General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Assassin and stacking ancients

Phantom Assassin and stacking ancients in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Whenever I build dominator on a carry I try to stack ancients with it, but on PA I'm not sure if it's the best use. The reason is she is a pretty bad farmer without being able to use phantom strike, which she can't use on the magic immune ancients. Late game she clears them fast enough but at like level 10 with just treads and dominator and maybe drums she doesn't seem very efficient. It was taking me a whole minute to clear a triple stack, I remember cus I ran out to restack while in the middle of killing them.

    I think maybe stacking hard camps would be better, unless there is another team member who has multi targeting abilities like a sven or luna. Or I could use the creep to push lanes.

    what do you think?

    Edit: I haven't built battlefury on her. I though rushing dominator/vlads then bkb was better for early fighting. Obviously with bfury stacking ancients is amazing.

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You should do that on PA only if you have battlefury as well or it will just be too slow.

      Dire Wolf

        So stack the hard camps with the creep instead? Battlefury might not be a bad way to go now cus all the games seem to take forever, but I'm on a 6-1 spree with PA skipping it and fighting sooner. BKB is such a must on her vs any disable.

        Овај коментар је измењен
        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Ancients give more gold then regular neutrals. So it's better to stack them. Ofc, assuming you can clear the camp. BF is pretty legit and good item for PA.

          Another use of HotD is to keep dominated creep behind you, so you can blink strike to them. Useful when you are past river on in any dangerous spot.


            take a troll and farm lane with it, while you woods ?


              Treads > HotD > BKB is fine to get online. You can stack until you farm up a Battle Fury for clearing the ancients and AOE crits in team fights.

              Dire Wolf

                You'd go battlefury still after bkb? At like 25 mins in? Hmmm, I guess if you look at battlefury as a team fight weapon like on a kunkka or ember spirit maybe, but I always thought on PA it was more for farming.


                  Early lifesteal is so shit. Even if you crit you'll heal up for like 40 hp. If you want early fighting go for treads -> drums -> mael OR treads -> basher, treads -> deso if they don't have much lockdown/nukes. If you wanna farm then just get a bfury.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Dominator gives you a ton of sustain though so you don't have to ever go to base to get some hp back. The dmg and armor is pretty good. I love drums too, sometimes build both, but 20 dmg and 5 armor is almost as good as drum stats minus the active.

                    kanye went to uni

                      idk if you should build helm of the dom if you dont intend on stacking, if you're not building a battlefury then you should probably be fighting more and idk if dom's the best item for that


                        bf even after bkb is good! heck even after aquilla drums bkb imo... its alll about productivity :p (you can get the initial 3 in 20 min +- anyway)

                        kanye went to uni

                          like you're spending 1.8k gold to get 20 dmg and armour which you don't really need because of your evasion. you can just get the morbid mask if you're really really intent on lifesteal and jungling without battlefury and build it into something later

                          edit: benao inserted a comment between my comments :/

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                            Just no. If you're forced to jungle super early, morbid is enough. At lvl 10 you can jungle like forever without taking much damage due to blur (unless you're retarded and maxed out blink before blur).
                            If you intend to farm, a persev will give you enough regen (both mana and hp) to never go back to base and it will turn in an item that will let you farm faster. If you need to fight, drums + pt (+ pt switch) will give you much needed stats to solve your hp and mana issues, hence you will boost your fighting aspect (more durability, chasing, escaping, etc).
                            Hotd won't help you farm faster and it doesn't upgrade to a farming item, and its benefits in fighting are negligible compared to drums'.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Thanks for tips. Still rollin' alright on her, though had a shitty loss where team picked all carrys, everyone fed, two abandoned and fed couriers.


                                i max blink instead of blur... its all about fighting, unless you're gay and barely fight and just run and farm.....