General Discussion

General Discussionquelling blade underrated?

quelling blade underrated? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I was playing troll warlord and my usually starting items are some regen and then stuff towards an aquila. Mana regen to spam axes is pretty good. In back to back games I went tango, salve, circlet, ring of prot so I could finish basilius at side shop.

    Both games we won, both went fine, but in first I went to rosh around 15 mins with dominator and part of yasha and while I did it I was pretty low after and overall my farm wasn't that spectacular. Next game I got aquila, phase boots and a morbid mask, then picked up a quelling blade. wow, jungling was a snap. Whereas before the mobid mask isn't that much lifesteal and I rely a lot on W to farm, now just auto attacking was plenty and I crushed rosh with full hp.

    Is quell blade worth getting on any melee who is planning to farm for a while, even after ~10 mins? It seemed to make a big difference to me and it's super cheap. What about on a ranged hero? Like say you're drow and grab a mask of madness to try to solo rosh, would a quell blade be a worthy addition too? Let you clear out jungle easily now and again?


      super cheap item that helps a lot farming.. just pick it up and go farm! qb is a must

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        It's almost mandatory on most split push and farm heroes like AM,TB, Naga etc actually. Not really on Troll though, he needs to be fighting, not farming.


          pls edit... i'm barely able to contain these feelings to post smth else here


            yes, because it provides ridiculous damage for it's cost, and cutting trees means you spend less time moving from A to B, and therefore more time hitting stuff for gold.


              even if you sell it like a minute later it probably would have paid for itself already because you could have done an extra neutral camp in a minute because of the extra damage.


                Love it, best melee farm item :3

                Dire Wolf

                  What about on a ranged hero? Still good?

                  "Not really on Troll though, he needs to be fighting, not farming."

                  I kind of disagree. Troll 1v1 sure, he's a beast, and he's a great pusher, go axe the lane, ult the towers. But in a team fight he is so squishy early, can be kited, low hp. I generally avoid big team fights until I have bkb. Last two games they had no real magic dmg so I didn't bother with bkb. But usually I go phase, roa, dominator, bkb then fight. He reminds me of luna in that regard and I play him a lot like my luna. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.


                    Yeah it's good.
                    Especially when fighting nature prophet.
                    It's a must have item :laugh:

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                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                        = ranged jungle heros

                        Sugar Show

                          From 230 games, no more than 20 players used it against sprout.

                          quelling on melee is fine, not worth in ranged because low base damage.

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                              gets u free hard camps on dire


                                Well of course it was sarcasm answer for Timberwolf