General Discussion

General Discussionwhen ur on a winning streak this is how valve gives you a treat

when ur on a winning streak this is how valve gives you a treat in General Discussion
one and half gun

    4k trash wants mid and picks lina
    4k trash calling it gg before game starts and builds crit dmg on nyx

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    one and half gun

      other team had 4 5ks+

      my team had only 3 5ks+ while my carry and lina both had 48xx and 46xx, is valve encouraging cd/cm abuse or whats going on

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      one and half gun

        im gonna play us east

        eu is giving me an headache


          Another quality post from wave.

          one and half gun

            im 6k, ur 2k playing vs bots

            what gives u the right to talk to me obsessive cunt

            one and half gun

              stalking* for that matter


                i check the page really quick and find myself on page 22.
                game didn't even load and there is already someone calling mid. instantly know he is well below 1k and that he also doesn't give a rats ass. gets point boster on sky first and foremost to rush bloodstone. I was afraid he might rush aghs, which he just might have done If I didn't ask him 'are you fucking kidding me?'

                other non 4k guy on another team ofc went mid and shitstomped my trash sky.
                srsly, just fix the fucking mmr, make it transparent and problem solved.

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                one and half gun

                  lol my disruptor walked to tinker fed fb and then abandoned


                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                      change back ur name to waga

                      one and half gun

                        oh my valve is really trying to put me down to 5.4k again for some reason, i have del in my team and his midas at 16 minutes is a bit questionable

                        ive decided to lvl up a sm urf and feed every single game down to 4.5k with the name DeL so ppl can report him on reddit now

                        one and half gun

                          theres currently watching del playing like an autist

                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                            one and half gun

                              700 spectators

                              one and half gun

                                their roaming support storm spirit got orchid before slardar has blink or bkb rofl

                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                  one and half gun

                                    i swear to god there are some days when valve just says "you are going to lose often today" and they pair you with acc buyers, players with x-10 lose ratio and shit like that

                                    one and half gun

                                      its not the slardar

                                      its the player DeL

                                      i'd abandon this but i will get low prio because i already abandoned today



                                          rmm matchmaking is so boring

                                          Hafla Enjoyer

                                            ^qop of pain

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I love how when ur winning MM is doing fine but when u lose OMG GABEN WHY U HURT ME SO BAD

                                              one and half gun

                                                find me 1 loss on my second acc that was a "fair" game

                                                one and half gun

                                                  and do it on my last 5 pages because i didnt give a fuck about winning or losing before those pages

                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                      Valve throws an Earthshaker that never blink ulty on teamfights in your team !
                                                      gotta love this


                                                        Keep posting shit, we might not care.

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          arent u that autist who is stuck in normal skill and made 10 threads about it in 1 day

                                                          pretty sure thats u, are u trying to make me laugh


                                                            changing regions won't help you
                                                            you will always in your team


                                                              10 Threads? I think I barely reached the 10 thread mark, (Not counting my "Mad cause Bad Tale's." I have that in there just trying to make things happier around here.)

                                                              Also, you're the same autistic who has to find insults in everything on everyone. Flame spam everything you write and post. Post more so annoyingly than anyone else here, then still think that we give a shit about you?

                                                              This isn't your personal blog post wave. I see you whine in bitch in a new thread every day, whereas most people do it in 1 thread one time a week, or keep big's one going for a long period of time.

                                                              btw, if you're such a "6k badass" then how come you just don't solo wipe your whole game and not bitch about anything? Oh wait, Valve has to catter to YOUR needs. No one elses. New's flash everyone! This is wave's earth! Everyone has to follow Wave's rules and guidlines! Even though he's too big of a pussy to even share his match making so we can see his faults.

                                                              Your call, I"m dying to see your insult remark back talk hullabaloo. I like seeing "Good Players" get angry.

                                                              one and half gun

                                                                am i supposed to read all that

                                                                what the fuck is wrong with you?


                                                                  "what gives u the right to talk to me obsessive cunt" lolol


                                                                    LOL 357 average gpm as naga building midas

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      who built midas on naga? :O


                                                                        soul eater


                                                                          so you really just shut down every valve server because of this?

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)



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                                                                              The Lusty Argonian

                                                                                After winning 5 games in a row, I get a russian pudge and riki who feed from minute 1.

                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                  dude you play in south africa theres like 10 players there and everyone is 3k


                                                                                    smoka ved

                                                                                    The Lusty Argonian

                                                                                      Because there are fewer players on my server the search parameters are wider, so I get russians and retards on my team.

                                                                                      game 1 : 0-18 riki and 0-11 pudge
                                                                                      Game2 : more feeding, they just die and keep dieng



                                                                                        Von Darkmoor

                                                                                          Why do you even care? You're just another multi accer who should get ip banned. Quit whining and go make yet another multi acc and see if that helps ya. Multiacc F*G!

                                                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                            Proud Boi

                                                                                              Yesterday I went on a 7 lose streak and down -200, but lord Gaben heard my prayers and granted a 7 win streak and 200 pts today. I'm sure if you pray enough he will listen to you guyz too. Thank you for reading my story.

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                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                I dont care if soul eater is an awful player he is right

                                                                                                Everyone gets this kind of games every fucking day, when someone else complains you laugh wave, but when you do it its fine.

                                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                                  show me 1 post where im laughing at others complaining about a 4k trash ruining games for 5.5k+ players

                                                                                                  go on buddy, i'll wait here

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                                    im happy for you leonardo

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      Everyone has his own complain about matchmaking, but if the guy complaining is under 5k you just call them retards.

                                                                                                      Why a 5k player can complain about people feeding courriers or stealing items and a 3k guy cant ?

                                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                                        because everyone under 5k is stuck in a bubble called "dunner kruger"

                                                                                                        im like the needle popping that bubble