General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Lone Druid

Tips for Lone Druid in General Discussion

    I would appreciate any tips or help with playing and how to play Lone Druid.
    I am getting better at lone, so far i have only jungled him as I had people call solo lane.

    Do you always get radiance?
    Is double midas ever worth it?
    What items do you get on Lone and when? How do you keep him alive?
    What are the best items for the bear?

    Thanks allot!


      his bear has 200 aggro range from what ive heard
      if u level up level 4 bear while your level 3 bear roots u can remove the cooldown of entangle

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        General rules:
        - Bear: DPS (damage, attack speed...)
        - Druid: EHP (HP, armor, evasion...)

        Other then the Radiance, good items for bear are AC, Maelstrom/Mjolnir, Basher (now Abyssal, since bear has mana), Orb of Venom...

        Double midas.... I say you can get them. But do it really fast, like 10-14 mins for both sets of them.

        one and half gun

          why the fuck would u buy radiance on bear

          < blank >

            phase +maelstorm on bear / be active on map /dont afk farm in woods/ create space .


              Thanks rale-_- for the tips.

              Wave, what's wrong with radiance? Maybe it is situational?
              I think it is pretty fun/epic if you get it early against squishy heroes.

              one and half gun

                ppl bought radiance on bear 1 year ago because it enhanced their farm, now you want to team fight as soon as possible after 13-14 minutes in the game

                if you can get boots, phase, oov, radiance in 13-14 minutes then its viable

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  @wave, Radiance is good for both farm and fight. The Bear is tanky, and can be resummoned, meaning they can't get rid of the burn aura. And over time it will deal a lot of dmg. Also with Radiance, bear can push lanes w/o Druid. If you don't have it, you can't clear creeps unless Druid is near bear.


                    static charge works too now though