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General Discussionpublic vs ranked | what i am doing wrong?

public vs ranked | what i am doing wrong? in General Discussion


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      why do you have 3 hearts on naga siren

      play more games of ranked because 18 games is hardly a reliable sample size to gauge ranked winrate from.

      your winrate could stem from your negative assumptions of ranked. e.g. you assume people in ranked are even more negative and because of that, that makes you play worse

      in your invoker game you have one of the lowest hero damage in the game and despite going for a 4-0-4-1 build your tower damage is not very high either. considering you've grinded invoker for 500 games you'd think you'd have more than a 51% winrate on a hero that you've supposedly mastered


        well 3 hearts on naga for pushign reasons( super tanky illusions, void needed 3 hits to kill my illusions). we had also almsot won it in the "baserace", but i made a very big mistake in the last minute of the match (not tping back in abse to ult). this loose was 100% my fault.

        "in your invoker game you have one of the lowest hero damage in the game and despite going for a 4-0-4-1 build your tower damage is not very high either."

        sorry i usually dont wanna seems arrogant but now i have to defend myself.

        as u said i have over 500 games, but this one was one of the hardest i ever had.

        1. i never intended to say that i "master" invoker, i would NEVER NEVER dare that. Grimorum, Cook they are mastering invoker. i just wanted to say i am better then most invokers. But i am VERY far from mastering.

        2. What stats do u expect in a game of a match where 5 of 5 enemies are (some more some less, but overall) counters. As i pointed out: 4 heroes with silence, 1 with native magic imminity. Can u even image how hard it was not to constandly die? i wanted to repick invoker, but then i had to notice u cant repick anymore in ranked.
        You had to dogde all silences, also taking care that u doesnt get focus out by lifestealer. Also there are some things like blood ult or puck ult. AFTER you took care not to die, u could focus on dealing damage on enemy heroes. But once the enemy had thrown all its silences out, the teamfight was basically over.

        Even with all that i was able to deal more damage then drow or our "carry" (we told him to pick hard carry but he said that he can carry as with jugger).

        and as u can see in team tower dmg (1,3k overall) nobody was pushing towers.

        overall i am very proud not having more then 6 deaths here. just image a normal invoker (2,6k MMR xD) invoker woudl have performed in this match.

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          stacking only HP is not the way to go for survivability. I have no idea how fast the void or the sfs got MKBs but if you could have gotten butterfly sooner than they got MKBs then you should have done so. skadi provides HP as well as armour, increasing the effectiveness of the HP given from heart, whereas stacking hearts has no effect on each other.

          even if you were planning on going diffusal blade you can still use both UAMs, cold attack on the hero and feedback on the illusions. if you weren't, it doesn't matter. skadi still gives agility towards your illusions as well as int + mana to reduce base trips.

          you can repick in ranked, the only time you cannot repick is if you random, where it will random a different hero for you instead of letting you choose

          just because your team was not pushing, why does that matter. a QE invoker can do plenty of tower damage alone. a QE invoker has double forge spirits super early and will likely get a necro 3 as well. the drow didn't do much hero damage but her tower damage is insane. you have neither HD nor TD.

          "a normal invoker" a normal invoker would have lost. and that's what happened. a good invoker would have won. being better than other 2.6k invokers is hardly an achievement.

          not dying more than 6 times doesn't mean anything if you don't have impact. if you farmed better and gotten a midas (assuming you didnt considering your GPM), then you'd have buyback for fights as well as having travels in order to teleport back into the fight. it's worth taking spells for the good of the team if you have what is essentially 2 lives.


            I think you should really make a new account if care so much about your stats so much.


              Well with 2.6k MMR you are basically not good at anything in dota. Just learn to lasthit, stop feeding, watch minimap. This way you should get to 3k in no time. I know some 2.6 k players and they basically just run arround like headless chickens the entire game.

              On your Invoker:

              Stop playing Invoker. You have to learn the "macro" skills of Dota. Don't keep your mind busy with invoking skills. You need to learn the basic stuff first.


              See it positive, you have a lot of space to improve.


                i was cleary not able to repick (the button was missing) noticed this after the 6.82 update even i didnt read this in the patch notes.

                of course now you can say "this" and "that" u could have done in that situation better, and of course if i done everythign right, it could be a win but if i do everything right i am god, and i am cleary not god (or atleast the pope xD)
                and by what right u jugde a good invoker/ bad invoker?
                do u even know when a invoker can actually have a game impanct and when not?
                i dont see many games as invoekr on u, and the games u played, i should better not mention.

                i guess we have a different view on a good or a bad invoker.

                for me is a good invoker is one with good positioning and timing and who is using scepter+refresher combos.
                but this kind of invoker can have way less game impact then a Q/E invoker with necrobook who is constandly pushing lanes, but who dont uses combos at all or maybe two spells in a row.

                take exmaple axial (u know from the other topic) i think he is unquestionable a very very very good invoker. but he has less game impact as u maybe wish from a invoker.

                @ 9 vs 1

                did you even check my profile?

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                  Yes I did. And no, your invoker does not impress me. Focus on "easy" to play heros to learn the important stuff. You are really horrible at playing dota.

                  I played once with a 2.6k player, cause he is a buddy of some mates. I got braincancer by watching him. You have to make a shitton of mistakes to get stucked at 2.6k.


                    so u want to say my 18 ranked games tell more about me then the 1,2 k non ranked matches?

                    and what makes u good?picking hard carries and farm for 40 mins?

