General Discussion

General Discussion[suggestion] non-carry gamemode

[suggestion] non-carry gamemode in General Discussion

    well i sometimes had games in All pick without any hardcarries at all (only supports and semi carries).

    This game were was more fun as usual hard carry matches. in theese games we had no "pressure" on keeping the enemy carries from farm and teamfight, even in lategame, were dediced 100% by clever abailty use and positioning while beeing farmed is way less important.
    Overall were in theese matches were way less bithcing arround and it felt like a lobby with 10 friends, even they were 10 strangers from the other end of the world xD.
    If we lost or won a game it felt like we actully deserved that win / loose. there was no frustration at our team or the enemy team.

    What is so frustrating in All Pick: no matter how good u play in the first 30 mins, IF the enemy (or ur own) hardcarry gets fed, the game is lost/won. even the win/loose feels totally undeserved (because your (or the enemys) hardcarry is basically a total rightclicker who fed in lane and was somwhow able to jungle). with those kind of people even winning makes no fun, in special when theese... human beeings.. are behaving like they are pro players and spam "gg ez commend me noobs" (in special if that guy is in my team i really feel ashamed that i had to play with such kind of players)

    since we got already some "crazy" gamemodes, why we dont have a non-carry mode?

    basically it would be easy to make for valve (simply AP with less heroes) this coudl be done in like 2 hours including coffe breaks and providing much fun.

    what are ur thoughts on this?

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        In bulk, you want to go back to 6.81 ?


          why go back to 6.81? where is your point? in 6.81 were also these voids, PAs, snipers etc...


            You had razor doom lycan krob dk
            + mass support of teamfight
            + mass support of push

            The only carry played was void, and not as a carry, but as a support of teamfight

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              well u know i am talking about an additional gamemode not changing AP to that. something u can play when u are pissed of that void/pa etc... pickers. somethign u can rule as puck or CM ^^


                don't play AP ?


                  I main supports, but I still get irritated if I somehow end up in a team with no heroes with carry potential.

                  Besides, what are you suggesting anyway? A mode with no heroes which Valve classified as carry? Even though Void is such a good initiator? Even though WK can be a good support?

                  What is a carry anyway? I think you should ask yourself that question first.


                    i think op doesnt understand english


                      holy moly sometimes it seems u never played a normal AP game

                      "what is a carry"

                      the guy who fails in lane

                      farms for 40 mins

                      owns everyhting after minute 45

                      and then jerks off to a pitcture of himself

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                        I've played normal AP for most of 6.81 though and never seen a game like that.

                        Oh Jeebus...what happened here is pretty obvious, but I never liked being the asshole so I'll let someone else say it or leave this topic be. Good night.