General Discussion

General DiscussionDUUUUUUZA

DUUUUUUZA in General Discussion

    So, what will happen to my girl in 6.82? IceFrog refuses to buff her at lvl 1, but he's seem to improve her mid and late game.

    Increasing Snake's speed was suggested long time ago, and it is a great improvement to an already quite strong skill. Higher mana steal will also help a bit, starting with Snake lvl 2.

    But, the main question is her Mana Shield. I thought about increasing it to 60% reduction as a great way to break the hero. While it may create some mana problems early, it will pump her survive ability to an absurd level.
    Basically, her usual Mana Shield doubles her effective HP, given she has mana to sustain it.
    This 10% increase equals to 25% increase to her survive ability or 50% increase to Shield effectiveness. It will provide her 2.5 EHP as long as she sustains it. So, if Medusa has 2.5k base HP, this 10% Shield buff will add extra 1.25k EHP before taking into account armour, resistance, evasion.

    Will I see the rise of my girl, or will she be ignored until an eventual +10 base damage buff and following nerfing to the death? Are sources of mana burning a must against her now?

    Ова тема је измењена
    King of Low Prio

      dusa OP as fuck

      Ego complex

        Dusa was always great hero, but could only work in few games or heck, even meta ( turtle , for example ), she would be raped in deathball.

        But yea, that buff is strong as fuck. Still waiting for Zsmj to find better team, and start picking medusa.

        King of Low Prio

          RTZ said he wants to play dusa badly but PPD wont draft it :P


            RTZ wants to play Dusa...somehow I'm not surprised.


              I saw him playing Dusa few times. I don't want him to main her in competitive. It'll be the same story as with PA - everyone in pubs will pick her and feed mid, 'cuz you need to be actually decent to play Medusa's mid against dedicated mid player.
              I feel sad everytime I see feeding Medusa. Or Ancients' Medusa. Heck, it seems like I feel sad most time I see Medusa in my game.


                Y Dusa gonna be very very strong in my opinion and Dusa is going to be a meta in competetive as well as one of the hardest and best late carry heroes in the whole game. Cus next meta obviosly gonna be less about push strats and games gonna be 40+ min usually so Dusa gonna be great pick there. Will see


                  pick duza, get counter picked by nyx

                  2 mana burn --> bye bye all mana


                    It doesn't work like this now, I doubt it will work like this in 6.82.

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                      If behind dusa is great cause it is hard to hit HG against her and 1 mistake means +2k gold for your team