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                      Firstly when I started playing ranked games I was afraid of losing and didn't really wanted to play. This put me in a big disadvantage because I kept thinking about it and kept feeding and blaming team mates for it. Now I don't give a fuck about the games anymore, if there is anymore in my team that keeps flaming me or other I instantly mute them, trust me the game becomes so much better and you can concentrate more.

                      If you really want to improve your MMR I would strongly suggest you watch some tips on YouTube such as map awareness etc.
                      MOST of the time I play with the heroes I think I am pretty good at (Meepo, Ursa, Tinker (6.82 -.-)) which means a higher chance of winning the game.

                      Any questions you can add me on steam I will answer them all.


                      Currently sitting at 3.7K MMR SOLO and 4K MMR PARTY and was 3K (both) a month ago.

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                        thank you, i will keep playing ranked and see where it leads^^


                          Final advice - learn Meepo :D Easily can boost your MMR to 4K if played correctly.


                            you can know how to play a hero well without having the ability to execute properly. when i see good invoker players for the most part i can still understand their decision making process even though i wouldn't be able to do the same in a live game
                            if you keep making excuses you are not going to get better.

                            to put it bluntly, 9v1 is right. when you're at 2.6k you're not good at any of the basics of dota which applies to all heroes - last hitting / farming, positioning, et cetera. when you get higher you're probably good at some of these things but not all of them.

                            a good invoker is one that wins games. if you're losing games more often than you win them i dont care how good you are at spamming combos with a refresher orb. refresher orb is not an item you can get, or even, should get every game anyway. i'd rather have an invoker who has a high winrate due to getting necro 3 very often than an invoker who can only win if he has a refresher that he cannot get every game.


                              Yes, because unranked is simply complete bullshit.

                              And yes, I like the pos 1 role most atm. This may change. A year ago i spammed pos 3 and 2. I played like 200 games mid Tiny.I like spamming heros, thats why I get better at playing dota. Not focusing on the mechanics of a certain hero, cause I played him 200 times in a row, gives my mind more space to focus on the important aspects of the game. Decionmaking, mapawerness.

                              I am also an ok (4.2 k) pos 5 support or offlaner. I can't play microintensive heros and my midlaner-pool is extremly limited. I am not as good mid as on pos 1, 3 and 5. Practice makes perfect and I never play mid. Mid is always taken, so no need to argue with mates.

                              I would consider myself an okish player with 4.2k. I make alot of mistakes in most games I play. You come here with your 2.6k and say you are a good invoker player... Spot the difference.

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                                1229 games to 18.

                                Well obviously it's going to be skewed.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  your calibration is based off your unranked matches prior to the completion of the 10 calibration matches


                                    You take your first skill point at base instead of waiting to see your matchup in lane. This is bad because a) It prevents you from choosing what's better for your laning stage and b) because you spent your point on Q, which all it gives is regen that you don't know if you're gonna need ANd you have to lane with 38 base dmg, so if you're not laning against a monkey, you will get denied every single creep of the first waves.
                                    Your starting items are shit as well. Why would you need boots? Why would you need a clarity if you have nothing to spend mana? A full null + tango / null + gg branches + pulled tangos / tango + mantle + circlets + ggbranches are all better choices. Even tango + blade of attack for fast phase boots + ggbranch is a more viable choice.
                                    You decided to deny the first creep when there was no one in lane instead of getting the last hit (??????). You stay still waiting for the third pair of creeps to hit each other to death, Puck comes and denies you ANd he gets a last hit. You could have avoided this by getting exort and/or controlling the creepwave better. Now you're sitting at 0 and 1 while puck who came late to lane is 1/1 ROFL.
                                    You put your second skill point on invoke (?!?!?!?!). Why would you need cold-snap (which is the only thing you can invoke) 2 mins into the game? Lvl 1 Quas cold snap is shit and there was no need for it, specially when puck is not being aggressive at all. A point on exort would have solved your last hitting problems.
                                    2:17 YOUR FIRST LAST HIT, LET'S CELEBRATE!!!!
                                    You have two rune wards but you don't care enough to check runes, despite knowing that you have 1 last hit and that a bounty rune would be awesome for your (lack of) farm.
                                    Wtf dude, you click on your tangos instead of using the hotkeys. wtf.
                                    You're already getting regen from your tangos, you should have exort orbs to last hit better under tower.
                                    It's 5 mins in and you have like 3 last hits and puck is shitting on you because he has a null which gives him crazy damage early game + some nice stats, while your boots are useless so far.
                                    YOU CLICK ON YOUR SKILLS (SUNSTRIKE), WTF.
                                    I have to go now, but I'll update more later.
                                    In short: You're awful at dota even for the 2.6k bracket. Seriously, you're losing so much in ranked because you got over calibrated, you should be sub 2k tbh. You have 51% wr in the potato bracket with a pubstomper like invoker after 500 matches, that should tell you how bad are you.

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                                    kanye went to uni

                                      ^this sort of stuff is easy to point out (not saying it's not legit though) and many of those mistakes happen to everyone, don't get too upset by it op, just try to remember it next game.


                                        Typical retard who can't accept how truly terrible he is at the game, and tries to defend his terribleness when everyone who is better than him tells him how terrible he is.

                                        What you are doing wrong is assuming you are good at this game.

                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          3 hearts naga LMAO