only adds some spice. Never heard of someone picking Omniknight because he likes lawful good aligned characters.

                                                          In a micro transaction environment lets consider two scenarios.
                                                          1. Lets limit custom items to original color, no custom effects and particles, conforms to lore (like it was in beta)
                                                          Most items feels cheap because they look so similar, less sales because exclusivity and uniqueness sells best. A lot of talented creators will stop making items for dota. Less money flowing into dota, less interest from community and artists, less development incentive for valve, possibly impact the professional side if money flow becomes stagnant. But, the game will be true to vanilla where balance is fundamental and any possible advantages are eliminated.

                                                          2. Loosen the requirements
                                                          High quality (better than what valve can make) effects, models etc, enter that game. Artists are attracted, community stays interested and valve makes money, pumping money back into the game making at more attractive for pro's and new players alike.

                                                          I think the positives will always outweigh the negatives when it comes to hats. The problem is by allowing more elaborate changes, artists is going to push the limit and soon we will see OUTRAGES suggestions. This is a good thing, this is creativity and a sign of a prospering community. It will be up to valve to maintain control regardless of being upvoted. There are always room for adjustments. Tweak this, add that, remove something and suddenly you have a high quality item that is pretty, good quality and doesnt shit on the lore or make it too outrages.

                                                          The true question is. IS valves going to consider these items with an open mind or do they look at it through their green money tinted glasses?

                                                          TLDR: Community inst idiots for upvoting an artists hard work, its up the developer to maintain control.


                                                            So far the only cosmetic I find annoying is the furion primeval treants. They look too much like couriers. What's next? Wards that look like techies mines?

                                                            Primordial Soup

                                                              I will disagree to most of what you said because you ignored the competitive scene. If Valve 'loosen the requirements' unwanted cosmetics will enter the scene and if one of these cosmetics gives you even a slight advantage, then things will go downhill and it will be hard to reverse the process since people already paid for it.

                                                              MOST of the community just upvotes stuff because they like it without thinking "Huh, that effect looks very similar to this effect"
                                                              again the kitty drow and the alphine usra set is the proof of this, things that got in-game because it had a lot of up votes.

                                                              You went biased with the second scenario. You made it sound so good but you ignored the big things ^

                                                              Giving the workshop artists limits on what they can do prevents someone from making a Mirana arrow looking like a dildo!

                                                              Silly hat n tf2 came in so the next silly hat was acceptable until the whole game turned goofy cartoony. They HAD rules!

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                better posion nova? make it look like a growing green bubble and pops, which will look like's alchemist's spray. Make QoP's ult neon green or purple.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  I agree with you.

                                                                  I think you are missing the key point.

                                                                  Let me clarify, im NOT saying remove ALL limits. There must be limits. My point is, shunning the artists and blaming the community for inpropper items is not the solution. Valve should look a the popular sets and analyse the impact. Ask the pro's, make poll, put it in the test client, whatever. If there is an issue, suggest to the artist what can be changed and viola. Epic item in game. Happy community, happy artist, happy pro, happy valve

                                                                  The ursa set is pretty bad and never should have entered the game, agree again but i dont see a problem with the drow set.


                                                                    They could make some of the retarded effects disabled in ranked and tornameng games, so tons of casuals who have no idea anyway can enjoy pink veno but if you take the game slightly more srsly you wont have to deal with it. Valve likes to remove fucked up stuff (like 4stack) only from ranked, so it could work.


                                                                      That is a bad solution, pro's are people too.... If they pay for an item they should be able to use it.


                                                                        Thx for tell me to spend my money for the enigma's and tide's
                                                                        Fuck off, cunt. stay off my wallet.


                                                                          ^^ who said they arent allowed to play normal games or fun modes? Also tournaments could have the option to allow them but they shouldnt be used on TIs.

                                                                          Ah no, i have a lot better idea... You always see your retarded effects, so you can enjoy, you can stream, spectators also see it. But anyone else in-game can disable it, "fuck everything shiny" next to mute button or something like that. Also a checkbox next to find match, auto disable anything too shiny in your games.

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            You know, there are people who play with mods to make the Dota characters look like anime womens. I remember watching EE's stream and seeing Juggernaut as Saber, complete with voice and custom ability icons/descriptions. I run the NBA Jam Mega Kills announcer pack myself.

                                                                   what I guess I'm saying is, people will play with silly stupid shit because it's fun. This is a game. We're here to have fun. If it is not fun to be here, then I will not be here, throwing money at shinies that Volvo puts into the shop. And the shinies money is what keeps the whole thing rolling.


                                                                              Pay 2 win bull**** game indeed

                                                                              Primordial Soup

                                                                                Ded gaem

                                                                                Low Expectations




                                                                                    My friend plays Omniknight just because he likes lawful good characters, lol!



                                                                                      Lol, i would very much like to meet him :P #neversupportsinpubgames :P

                                                                                      Also which other heroes does he play?



                                                                                        I guess Dragon Knigh, Legion, Mirana and Juggernaut sort of fit the lawful good theme.


                                                                                          I guess I stand corrected then... :P

                                                                                          ps. Lifestealer is evil!


                                                                                            Nothing new...

                                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!