General Discussion

General DiscussionBad Behaviour Since 6.82

Bad Behaviour Since 6.82 in General Discussion

    I have recently played in some matches where invisible players are trying to abuse the the new comeback system to the detriment of the team.

    Example 1:
    Rikki literally runs around for about 25minutes while staying in XP range but not actually fighting, until he kills an enemy hero that gets an ultra-kill at low health for the crazy gold. Absolutely no teamwork.

    Has anyone else seen this?

    Paid actor

      seems like a bad idea imo even tho he killed that hero his team was 4v5 for 25mins which i would gladly trade even if it was 3k gold on that riki

      Dire Wolf

        So they are noobs overracting to forum posts about comebacks? Cus being 10k gold behind won't cause you to leapfrog from one kill.

        Señor Mango

          i dont get it either
          since this patch a lot of rikis' ive seen r a bunch of babies and idk y
          when the last patch riki players were awesome


            @Timberwolf Definitely overreacting.

            On the flip side you have people who try to draw the game out without realising a comeback may be possible for the opposing team.

            Dire Wolf

              That has always been the case though, you wipe an enemy team and your carries decide to farm jungle instead of take towers. That has always happened and already led to comebacks.